Hey, I'll at least give R.O. the credit for being a free thinker and admitting the flaws of the party he likes the most.
I like RO, and agree he is a free thinker. my point before was his claim that I did not have the same ability to read as he does, pretty arogant to assume something likk that, but he is angry so I forgive him.
TJ, your ranting on your usual mindless authoritarian rant about me not wanting to admit this or that about Obama, Jesus, do you want a comprehensive fukking rundown of things I have listed in the past. For one, he's a *****, he plays too *** **** nice with people, he tries to *** **** hard to please people, he doesn't have the ***** to be straight forward and say "hey, we NEED to tax more because of this and this and this". That's fukking reality. Taxes are a *****, but we can't solve America's problems with tax cuts, your buddy Bush 1 soon found that out with his bullshiit promises of "READ MY LIPS, NO NEW TAXES"
So you believe he should break more promises?
Do you liberals even know what integrity is?
Are we gonna get lied to by people seeking office... yep, it's pretty much something you can guarentee. So what gives with voting for the "MESSIAH"
You were the one captivated with him, not me Bender, you explain to me why he is so godlike to you you can't admit he is breaking his promises?
Ain't nothing to do with guilt, or entitlement, or promises... it was about VISION.
And where did the vision come from Bender? Your finally on the right track so let's run down it a little.
We as a Nation base our vision on his promises of what he will do. When Obama breaks most of his promises, he breaks the vision.
It is called bait and switch.
Can you HONESTLY say McCain had any vision for our futures? ****, if the old fart would of actually had one, I would have voted for him. The ONLY Republican that DID have a vision was Ron Paul who would have EASILY had my vote over anything the Democrats were offering.
McCain at least did not want socialist programs Bender. I don't want "change" for the sake of change, If we can't get improvement I will take no increased harm as an alternative.
I knew Obama was telling lies, I predicted he would do exactly as he is doing now long before he was elected. I knew all the pretty words about working with the other side and transparancy was impossible for a guy like him, but so many people swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.....
So, yep, that's why the Negro got my vote that you wanna put those authoritarian buzz words of "LIBERAL, SOCIALIST, MARXIST" on me for.
No, I call you liberal and socialist because you support their ideas. I judge you based on your words of support for transforming America into a daycare Nation and your desire to ignore the constitution.
Fukking sore loser with no vision is all you are.
Blind follower of socialist agendas is all you are, that is why you cannot say your messiah has broken his word over and over again, it would be too great a crime for you to speak poorly of the great one. If Obama has broken his word it must be for the best, so you will accept that behavior as his will that is above normal standards of human behaviors.
So, do you think the GENERAL WELFARE of citizens were on the mind of lawmakers who came up with the VERY SOCIALIST Social Security system, or the VERY SOCIALIST Medicaid system?(which BTW Republicans were against both) Or was this just a plan to "enslave us under government control"?
Spare me your authoritarian rhetoric of socialism. These systems were designed to do just like section 8 of our Constitution granted congress the authority to do. Collect taxes to provide for the general welfare of the citizens of the United States.
IWS did a pretty good job of covering the concepts so I will go back to my personal feelings on the matter.
Eliminate all welfare programs, we can't afford them and the Federal Government should not be in the business of playing Robin Hood. Each of us do not just pop into existence, we have family and friends as well as community and churches who will take care of those who truly need help.
If your so bad your own family will not support you and your friends will not support you, I guess you reap what you sew and your going to die because of it.
There is no gurantee of equal results, just equal opportunity.
The more Government tries to force equal results, the less equal they will make everyone. The Government is not capable of fixing lives.