2 Obama officials: No guarantee taxes won't go up



WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama's treasury secretary on Sunday said he cannot rule out higher taxes to help tame an exploding budget deficit and his chief economic adviser would not dismiss raising them on middle-class Americans as part of a health care overhaul....




Old Salt

New member
Geithner said the White House was not ready to rule out a tax hike to lower the federal deficit...

...his chief economic adviser would not dismiss raising them on middle-class Americans as part of a health care overhaul.
Political speak for: "Of course taxes are going up - how else did you think we were going to pay for all this ****."



New member
Wow... that's a shocker!

Ok... I'm calm... just those evil, greedy rich people, right?

(Please note: sarcasm is hard to convey over the interweb.)



New member
Wow... that's a shocker!
Ok... I'm calm... just those evil, greedy rich people, right?

(Please note: sarcasm is hard to convey over the interweb.)
I understood the sarcasm loud and clear. ;)



New member
But, but, Senator Hopey Changey said...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8erePM8V5U]YouTube - President Obama's Pledge Never to Raise Taxes on Anyone Making Less Than $250,000 a Year[/ame]

Is this something like...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CP9_kkzfN-w]YouTube - George H. W. Bush[/ame]

No, it's exactly the same.



Active Members
He has? Be specific, which promises did he break?.

You know Bender, I am a tad dissapointed you had to ask, why not just pay attention to what is happening as it happens instead of walking through life with your liberal/socialist blinders on.

Read what eddo offered and let's see if you can come back and admit that your messiah is not the guy he pretends to be.

We will have tax increases, one way or another no matter what happens. If they try to hide their tax increases on the "rich" those taxes will imply filter down to everyone in the form of higher prices for every day products.

The consumer pays all taxes.



New member
First of all, you had to have eddo save you from having to answer the question. I know exactly what promises he has broken. I happen to have the URL eddo listed bookmarked for quite some time, you'll even notice I reference it in another post on here rebutting you on this exact same thing. Either way, the promises are MOST CERTAINLY not the ones your making them out to be. End income tax for seniors? $3000 tax credit for companies that create jobs? Recognize the Armenian genocide? Come on, pick a better broken promise to ***** about.

As far as raising taxes goes, his promise was no new taxes on anyone making under $250,000. He has said again, contrary to what the Republican Guetner says, that he is committed to keeping that promise. Personally, I say HURRY UP AND RAISE THEM. Because to me... his campaign promise was that he was gonna help the economy by sticking it to the mother fukkers that have been sticking it to the middle class by raising their taxes. I'm ****** off that it's taking so **** long.

Higher prices to the consumer? Really? So let me get this straight... if we raise the minimum wage, it means higher prices, if we tax the rich more, it means higher prices. So which is it? Both? I call bullshiit. Do you have ANY stats to back up that? I realize your feeble mind has programmed you to defend the rich. It's not your fault really, it's what the lobbyist have fed into your leaders minds and pockets to convince you of this. They hang out in Washington and work on ways to line their pockets off the backs of the working class and counter by trying to portray those working class as the poor welfare class that you should hate and call lazy.

And there ya go again using the Messiah line... Messiah? Yeah maybe if you right wingers weren't so **** obsessed calling the guy Messiah, you'd stop treating him like one and expecting him to pull off a fukking miracle.

Then again, our economy IS in recovery whether you wanna own up to it or not.

And SO WHAT if he does raise taxes on the middle class? Big deal. Afraid of contributing to the shiit we all live in are ya? Perhaps if you wouldn't have voted for an ******* war monger who spent money like it was going out of style, we wouldn't be in the situation we are now. Yeah, we spent it all on his watch, your just mad that we now gotta pay for it on Obama's watch.





New member
First of all, you had to have eddo save you from having to answer the question. .
I don't know if I'd give eddo the credit. Ali probably made him do it.

As far as raising taxes goes, his promise was no new taxes on anyone making under $250,000. He has said again, contrary to what the Republican Guetner says, that he is committed to keeping that promise .
Geithner is a Democrat and the head of the White House Economic Council, Larry Summers said it too. The problem was, they weren't supposed to say anything before the fate of the socialized medicine ends up, kinda like the second quarter state of the economy report that the White House is burying until after the health care vote.

And SO WHAT if he does raise taxes on the middle class? Big deal. Afraid of contributing to the shiit we all live in are ya? Perhaps if you wouldn't have voted for an ******* war monger who spent money like it was going out of style, we wouldn't be in the situation we are now. Yeah, we spent it all on his watch, your just mad that we now gotta pay for it on Obama's watch..

Yes, the Republicans in power did spend a lot of money as if they were Democrats, but the main reason for the economy was caused by the community reinvestment act causing the housing bubble, ***** Mae and Freddy Mac (Democrat feel good legislation and projects to make it a right to own a house. How ya feeling about it now?). Now they want to make a new GSE system doomed to fail in health care, and since January 20th the Democrats have appropriated more money to be spent then all the Presidents and Congress' that have come before them put together.

I blame Jimmy Carter



New member
Democrats did it, even though the house and senate were ran by the Repukes at the time? Nice try. You fail.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho3g8UjimdY]YouTube - Shocking Facts About Red States With A Bigger Shock At End About The CBO Health Report[/ame]





New member
Democrats did it, even though the house and senate were ran by the Repukes at the time? Nice try. You fail.
Yes, there is plenty of blame to go around. The origins of this crisis go back to the CRA ("Community Reinvestment Act") passed late in the Carter administration, and given teeth under the anointed Clinton. The Great and Powerful Obama was the legal representative pushing Acorn's case that granted CRA teeth to block mergers, expansions and other general business practices of any bank or agency providing consumer mortgages if they didn't also provide graft, um, loans to otherwise unqualified people.

They accomplished this by personally attacking the bank\instiution's executives and families (not unlike Hitler's Brown Shirts back in the day). In the end, companies like Bank of America (BAC) set aside billions and handed it to Acorn to allow them to underwrite the loans, which (BAC, others) would then carry.

VERY VERY bad business, but this is what you get for knuckling under to blackmail. An old saying; once you pay the Dennegeld, you never get rid of the Dane. Basically, once you pay a ransom, it never goes away, just continues to rise just like dealing with any other type of playground bully.

So; we have the Feds creating pressure from one direction and tacit allowance of blackmail and personal attacks from Acorn on the other. Then the FED gets involved and starts dropping interest rates, making mortgages less expensive (in the near term). On the other side, the banking lobby gains permission to create derivatives to spread the risk (and add leverage) to their increasing portfolio of high-risk "sub-prime" mortgages that they have to carry in order to comply with new Banking regulations coming out of the Senate Banking committee, headed by Barney.

Add to this mess, ***** and Freddie are the prime purchasers of these sub prime mortgages, which creates the market furor. Until Fannie and Freddie were ordered by Frank's committee to increase dramatically its portfolio of sub-prime mortgages (to the tune of a trillion initially, to a similar target annually ) there was a limited market for sub primes. Now the originating banks can get the initial fees, then sell the mortgages\securities packages to Fannie and Freddie.

Once a liquid market was created other investment houses (US and otherwise) got in the act as the securities could be traded much like other bonds.

This entire furor was pushed and then cheer leaded by Congress and the Fed's artificially low rates.

Now the house of cards has collapsed, and we've, against all logic, bought out the over leveraged insurance and banks.

A curious aside; before Obama took office, the Democrat Congress wouldn't allow a change to the financial reporting methods under which the banks were required to value their bonds and other assets at current liquid market prices (mark-to-market). This meant that one month you had a billion in mortgage backed assets, then the market siezes, and no one wants to buy so suddenly they are worth zilch, zero, nado, zip, et al. Balance sheets are bad and the market crashes (just before an election).

This is silly; just because you can't sell your house in a day, doesn't mean that it has no value.

Once Obama took office, this rule was changed... magically balance sheets are "healthier". Ask this very quietly, could this crisis have been manipulated for political gain?

NOW... Republicans on the House Oversight panel are finally getting down to business on what caused the initial housing crisis that led to the collapse of the economy. A new 26-page report highlight's the government's role in trying to increase sub-prime home ownership. Michelle Malkin has some details:

Political pressure led to the erosion of responsible lending practices: In the early 1990s, Fannie and Freddie began to come under considerable political pressure to lower their underwriting standards, particularly on the size of down payments and the credit quality of borrowers. (p.6)

Lower down payments led to housing prices that outpaced income growth: Once government-sponsored efforts to decrease down payments spread to the wider market, home prices became increasingly untethered from any kind of demand limited by borrowers' ability to pay. Instead, borrowers could just make smaller down payments and take on higher debt, allowing home prices to continue their unrestrained rise. Some statistics help illustrate how this occurred. Between 2001 and 2006, median home prices increased by an inflation-adjusted 50 percent, yet at the same time Americans' income failed to keep up. (p. 11)

Members of an "affordable housing" coalition shared profits with political allies to help legitimize their business practices: Fannie Mae created and used The Fannie Mae Foundation to spread millions of dollars around to politically-connected organizations like the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. It also hired well-known academics to give an aura of academic rigor to policy positions favorable to Fannie Mae. One paper coauthored by now-Director of the Office of Management and Budget Peter Orszag, concluded that the chance was minimal that the GSEs were not holding sufficient capital to cover their losses in the event of a severe economic shock. The authors suggested that "the risk to the government from a potential default on GSE debt is effectively zero," and that "the expected cost to the government of providing an explicit government guarantee on $1 trillion in GSE debt is just $2 million." (p.7)

The Government Sponsored Enterprises led the way into the housing crisis: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were leaders in risky mortgage lending. According to an analysis presented to the Committee, between 2002 and 2007, Fannie and Freddie purchased $1.9 trillion of mortgages made to borrowers with credit scores below 660, one of the definitions of "subprime" used by federal banking regulators. This represents over 54% of all such mortgages purchased during those years. (p.24)



Active Members
First of all, you had to have eddo save you from having to answer the question. I know exactly what promises he has broken. I happen to have the URL eddo listed bookmarked for quite some time, you'll even notice I reference it in another post on here rebutting you on this exact same thing.
So your just pretending to be uninformed every time you ask a question.....why?

More liberal/socialist games? Why not just discuss things in an honest way?

Either way, the promises are MOST CERTAINLY not the ones your making them out to be. End income tax for seniors? $3000 tax credit for companies that create jobs? Recognize the Armenian genocide? Come on, pick a better broken promise to ***** about.
A broken promise is a broken promise Bender, integrity and all that.......are you saying a liberal/socialist does not have to keep their promises?

As far as raising taxes goes, his promise was no new taxes on anyone making under $250,000. He has said again, contrary to what the Republican Guetner says, that he is committed to keeping that promise. Personally, I say HURRY UP AND RAISE THEM. Because to me... his campaign promise was that he was gonna help the economy by sticking it to the mother fukkers that have been sticking it to the middle class by raising their taxes. I'm ****** off that it's taking so **** long.
Republican Guetner?

Um........no Bender, his is not a Republican....talk about fail, lol.

Higher prices to the consumer? Really? So let me get this straight... if we raise the minimum wage, it means higher prices, if we tax the rich more, it means higher prices. So which is it? Both? I call bullshiit. Do you have ANY stats to back up that? I realize your feeble mind has programmed you to defend the rich. It's not your fault really, it's what the lobbyist have fed into your leaders minds and pockets to convince you of this. They hang out in Washington and work on ways to line their pockets off the backs of the working class and counter by trying to portray those working class as the poor welfare class that you should hate and call lazy.
It is called the cost of doing business Bender. A company in business must take all costs (this is everything from electric bills to getting materials, to taxes) to figure out the base cost of being in business. If you raise minimum wage this raises the cost of doing business. If you raise taxes this raises the cost of doing business.

Basic math.

And there ya go again using the Messiah line... Messiah? Yeah maybe if you right wingers weren't so **** obsessed calling the guy Messiah, you'd stop treating him like one and expecting him to pull off a fukking miracle.
I expect him to do as he promised, where is the "change" in Washington if he is just going to ignore all his promises and act 100% partisan?

It is guys like you who deify this man to the point you can never find fault in anything he does.

Then again, our economy IS in recovery whether you wanna own up to it or not.
Credit for what? Keeping unemployment below 8% as he promised?

And SO WHAT if he does raise taxes on the middle class? Big deal. Afraid of contributing to the shiit we all live in are ya?
It is a big deal because he promised not to but he has such a hardon for creating socialist programs the people do not really matter, only the power matters.

Perhaps if you wouldn't have voted for an ******* war monger who spent money like it was going out of style, we wouldn't be in the situation we are now. Yeah, we spent it all on his watch, your just mad that we now gotta pay for it on Obama's watch.


In september 2003 the Bush administration tried to reform the housing finance industry, this would have formed to supervise fannie and freddie. The democrats placed their entire unified power against this plan.

Barney Frank, Chair of the House Financial Services Committee:

"These two entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are not facing any kind of financial crisis,"
"The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4A0RuXhnQA]YouTube - Democrats Fighting Regulation of Freddie & Fannie[/ame]



New member
You know what I noticed about you TJ, you have an authoritarian mindset. Incapable of actually thinking for yourself. You like to use buzzwords constantly "LIBERAL, SOCIALIST, MARXIST, MESSIAH" blah blah blah... if you were REALLY against socialism you'd start a new trend and forfeit your Socialist Security earnings and Medicaid when you retire. Taxes are a part of life. If you don't like them, move to a country that doesn't tax. You, just like many other delusional right wingers, just can't handle the fact that a majority of Americans voted for a change in the policys that govern us. You claim to be oh so against government control... An odd thing to say from someone who signed up to serve the country and take orders from the government. Yeah, government doing things is bad.... unless they tell you to go kill someone, it's patriotic.. Even if your killing someone for oil, it's patriotic.

If they wanna tax you to help others... it's unconstitutional... forget that line "PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE" in the constitution's preamble, or the line that says:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States
I need to ask... what is your definition of the "GENERAL WELFARE" of us U.S. citizens? Whatever pleases the party?





Active Members
And what I have noticed about liberals/socialists like you is your always stuck on the "all or nothing" mindset. That is why you can't bring yourself to admit Obama has ever done anything wrong even though it is shown time and again that he has, you even admit to having that link detailing all the broken promises by Obama but you at the same time will never admit him telling lies to get elected is bad.

How is that change?

Your right, the people did vote for "change" so where is this "change"? Obama is 100% partisan, has made lie after lie just to gain power, and refuses to admit when he has screwed up royally........how is he different? What new attitude or change has he brought to the table that was not already there from Presidents past?

I have no problem with the Government taxing the people, but they should be responsible with that money and not just throw it away by blindly throwing that hard earned money at problems without any idea if it will help anyone or if there are better and less costly ways to help as well if we just slow down and think instead of reacting from emotions and power grapping instincts as Obama is doing now.

The general welfare......well I have read a lot of papers on this subject from historians and political science professors but your asking me what "I" believe it means so I will give you my purely honest answer.........

It means what it says......."general" welfare. What is general? To me general is to set the stage for prosperity and freedom. General is not specific or individual in my opinion, it is more of a basic concept. An example would be roads, roads ensure general welfare by making travel of goods and people safer and faster and benefit everyone on the whole.

Giving a "free check" to someone is not general, it is specific and it also hurts those you steal from at the same time. General welfare should not hurt more people than it helps......there is a basic concept for you.

I do not believe the Government should be in the business of hurting the majority to "help" the lazy and unmotivated few.

I will go back to my point about you Bender, your earning your own way, you got educated and you work hard, why do you liberals/socialists believe other people can't do what you did and do?

I believe people can, you believe people can't.



New member
You know what I noticed about you TJ, you have an authoritarian mindset. Incapable of actually thinking for yourself. You like to use buzzwords constantly "LIBERAL, SOCIALIST, MARXIST, MESSIAH" blah blah blah... if you were REALLY against socialism you'd start a new trend and forfeit your Socialist Security earnings and Medicaid when you retire. Taxes are a part of life. If you don't like them, move to a country that doesn't tax. You, just like many other delusional right wingers, just can't handle the fact that a majority of Americans voted for a change in the policys that govern us. You claim to be oh so against government control... An odd thing to say from someone who signed up to serve the country and take orders from the government. Yeah, government doing things is bad.... unless they tell you to go kill someone, it's patriotic.. Even if your killing someone for oil, it's patriotic.
If they wanna tax you to help others... it's unconstitutional... forget that line "PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE" in the constitution's preamble, or the line that says:

I need to ask... what is your definition of the "GENERAL WELFARE" of us U.S. citizens? Whatever pleases the party?


What kills me, TJ takes the weight of what I (or anyone else) take the time to carefully think through, research, and post, and turns it into his own little rant of bullsh!t and hearsay. Such as, TJ saying that you voted Democrat or Liberal because of some feeling of guilt. WTF?

But, but, but... wait! It gets worse and his hypocrisy knows no bounds.



New member
And what I have noticed about liberals/socialists like you is your always stuck on the "all or nothing" mindset. That is why you can't bring yourself to admit Obama has ever done anything wrong even though it is shown time and again that he has, you even admit to having that link detailing all the broken promises by Obama but you at the same time will never admit him telling lies to get elected is bad.
How is that change?

Your right, the people did vote for "change" so where is this "change"? Obama is 100% partisan, has made lie after lie just to gain power, and refuses to admit when he has screwed up royally........how is he different? What new attitude or change has he brought to the table that was not already there from Presidents past?

I have no problem with the Government taxing the people, but they should be responsible with that money and not just throw it away by blindly throwing that hard earned money at problems without any idea if it will help anyone or if there are better and less costly ways to help as well if we just slow down and think instead of reacting from emotions and power grapping instincts as Obama is doing now.

The general welfare......well I have read a lot of papers on this subject from historians and political science professors but your asking me what "I" believe it means so I will give you my purely honest answer.........

It means what it says......."general" welfare. What is general? To me general is to set the stage for prosperity and freedom. General is not specific or individual in my opinion, it is more of a basic concept. An example would be roads, roads ensure general welfare by making travel of goods and people safer and faster and benefit everyone on the whole.

Giving a "free check" to someone is not general, it is specific and it also hurts those you steal from at the same time. General welfare should not hurt more people than it helps......there is a basic concept for you.

I do not believe the Government should be in the business of hurting the majority to "help" the lazy and unmotivated few.

I will go back to my point about you Bender, your earning your own way, you got educated and you work hard, why do you liberals/socialists believe other people can't do what you did and do?

I believe people can, you believe people can't.
... can't shut up.

Every fukken bully I have ever fukken known can't shut up!

They just talk and talk and talk and talk without making much sense. Just a bunch of ill-conceived rants littered with trigger words and accusatory language without references.

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