100 days of Obama: Turning peril into possibility


New member
I agree, I can't count how many times he'd throw it in our face about being a prisoner of war, and loving his country, and... oh wait... I'm thinking of that other guy. :rolleyes: .

What other guy? Bush? Hmmm.... I thought this case was closed?

Dan Rather?




New member
Wow, and I thought Obama was supposed to be handing out all this free welfare and being all Socialist like... Shouldn't she be driving around in a new Cadillac by now?
It's a good article to pull out, it proves the GOP wrong.



The only people driving Cadillacs will be the friends and family of the people in power.

The population becomes equally poor, not rich under socialism/communism.



New member
Equally poor? Nobody has been given anything yet, nobody has been taxed more yet except smokers. .

Key word, "yet".

The Bush tax cuts expire next year and now the Obama tax cut/welfare for 95% of all Americans will too.

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, D-N.D., promises to reduce the deficit from a projected $1.7 trillion this year to a still-high $508 billion in 2014. But to do so, he assumes Congress will let Obama's "Making Work Pay" tax credit delivering $400 tax cuts to most workers and $800 to couples will expire at the end of next year. Those tax cuts were included in Obama's stimulus package.
That'll be about a $2,000 hit for a family of 5.



New member
You go ahead and keep complaining about things that have never happened, never will happen, or that you think are gonna happen, and I'll keep complaining about huge mistakes already made but were warned about.
GOP Know-Nothings Fought Pandemic Preparedness



That's funny, because the lack of vaccines earlier this decade was because the Clinton administration forced the drug companies that made the vaccines out of business by making them sell too much to the government at lower costs.

Where do you suppose Obama is getting all this Tamaflu and Ralenza that they are getting ready to make available? It was stockpiled by the Bush administration's from fears of a flu pandemic.



New member
You go ahead and keep complaining about things that have never happened, never will happen, or that you think are gonna happen, and I'll keep complaining about huge mistakes already made but were warned about.
GOP Know-Nothings Fought Pandemic Preparedness



WASHINGTON (AP) -- Congressional Democrats sealed an agreement Monday night on a budget plan that would help President Barack Obama overhaul the health care system but allows his signature tax cut for most workers to expire after next year.
Associated Press - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Never happened, never will, huh? Man I'm really starting to look like a prophet with all these predictions I'm correct on and all the left wing media **** you post that I'm able to disprove.

I hope you like that tax hike I kept telling you was coming.

Go Obama/Messiah

I just really wonder when all those who bought into the "nobody earning less than $250 grand a year will see a tax increase" crowd, (I'm pretty sure that's a big push you kept bleating) will ever start to feel the buyers remorse the rest of us non-Kool-Aid drinkers, who knew you couldn't expand government and government programs like your savior said and only taxed the rich kept telling you lemmings.



New member
The American Idol, YouTube, Entertainment Tonight voters of this country wanted a president that would look really cool on the cover of magazines, so they voted for the guy. They knew nothing about how he would represent our country to foreign leaders, no concept of his desires to radically grow our government, nothing. As I said before, your children will pay the price for this obsession with having a rock star for a president.


New member
It's still going on.

In polls people keep giving him high ratings, but if you ask them about his individual policies, or what he's done, the approval is much lower, which can only be explained two ways.

Either people still aren't willing to admit that they bought into a farce, or they still are ga-ga over the hype and celebrity-in-chief.



New member
It's still going on.
In polls people keep giving him high ratings, but if you ask them about his individual policies, or what he's done, the approval is much lower, which can only be explained two ways.

Either people still aren't willing to admit that they bought into a farce, or they still are ga-ga over the hype and celebrity-in-chief.
Now the Democrat National Committee will tell you that Obama has "laid a foundation for change." Big deal. Fidel Castro "laid a foundation for change" in Cuba in the late '50s.

When in the world are people going to understand that its not the change that is important .. its what you're changing into.

From my window, Obama's change has been all about changing a society based on individualism, liberty and self-sufficiency into one based on collectivism, soft tyranny and government dependence.

That said, back to the Democrat National Committee. They have a good bit of cash lying around ... so they decided to spend some on brushing up Obama's image.

The committee has produced a television ad to promote Obama's accomplishments during his first 100 days!

Wow! This ought to be pretty sensational! We're getting this straight from the source! So here is what the Democrat National Committee says that Obama has accomplished:

-He signed the economic recovery act (the stimulus bill)

-He signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act

-He signed a bill for the State Children's Health Insurance Program

-He has outlined plans to "invest" in areas like healthcare, energy and education

Is there anything that stands out to you about this list?



New member
Is there anything that stands out to you about this list?

Besides you whining about sh t that's been going on my whole life which apparently is fine with you as long as the idiots doing it call themselves Republicans? No..



New member
Besides you whining about sh t that's been going on my whole life which apparently is fine with you as long as the idiots doing it call themselves Republicans? No..
That doesn't make a **** bit of sense, wez. Don't play that **** where you make me drag your words out. Declare, or shut the fukk up.

You burn through the English language like Sherman to the sea.



New member
You go ahead and keep complaining about things that have never happened, never will happen, or that you think are gonna happen, and I'll keep complaining about huge mistakes already made but were warned about.
GOP Know-Nothings Fought Pandemic Preparedness



Seriously, is there a single liberal site out there that you go to, that has any credibility.

Collins only opposed it in the stimulus bill because she didn't believe it was the place for it and has a history of pushing for disease control.

It appears The Nation conveniently forgot about this...

"All those little porky things that the House put in, the money for the [National] Mall or the sexually transmitted diseases or the flu pandemic, they're all out," Schumer said.
Chuck Schumer, one of the leaders of the Democrat Party, said the same thing.

Susan Collins is nearly a nobody, and the only reason anyone knows who she is outside of Maine is because she voted for the non-stimulus bill.

As for The Nation, we all know that libs never let things like facts get in the way of propaganda.



New member
If you have dreams or expectations that your children might have the same opportunities to work hard, achieve and excel in this country; if you think that your children will be able to use their talents to create wealth and use that wealth to create a lifestyle free of financial stress .. these first 100 days have been a disaster.

If you believe that America's greatness comes from the incredible dynamic of free people working cooperatively with one another in an society based on the rule of law with individual and economic freedom, then this first 100 days has been a train wreck.



New member
Well.. perhaps the American people would be well served to know what the f ck they want and what the f ck they're doing and had/have the common f cking sense to see how decisions made 30/40/50 years ago would/will affect life 30/40/50 years down the road and beyond instead of blindly following one of two political parties that vary in name only because they're too stupid to know any better and only give a f ck about themselves.

Some idiots out there still think Ronnie Reagan was actually for small government and less government interference in our lives. Good one..

What.. aint liking the end results of Reagonomics we be experiencing right now?

That's right.. he had no effect on anything after he left office. It's Obama's first 100 days that made the economy go belly up, not a Reagan and 2 Bushes with a side order of Clinton ..

What you did yesterday affects today.. wakey uppy..

last 28 years.. 8 Republican.. 4 Republican.. 8 Democrat.. 8 Republican..

so.. simple math says 20 years Republican.. 8 years Democrat..


F ck.. if only McCain woulda won, eh..



New member
We have found the enemy--and it is us. The two main parties simply go for 50% of the vote. They have found the easiest way to do that is to promise tax cuts and more government programs. Sucks to be our grandchildren.


New member
The things you don?t read about Barack Obama

Sat. May 2 - 5:46 AM

Will Rogers famously pleaded that all he knew was what he read in the papers. If all a person knew of Barack Obama?s first 100 days as president was what they read of them in this newspaper, it would seem to be a very charmed young presidency.

The Chronicle Herald recently made space for an urgent Associated Press dispatch from Washington informing readers the Obamas had chosen a Portuguese water dog. Not original reporting, of course, but an AP rephrasing of a White House-arranged scoop in the Washington Post online.

That was followed by a crack Canadian Press report, drawn from such gumshoe news-gathering as reading the Huffington Post, on the "hillbilly" Republican governor of Alaska: her "family and political theatrics that would do Jerry Springer proud," like "the arrest and indictment of her sister-in-law on break-and-enter charges" and "the sordid revelations of her daughter?s ex-boyfriend."

The Portuguese water dog and Alaskan "hillbillies" news beats apparently leave little time for anything remotely skeptical of the president of the United States. And they wonder why folks aren?t buying the papers like they used to.

So here is a small selection of news on the most powerful man on Earth which has been deemed unfit to print:

?Obama?s first two major bills alone, the "stimulus" and "omnibus," cost nearly twice as much as was spent on Iraq over six years ? $1.2 trillion vs. $650 billion.

?Obama abandoned his campaign promise of "a net spending cut," his first annual deficit ? not counting bailouts ? being three times the worst deficit under President George W. Bush.

?Obama?s objective in his first G20 summit ? commitments to spend our way to prosperity with massive stimulus boondoggles across the G20 ? was rejected out of hand.

?Obama?s objective in his first NATO summit ? commitments to combat troops for Afghanistan from "our European allies," which Obama and his party imagined were ready and willing to fight if only someone "enlightened" like him were running things ? was predictably refused, with some more European non-combat contingents offered as a token.

?Obama?s Defence Department announced cuts of $1.4 billion to missile defence, the day after North Korea test-fired its long-range, multi-stage ballistic missile.

?Obama?s economics were criticized by Warren Buffet, whose endorsement had been candidate Obama?s highest economic credential.

?Obama reversed the free trade Bush policy that had allowed about 100 Mexican tractor-trailers into the United States, which the Mexican government immediately used as an excuse to levy tariffs on 90 American goods amounting to $2.4 billion in U.S. exports.

?Obama?s "tax cuts for 95 per cent" turned out to mean $13 a week from June to December, to be clawed back to $8 a week in January ? as compared with President Bush?s 2008 tax rebates of $600 to $1,200 plus $300 per child, which were notably scoffed at during the election campaign by Michelle Obama.

?Obama?s campaign promise of a $3,000-per-employee tax credit for businesses that hired new workers ? repeated ad nauseam for weeks before the election ? was discreetly retired even before inauguration day.

?Obama abandoned his campaign promise that "lobbyists won?t work in my White House," waiving his no-lobbyist executive order or conveniently re-

defining his appointees? past lobbying work to allow 30 lobbyists into his administration.

?Obama abandoned his campaign promise to reform earmarks, signing the omnibus bill which contained 8,816 of them.

?Obama took more money from AIG than any other politician in 2008 ? over $100,000 ? and signed into law the provision guaranteeing the AIG bonuses which later had him in front of the cameras "shaking with outrage" and siccing the pitchfork crowd on law-abiding citizens who had fulfilled their end of a contract and had their payment upheld by Obama?s own legislation.

Why should these points, and many more like them, have to be made by some obscure contributor to The Chronicle Herald?s opinion pages?

Fox News Channel is the **** of jokes and the target of attacks like no other media outlet in the English-speaking world, not least by people who fancy themselves the guardians of a free press. But Fox News is today the lone television news service in the English-speaking world capable of serious skepticism and scrutiny of the sitting president and the Congress of the United States.

Fox News is also the second most-watched channel in all American cable television. It long ago became by far the most-watched cable news channel; more Americans watched Fox News than CNN and MSNBC combined in every time slot from 6 a.m. to midnight in April. Now, while The New York Times is $1.3 billion in debt, Fox has expanded its operations with a business channel and a juggernaut Internet presence.

There?s a lesson there, though Fox News will be just as well pleased if the impeccably "mainstream" news business remains clueless about it.

The people need a Fourth Estate, not yet another adulator of Barack Obama, yet another smearer of Sarah Palin, yet another patrician editor to keep out anything disagreeable to progressive sensibilities, yet another laptop-and-latte journalism-schooler to spit on everything pre-dating 1968. And they wonder why the news business has come on hard times.

The things you don?t read about Barack Obama - Nova Scotia News - TheChronicleHerald.ca

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