3 Strikes Measure Called Costly

"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote
> "NapalmHeart" <olsonfam@iserv.net> wrote
> news:13f2e0aeuuuqa55@corp.supernews.com...
>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in message
>> news:46eee055$0$17130$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>> <lorad474@cs.com> wrote in message
>>> news:1190054259.875233.296200@k79g2000hse.googlegroups.com...
>>>> Three strike measures:
>>>> - Are draconian
>>> Subjective, irrelevant.
>>>> - Expensive
>>> Crime is expensive.

>> I agree, but bills still have to be paid. This is not a simple subject.

> Sure it is.
> We need to decriminalize some drug crimes, especially pot. Heavy fines and no
> prison. Then in every instance where no violence occurred release all pot
> prisoners.
> But we will still need more prisons.
> Then we need a National 10-20-Life like Florida has:
> http://www.dc.state.fl.us/oth/10-20-life/index.html
> If we can't imprison or deport all Democrats we may have to take them out in the
> streets.
> Prison rehabiltation doesn't work. We've been trying it for decades, and we've
> been keeping good data on it and we know it doesn't work. 15% self-rehabilitate,
> the rest never do. When we get a prisoner we force them to complete high school,
> no exceptions, and we keep them incarcerated until they do even if that is beyond
> their original sentence. If they graduated high school or have a GED we force them
> to pick a trade, learn a trade, pass a licensing test for that trade and we keep
> them incarcerated until they do even if that is beyond their original sentence. If
> they graduated high school or have a GED and if they have been licensed to perform
> a trade we need do nothing more with them.
> Violent crime in America is 71% urban and black. If we eliminate urban blacks we
> reduce violent crime in America by 71%. We eliminate urban black crime by
> destroying those urban neighborhoods and ghettos that breed and support it. All of
> them. No exceptions. If we have in place the same basic education and skill
> training for these people as we have in prison then we can count on 15%
> self-rehabilitating and the rest going to prison for life. Either way we have
> reduced violent crime by 71% and created a much safer place for the honest
> law-abiding taxpayers.
> Simple.

Your opinion is only demonstrating how stupid and
ignorant sadistic americunt ****-suckers were in
the past, - as well as expected to be, - in the future.
But the fact about lack of any rehabilitation behind
the prison walls is clearly exposing your hypocrisy....

I intend to last long enough to put out of business all ****-suckers
and other beneficiaries of the institutionalized slavery and genocide.


"The army that will defeat terrorism doesn't wear uniforms, or drive
Humvees, or calls in air-strikes. It doesn't have a high command, or
high security, or a high budget. The army that can defeat terrorism
does battle quietly, clearing minefields and vaccinating children. It
undermines military dictatorships and military lobbyists. It subverts
sweatshops and special interests.Where people feel powerless, it
helps them organize for change, and where people are powerful, it
reminds them of their responsibility." ~~~~ Author Unknown ~~~~
"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in message
> "NapalmHeart" <olsonfam@iserv.net> wrote in message
> news:13f2e0aeuuuqa55@corp.supernews.com...
>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in message
>> news:46eee055$0$17130$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>> <lorad474@cs.com> wrote in message
>>> news:1190054259.875233.296200@k79g2000hse.googlegroups.com...
>>>> Three strike measures:
>>>> - Are draconian
>>> Subjective, irrelevant.
>>>> - Expensive
>>> Crime is expensive.

>> I agree, but bills still have to be paid. This is not a simple
>> subject.

> Sure it is.
> We need to decriminalize some drug crimes, especially pot. Heavy
> fines and no prison. Then in every instance where no violence
> occurred release all pot prisoners.
> But we will still need more prisons.
> Then we need a National 10-20-Life like Florida has:
> http://www.dc.state.fl.us/oth/10-20-life/index.html
> If we can't imprison or deport all Democrats we may have to take them
> out in the streets.
> Prison rehabiltation doesn't work. We've been trying it for decades,
> and we've been keeping good data on it and we know it doesn't work.
> 15% self-rehabilitate, the rest never do. When we get a prisoner we
> force them to complete high school, no exceptions, and we keep them
> incarcerated until they do even if that is beyond their original
> sentence. If they graduated high school or have a GED we force them
> to pick a trade, learn a trade, pass a licensing test for that trade
> and we keep them incarcerated until they do even if that is beyond
> their original sentence. If they graduated high school or have a GED
> and if they have been licensed to perform a trade we need do nothing
> more with them.
> Violent crime in America is 71% urban and black. If we eliminate
> urban blacks we reduce violent crime in America by 71%. We eliminate
> urban black crime by destroying those urban neighborhoods and ghettos
> that breed and support it. All of them. No exceptions. If we have
> in place the same basic education and skill training for these people
> as we have in prison then we can count on 15% self-rehabilitating and
> the rest going to prison for life. Either way we have reduced violent
> crime by 71% and created a much safer place for the honest law-abiding
> taxpayers.
> Simple.

Without getting into it point by point I basically agree with you. But
even what you have proposed would cost a lot of money. At least where I
work, they aren't that many pot offenders. I would legalize, regulate,
and tax pot.

The underclass would keep happening even if you destroyed the 'hoods.
Until you make people be self-reliant (no life-time, multi-generational
welfare) there'll be many that would rather be on the dole and run some
kind of hustle than work a job or go through the hassle of having their
own business.

There are a lot of other things that come into play, but I don't have
time to get into all of it. In fact, I try not to think, read, or
research much about prisons when I'm on my own time.
On Sep 20, 7:28 am, "_ G O D _" <DEMI...@TELUS.NET> wrote:

> Your opinion is only demonstrating how stupid and
> ignorant sadistic americunt ****-suckers were in
> the past, - as well as expected to be, - in the future.
> But the fact about lack of any rehabilitation behind
> the prison walls is clearly exposing your hypocrisy....

"Rehabilitate"? Bah - if you execute violent criminals (and also any
illegal alien guilty of a felony) society is fully protected from
these assholes and a boatload of money is saved that would only have
been wasted trying to "rehabilitate" these hardened cons.
On Sep 19, 2:07 pm, "_ G O D _" <DEMI...@TELUS.NET> wrote:

> The problem is, the dollar-run TV documentaries are not
> designed to catch the criminals, or to address the crime.
> Because other then informing, they are mainly designed
> to provide a genuine entertainment to the wide audience...

There's nothing more amusing than actually seeing just how stupid
criminals really are.
On Sep 19, 2:17 pm, "_ G O D _" <DEMI...@TELUS.NET> wrote:
> "NapalmHeart" <olson...@iserv.net> wrotenews:13f2e0aeuuuqa55@corp.supernews.com...

> > I agree, but bills still have to be paid. This is not a simple subject.

> Please be more specific. What exactly "bills have to be paid?"
> Don't you mean that the public ought to cover the expenses for
> perpetuation of the predatory incarceration industry and totally
> corrupt judicial system, which supports the US gulag economy?
> But aren't you aware that all of that violates their Human Rights?

The bill that has to be paid is simple, fool, and even you guys say
it: you do the crime, you do the time. Time served, bill partially
paid, and we still let you assholes out. And, what rights do you have?
You're convicted felons who have forfeited their rights because they
denied the basic rights of others by committing crimes against them.

> Why the public has to pay for such disservice with their money?

That's correct. far better to save a dime by executing violent

Of course, if we do that, you won't have any friends left, but what
the hey ...
"_ G O D _" <DEMIGOD@TELUS.NET> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote
> news:46f28008$0$32496$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>> "NapalmHeart" <olsonfam@iserv.net> wrote
>> news:13f2e0aeuuuqa55@corp.supernews.com...
>>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in message
>>> news:46eee055$0$17130$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>>> <lorad474@cs.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:1190054259.875233.296200@k79g2000hse.googlegroups.com...
>>>>> Three strike measures:
>>>>> - Are draconian
>>>> Subjective, irrelevant.
>>>>> - Expensive
>>>> Crime is expensive.
>>> I agree, but bills still have to be paid. This is not a simple subject.

>> Sure it is.
>> We need to decriminalize some drug crimes, especially pot. Heavy fines
>> and no prison. Then in every instance where no violence occurred release
>> all pot prisoners.
>> But we will still need more prisons.
>> Then we need a National 10-20-Life like Florida has:
>> http://www.dc.state.fl.us/oth/10-20-life/index.html
>> If we can't imprison or deport all Democrats we may have to take them out
>> in the streets.
>> Prison rehabiltation doesn't work. We've been trying it for decades, and
>> we've been keeping good data on it and we know it doesn't work. 15%
>> self-rehabilitate, the rest never do. When we get a prisoner we force
>> them to complete high school, no exceptions, and we keep them
>> incarcerated until they do even if that is beyond their original
>> sentence. If they graduated high school or have a GED we force them to
>> pick a trade, learn a trade, pass a licensing test for that trade and we
>> keep them incarcerated until they do even if that is beyond their
>> original sentence. If they graduated high school or have a GED and if
>> they have been licensed to perform a trade we need do nothing more with
>> them.
>> Violent crime in America is 71% urban and black. If we eliminate urban
>> blacks we reduce violent crime in America by 71%. We eliminate urban
>> black crime by destroying those urban neighborhoods and ghettos that
>> breed and support it. All of them. No exceptions. If we have in place
>> the same basic education and skill training for these people as we have
>> in prison then we can count on 15% self-rehabilitating and the rest going
>> to prison for life. Either way we have reduced violent crime by 71% and
>> created a much safer place for the honest law-abiding taxpayers.
>> Simple.

> Your opinion is only demonstrating how stupid and
> ignorant sadistic americunt ****-suckers were in
> the past, - as well as expected to be, - in the future.
> But the fact about lack of any rehabilitation behind
> the prison walls is clearly exposing your hypocrisy....

Try not to drop the soap, Convict.

Rehabilitation doesn't work.

Only 17% of eligible inmates participate in Federal Prison Industries, only
35% participate in Education programs and only 7% take advantage of
Vocational/Occupational Training programs.

At yearend 2005 Federal prisons were operating at 34% above capacity.

Drug Offenses: 53.6%
Weapons, Explosives, Arson: 14.4%
Immigration: 10.6%
Robbery: 5.2%
Extortion, Fraud, Bribery: 4.4%
Burglary, Larceny, Property Offenses: 3.8%
Homicide, Aggravated Assault, and Kidnapping Offenses: 3.1%
Sex Offenses: 2.5%
"NapalmHeart" <olsonfam@iserv.net> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in message
> news:46f28008$0$32496$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>> "NapalmHeart" <olsonfam@iserv.net> wrote in message
>> news:13f2e0aeuuuqa55@corp.supernews.com...
>>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in message
>>> news:46eee055$0$17130$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>>> <lorad474@cs.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:1190054259.875233.296200@k79g2000hse.googlegroups.com...
>>>>> Three strike measures:
>>>>> - Are draconian
>>>> Subjective, irrelevant.
>>>>> - Expensive
>>>> Crime is expensive.
>>> I agree, but bills still have to be paid. This is not a simple subject.

>> Sure it is.
>> We need to decriminalize some drug crimes, especially pot. Heavy fines
>> and no prison. Then in every instance where no violence occurred release
>> all pot prisoners.
>> But we will still need more prisons.
>> Then we need a National 10-20-Life like Florida has:
>> http://www.dc.state.fl.us/oth/10-20-life/index.html
>> If we can't imprison or deport all Democrats we may have to take them out
>> in the streets.
>> Prison rehabiltation doesn't work. We've been trying it for decades, and
>> we've been keeping good data on it and we know it doesn't work. 15%
>> self-rehabilitate, the rest never do. When we get a prisoner we force
>> them to complete high school, no exceptions, and we keep them
>> incarcerated until they do even if that is beyond their original
>> sentence. If they graduated high school or have a GED we force them to
>> pick a trade, learn a trade, pass a licensing test for that trade and we
>> keep them incarcerated until they do even if that is beyond their
>> original sentence. If they graduated high school or have a GED and if
>> they have been licensed to perform a trade we need do nothing more with
>> them.
>> Violent crime in America is 71% urban and black. If we eliminate urban
>> blacks we reduce violent crime in America by 71%. We eliminate urban
>> black crime by destroying those urban neighborhoods and ghettos that
>> breed and support it. All of them. No exceptions. If we have in place
>> the same basic education and skill training for these people as we have
>> in prison then we can count on 15% self-rehabilitating and the rest going
>> to prison for life. Either way we have reduced violent crime by 71% and
>> created a much safer place for the honest law-abiding taxpayers.
>> Simple.

> Without getting into it point by point I basically agree with you. But
> even what you have proposed would cost a lot of money. At least where I
> work, they aren't that many pot offenders. I would legalize, regulate,
> and tax pot.

I could probably be talked into legalizing pot instead of decriminalizing
it. It might be crass but I would base my personal decision on the tax
revenue from legalized tax pot versus the revenue from fines. Whichever
proposal brings in more revenue I'm for it.

Getting the non-violent drugs users and possessors out of prison could
reduce the overall prison population by maybe 30%. Since we're at 34%
over-capacity we'll still need more prisons...

> The underclass would keep happening even if you destroyed the 'hoods.

My gut feeling agrees with you. However, my brain strongly disagrees with
you for two reasons. First, I never like dismissing an idea that hasn't
been tried. Second, we do know that the vast majority of ghetto criminals
were raised by ghetto criminals and we might find some success if we break
that cycle.
What is the purpose of prisons?

"_ G O D _" <DEMIGOD@TELUS.NET> wrote in message
> Hearing today on possible changes to parole system
> by Tricia Taskey
> New Haven, CT, USA
> The general assembly's Judiciary Committee will
> be talking about possible changes to the state's
> parole and prison system today. ...
> http://www.wtnh.com/Global/story.asp?S=7055363&nav=menu29_2
> See all stories on this topic:
> http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ncl=http://www.wtnh.com/Global/story.asp?S=7055363&nav=menu29_2
> 3 Strikes Measure Called Costly
> Hartford, United States
> The state's 17,000-bed prison system now
> has 19,000 prisoners. OFA also placed a
> price tag on the more modest proposition
> of tracking every parolee with ...
> <http://www.courant.com/news/politics/hc-ctcheshirecost0911.artsep11,0,6336601.story>
> See all stories on this topic:
> http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&n...c-ctcheshirecost0911.artsep11,0,6336601.story
> The prison system has problems; minister has not helped
> Stabroek, Georgetown, Guyana
> These are: to maintain public safety; to maintain
> the general safety of prison facilities, inmates and
> staff; to gather intelligence in the prison system of ...
> http://www.stabroeknews.com/index.pl/article_letters?id=56528606
> See all stories on this topic:
> http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&n...news.com/index.pl/article_letters?id=56528606
> Minor asks for prison in Pensacola
> Biloxi, MS, USA
> Also, the prison system tries to place inmates
> within 500 miles of home. The same factors
> will be considered for the two judges who were
> convicted of taking ...
> http://www.sunherald.com/201/story/139477.html
> See all stories on this topic:
> http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ncl=http://www.sunherald.com/201/story/139477.html
> Prison System Might Change It's Proposed Policy on Media Access
> East Providence, RI, USA
> The policy being considered would allow
> prison officials to deny interviews with
> inmates if they feel it would be insensitive
> to crime victims, ...
> http://www.eyewitnessnewstv.com/Global/story.asp?S=7055968
> See all stories on this topic:
> http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ncl=http://www.eyewitnessnewstv.com/Global/story.asp?S=7055968
> A woman attacked downtown, lit on fire
> Toronto, Ontario, Canada
> A homeless woman in her early 40s is in hospital
> with second-degree burns after being lit on fire by
> two people in the city's downtown last night....
> http://www.thestar.com/News/GTA/article/255140
> See all stories on this topic:
> http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ncl=http://www.thestar.com/News/GTA/article/255140
> Man held in fatal Hanover Park attack
> Chicago, United States
> A Cook County judge set bail at $1 million for an
> illegal alien charged in the beating and murdering
> of another homeless man last week in ...
> http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/north/chi-pachecho_bothsep11,1,651187.story
> See all stories on this topic:
> http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&n...l/north/chi-pachecho_bothsep11,1,651187.story
> Rapist held on failure to register
> Middletown, NY, USA
> Stevens last registered an address in Loch
> Sheldrake, but Town of Fallsburg police say
> he is now homeless. Town police arrested
> him yesterday on the ...
> http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070911/NEWS/70910011/-1/NEWS
> See all stories on this topic:
> http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&n...l/article?AID=/20070911/NEWS/70910011/-1/NEWS
> Man hurt in Tent City fight
> Athens, GA, USA
> A homeless man went to visit the mother of
> his child at a homeless encampment off
> Lexington Road on Sunday night and got
> into a fight with the woman's new ...
> http://www.onlineathens.com/stories/091107/cops_20070911041.shtml
> See all stories on this topic:
> http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&n...ens.com/stories/091107/cops_20070911041.shtml
> Police seek suspect in shooting on Flushing Road
> A stretch of Flushing Road closed for
> construction was roped with police tape
> this afternoon after a man was shot in
> the back. ...
> http://blog.mlive.com/flintjournal/newsnow/2007/09/police_seek_suspect_in_shootin.html
> See all stories on this topic:
> http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&n...w/2007/09/police_seek_suspect_in_shootin.html
> Montreal police officer remembers gunshooting...
> I saw him shooting at the students, then I saw him
> getting inside the school and I got out of the car.
> I screamed at him. I said 'Police, drop your weapon ...
> http://canadianpress.google.com/article/ALeqM5hWbauekCsgq5e5P9t8x5Dsp3Wq3g
> See all stories on this topic:
> http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&n...om/article/ALeqM5hWbauekCsgq5e5P9t8x5Dsp3Wq3g
> --
> _____________________________________________________
> I intend to last long enough to put out of business all ****-suckers
> and other beneficiaries of the institutionalized slavery and genocide.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "The army that will defeat terrorism doesn't wear uniforms, or drive
> Humvees, or calls in air-strikes. It doesn't have a high command, or
> high security, or a high budget. The army that can defeat terrorism
> does battle quietly, clearing minefields and vaccinating children. It
> undermines military dictatorships and military lobbyists. It subverts
> sweatshops and special interests.Where people feel powerless, it
> helps them organize for change, and where people are powerful, it
> reminds them of their responsibility." ~~~~ Author Unknown ~~~~
> ___________________________________________________
> --
"Jerry Okamura" <okamuraj005@hawaii.rr.com> wrote in message
> What is the purpose of prisons?

To keep the sociopaths and psychos away from the rest of us and those we

Next question, please?
"Felix D." <#1Chekist@OGPU.org> wrote
> "Jerry Okamura" <okamuraj005@hawaii.rr.com> wrote
> news:470801db$0$18908$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>> What is the purpose of prisons?

> To keep the sociopaths and psychos away from the rest of us

It's your wishful thinking that generates your delusional belief,
Felix. Because prisons purpose is the same as it always has
been, which is perpetuation of oppression, as well as slavery
and genocide against the defenseless hostages of the gulag
economy, its predatory incarceration industry and completely
corrupt judicial system that benefiting sadistic ****-suckers
and other beneficiaries of tyranny of rulers and despotism of
establishments in brutal violation if the sacred Human Rights...

I intend to last long enough to put out of business all ****-suckers
and other beneficiaries of the institutionalized slavery and genocide.


"The army that will defeat terrorism doesn't wear uniforms, or drive
Humvees, or calls in air-strikes. It doesn't have a high command, or
high security, or a high budget. The army that can defeat terrorism
does battle quietly, clearing minefields and vaccinating children. It
undermines military dictatorships and military lobbyists. It subverts
sweatshops and special interests.Where people feel powerless, it
helps them organize for change, and where people are powerful, it
reminds them of their responsibility." ~~~~ Author Unknown ~~~~
In article <OkfOi.10115$Cj1.9477@edtnps90>,
"_ G O D _" <DEMIGOD@TELUS.NET> wrote:

> ...prisons purpose is the same as it always has
> been, which is perpetuation of oppression, as well as slavery
> and genocide against the defenseless hostages of the gulag
> economy, its predatory incarceration industry and completely
> corrupt judicial system that benefiting sadistic ****-suckers
> and other beneficiaries of tyranny of rulers and despotism of
> establishments in brutal violation if the sacred Human Rights...

You make that sound like it's a bad thing.
"Harold Burton" <hal.i.burton@hotmail.com> wrote
> You make that sound like it's a bad thing.

Only a twisted ****-sucking sadistic americunt, who
receives satisfaction from seeing agony in the eyes of
defenseless victims of the incarceration industry, - or
capitalizing from a deliberate infliction of the artificial
miseries and hardship on hostages of gulag economy
would say so. Because it's not only perverse, but also
in violation of sacred and inalienable Human Rights...

I intend to last long enough to put out of business all ****-suckers
and other beneficiaries of the institutionalized slavery and genocide.


"The army that will defeat terrorism doesn't wear uniforms, or drive
Humvees, or calls in air-strikes. It doesn't have a high command, or
high security, or a high budget. The army that can defeat terrorism
does battle quietly, clearing minefields and vaccinating children. It
undermines military dictatorships and military lobbyists. It subverts
sweatshops and special interests.Where people feel powerless, it
helps them organize for change, and where people are powerful, it
reminds them of their responsibility." ~~~~ Author Unknown ~~~~
In article <iCgOi.10121$Cj1.5847@edtnps90>,
"_ G O D _" <DEMIGOD@TELUS.NET> wrote:

> Only a twisted ****-sucking sadistic americunt, who
> receives satisfaction from seeing agony in the eyes of
> defenseless victims of the incarceration industry, - or
> capitalizing from a deliberate infliction of the artificial
> miseries and hardship on hostages of gulag economy
> would say so. Because it's not only perverse, but also
> in violation of sacred and inalienable Human Rights...

Would you like some cheese with that whine?
"Harold Burton" <hal.i.burton@hotmail.com> wrote
> In article <iCgOi.10121$Cj1.5847@edtnps90>,
> "_ G O D _" wrote:
>> Only a twisted ****-sucking sadistic americunt, who
>> receives satisfaction from seeing agony in the eyes of
>> defenseless victims of the incarceration industry, - or
>> capitalizing from a deliberate infliction of the artificial
>> miseries and hardship on hostages of gulag economy
>> would say so. Because it's not only perverse, but also
>> in violation of sacred and inalienable Human Rights...

> Would you like some cheese with that whine?

It's not about whining, you stupid pervert. Original
poster was asking about the purpose of prisons....

I intend to last long enough to put out of business all ****-suckers
and other beneficiaries of the institutionalized slavery and genocide.


"The army that will defeat terrorism doesn't wear uniforms, or drive
Humvees, or calls in air-strikes. It doesn't have a high command, or
high security, or a high budget. The army that can defeat terrorism
does battle quietly, clearing minefields and vaccinating children. It
undermines military dictatorships and military lobbyists. It subverts
sweatshops and special interests.Where people feel powerless, it
helps them organize for change, and where people are powerful, it
reminds them of their responsibility." ~~~~ Author Unknown ~~~~
In article <ojhOi.10127$Cj1.376@edtnps90>,
"_ G O D _" <DEMIGOD@TELUS.NET> wrote:

> "Harold Burton" <hal.i.burton@hotmail.com> wrote
> news:hal.i.burton-2188A2.22303207102007@comcast.dca.giganews.com...
> > In article <iCgOi.10121$Cj1.5847@edtnps90>,
> > "_ G O D _" wrote:
> >
> >
> >> Only a twisted ****-sucking sadistic americunt, who
> >> receives satisfaction from seeing agony in the eyes of
> >> defenseless victims of the incarceration industry, - or
> >> capitalizing from a deliberate infliction of the artificial
> >> miseries and hardship on hostages of gulag economy
> >> would say so. Because it's not only perverse, but also
> >> in violation of sacred and inalienable Human Rights...

> >
> >
> >
> > Would you like some cheese with that whine?

> It's not about whining

Then why are you?
On Mon, 8 Oct 2007, _ G O D _ wrote:

> It's your wishful thinking that generates your delusional belief,
> Felix. Because prisons purpose is the same as it always has
> been, which is perpetuation of oppression, as well as slavery
> and genocide against the defenseless hostages of the gulag
> economy, its predatory incarceration industry and completely
> corrupt judicial system that benefiting sadistic ****-suckers
> and other beneficiaries of tyranny of rulers and despotism of
> establishments in brutal violation if the sacred Human Rights...

What human rights? The human right to break into my home, swipe my DVD
player, and pawn it for enough money to buy some crack? The right to
swipe a little old lady's purse? The right to rape women? Are those the
rights you hold so dear?

I am so glad I live in Texas, where I have the RIGHT to kill someone
breaking into my home. Do you support that "sacred human right" also?

Prisons are around for one reason and one reason only, to protect society
from scum that refuse to live within the rules. It's NOT to rehabilitate,
it's NOT to give them a trade skill. It's to put the criminals in an
isolated place so everyone else will be that much more protected.

And if you are willing to cimmit a FELONY (any crime punishable by a
prison term of more then one year) three times, the reality is clear. You
have no interest in society, you have no business being out in society.
"_ G O D _" <DEMIGOD@TELUS.NET> wrote in message
> "Felix D." <#1Chekist@OGPU.org> wrote
> news:aZqdnWHo1rv--5TanZ2dnUVZ_vamnZ2d@comcast.com...
>> "Jerry Okamura" <okamuraj005@hawaii.rr.com> wrote
>> news:470801db$0$18908$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>> What is the purpose of prisons?

>> To keep the sociopaths and psychos away from the rest of us

> It's your wishful thinking that generates your delusional belief,
> Felix. Because prisons purpose is the same as it always has
> been, which is perpetuation of oppression...

What prison are you posting from?
"Harold Burton" <hal.i.burton@hotmail.com> wrote
> In article <ojhOi.10127$Cj1.376@edtnps90>,
> "_ G O D _" wrote:
>> "Harold Burton" <hal.i.burton@hotmail.com> wrote
>> news:hal.i.burton-2188A2.22303207102007@comcast.dca.giganews.com...
>> > In article <iCgOi.10121$Cj1.5847@edtnps90>,
>> > "_ G O D _" wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >> Only a twisted ****-sucking sadistic americunt, who
>> >> receives satisfaction from seeing agony in the eyes of
>> >> defenseless victims of the incarceration industry, - or
>> >> capitalizing from a deliberate infliction of the artificial
>> >> miseries and hardship on hostages of gulag economy
>> >> would say so. Because it's not only perverse, but also
>> >> in violation of sacred and inalienable Human Rights...
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Would you like some cheese with that whine?

>> It's not about whining

> Then why are you?

From actual point of view, you are the whiner, who
is trying to avoid the issue by running away from it....

I intend to last long enough to put out of business all ****-suckers
and other beneficiaries of the institutionalized slavery and genocide.


"The army that will defeat terrorism doesn't wear uniforms, or drive
Humvees, or calls in air-strikes. It doesn't have a high command, or
high security, or a high budget. The army that can defeat terrorism
does battle quietly, clearing minefields and vaccinating children. It
undermines military dictatorships and military lobbyists. It subverts
sweatshops and special interests.Where people feel powerless, it
helps them organize for change, and where people are powerful, it
reminds them of their responsibility." ~~~~ Author Unknown ~~~~
> _ G O D _ wrote:
>> It's your wishful thinking that generates your delusional belief,
>> Felix. Because prisons purpose is the same as it always has
>> been, which is perpetuation of oppression, as well as slavery
>> and genocide against the defenseless hostages of the gulag
>> economy, its predatory incarceration industry and completely
>> corrupt judicial system that benefiting sadistic ****-suckers
>> and other beneficiaries of tyranny of rulers and despotism of
>> establishments in brutal violation if the sacred Human Rights...

"The Master" <tardis@nospam.sdf.lonestar.org.nospam> wrote

....<snip>...irrelevant crap has been carefully removed................
> Prisons are around for one reason and one reason only, to protect society from scum
> that refuse to live within the rules. It's NOT to rehabilitate, it's NOT to give
> them a trade skill. It's to put the criminals in an isolated place so everyone
> else will be that much more protected.

I'm so glad you have overcome your delusion about
"rehabilitative qualities" of the incarceration industry,
but you still need to work on your delusions about its
"protection of society...." Because you don't wish to
recognize the fact that the defenseless hostages of
the incarceration industry are the victims of interests
groups who perpetuate the violation of society's rule ....

I intend to last long enough to put out of business all ****-suckers
and other beneficiaries of the institutionalized slavery and genocide.


"The army that will defeat terrorism doesn't wear uniforms, or drive
Humvees, or calls in air-strikes. It doesn't have a high command, or
high security, or a high budget. The army that can defeat terrorism
does battle quietly, clearing minefields and vaccinating children. It
undermines military dictatorships and military lobbyists. It subverts
sweatshops and special interests.Where people feel powerless, it
helps them organize for change, and where people are powerful, it
reminds them of their responsibility." ~~~~ Author Unknown ~~~~
"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote
> "_ G O D _" wrote
> news:OkfOi.10115$Cj1.9477@edtnps90...
>> "Felix D." <#1Chekist@OGPU.org> wrote
>> news:aZqdnWHo1rv--5TanZ2dnUVZ_vamnZ2d@comcast.com...
>>> "Jerry Okamura" <okamuraj005@hawaii.rr.com> wrote
>>> news:470801db$0$18908$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>>> What is the purpose of prisons?
>>> To keep the sociopaths and psychos away from the rest of us

>> It's your wishful thinking that generates your delusional belief,
>> Felix. Because prisons purpose is the same as it always has
>> been, - for perpetuation of oppression, slavery and genocide...

> What prison are you posting from?

From the same prison you are posting, Jim...

I intend to last long enough to put out of business all ****-suckers
and other beneficiaries of the institutionalized slavery and genocide.


"The army that will defeat terrorism doesn't wear uniforms, or drive
Humvees, or calls in air-strikes. It doesn't have a high command, or
high security, or a high budget. The army that can defeat terrorism
does battle quietly, clearing minefields and vaccinating children. It
undermines military dictatorships and military lobbyists. It subverts
sweatshops and special interests.Where people feel powerless, it
helps them organize for change, and where people are powerful, it
reminds them of their responsibility." ~~~~ Author Unknown ~~~~