30 States Would Likely Ban Abortion If Roe Reversed

"Phlip" <phlipcpp@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>>Unless it was a Partial Birth abortion, which IS illegal.

>> Whatever it is (not that anybody really seems to know).

Try reading the Legislation.

> It's an extremely rare, emergency procedure that's so gross the pro-lifers
> could make a political football out of it and successfully get it banned.

Banned = Banned.
"Phlip" <phlipcpp@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> In the US we elect the people who confirm the Supreme Court Judges
>> recommended by the person we elect as the President.

> Eeeeeeexcept when the Supreme Court Judges appoint the son of the guy who
> recommended them...

Never happenned.
"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message


>>>>>> Even when abortion was illegal, it was not treated as homicide. One
>>>>>> odd case in California is not going to change that; even in
>>>>>> California completely legal abortions are still being performed.
>>>>> Another one happenned yesterday, WI I think it was.
>>>> Let me know when a pregnant woman and her doctor are charged with
>>>> murder.
>>> If it was done in self-defense neither would be.

>> If it was done because the woman did not want to be pregnant, neither
>> would be.

> Unless it was a Partial Birth abortion, which IS illegal.

Oh you mean the thing that nearly never happens? Okay.
"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:47517759$0$2084$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
>> news:47505d15$0$9540$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>> news:47502dbd$0$2088$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>>>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
>>>> news:475011e6$0$2284$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...

>> snip
>>>>> Ron Paul has said he favors charging the Abortionist doctor.
>>>> Which rather confirms my point. If a person pays someone else to
>>>> commit murder, both are charged with murder.
>>> So then it ISN'T WHO does the Abortion, just HOW the Abortion was
>>> performed?

>> I have no idea what you were trying to say above.

> I imagine you must feel the way the settlers felt when the Indians began
> surrounding their wagon train.

You are free to imagine whatever you like.

> On one side we have a several court precedences establishing Murder for
> the death of an unborn child.
> On another side we have the new law making Partial Birth abortion illegal
> with fines and/or prison terms for the Abortionist.
> Its only a matter of time before more Indians arrive.

A man murders his wife and, as a result, the foetus his wife was carrying,
and was then found guilty of murder. A procedure that nearly never happens
is made illegal. Somehow you think this means abortion is going to be made
not only illegal but murder. Well, if it makes you happy, hold on to that
"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:475116cc$0$2103$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
>> news:475060d2$0$9605$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>> news:47502ee1$0$2086$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...

>> snip
>>>>>> And you are not going to get the voters to agree with charging women
>>>>>> with homicide for having an abortion.
>>>>> Its not likely to be up to them.
>>>> No, it will be up to legislators who want to be reelected.
>>> Re-elected by whom? Re-elected by the voters.
>>> Therefore its up to the voters.

>> Above you wrote "Its not likely to be up to them" (the voters). That is
>> what I responded to. You seem to agree with me now.

> In the US we elect the people who confirm the Supreme Court Judges
> recommended by the person we elect as the President.
>> snip
>>>>> My typo: Laws don't prevent crime. Law exist soley to standardize
>>>>> what is/isn't a crime and how to punish for crimes.
>>>> Actually laws can prevent crime, if the law is enforced and if the
>>>> population supports it.
>>> No, laws can't be enforced until AFTER a crime has been committed,
>>> therefore the crime was NOT prevented.

>> That particular crime is not prevented. The number of examples of
>> certain behavior can be reduced by making it illegal assuming, as I
>> indicated above, that the law is enforced and the majority of the people
>> support its enforcement. Is that precise enough?

> Not really. You seem to be saying that over time, as laws are broken and
> the ensuing punishments are imposed, that society decides NOT to break
> those laws.

I find it difficult to believe you got that meaning out of what I wrote.

> It still comes down to a personal decision, and not the existence of a
> law, to commit or not commit a particular act.


>>>>>>>> They ignore the additional horror of illegal abortion.
>>>>>>> Wrong. No more so than we ignore the horror of homocide.
>>>>>>>> We know what will happen. Abortion used to be illegal. Rent the
>>>>>>>> movie
>>>>>>>> The Butterbox Babies, a true story about an illegal abortion
>>>>>>>> "brothel". Abortions are done by amateurs with coat hangers.
>>>>>>> Murders are committed by teenagers with illegal handguns.
>>>>>>>> Mothers die or become sterile.
>>>>>>> Then they shouldn't have an abortion.
>>>>>> Fortunately you do not get to make the law.
>>>>> I get to vote. Same as the rest of us in America.
>>>> And the majority of voters will not support such a law.
>>> We have a ban on Partial Birth Abortion.
>>> That's the first step.

>> By banning something that nearly never happens?


> By setting these definitions:
> "A moral, medical, and ethical consensus exists that the practice of
> performing a partial-birth abortion -- an abortion in which a physician
> delivers an unborn CHILD'S body until only the head remains inside the
> womb, punctures the back of the CHILD'S skull with a Sharp instrument, and
> sucks the CHILD'S brains out before completing delivery of the dead
> INFANT -- is a gruesome and INHUMANE procedure that is never medically
> necessary and should be prohibited." [Emphasis mine.]

> We've now defined that a fetus in the womb is a HUMAN BEING, a CHILD,
> prior to birth.

We do?

> The next step is to define when that BEGINS.
>>>> Even many of the people who say they are against abortion are not going
>>>> to accept seeing women (in many cases close relatives or women they
>>>> know personally) being charged with murder for having an abortion.
>>> Probably so. But the Partial Birth Abortion Ban includes a fine and
>>> imprisonment.

>> And has, practically speaking, nothing to do with the issue.

> See above.
> In addition to important definitions it identifies the Criminal and the
> Punishment.

And says absolutely nothing about 99.9% of the medical abortions performed
throughout the world, which are still very legal and still no where close to
being declared murder.
"thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:47531906$0$2382$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>>>>>> Even when abortion was illegal, it was not treated as homicide. One
>>>>>>> odd case in California is not going to change that; even in
>>>>>>> California completely legal abortions are still being performed.
>>>>>> Another one happenned yesterday, WI I think it was.
>>>>> Let me know when a pregnant woman and her doctor are charged with
>>>>> murder.
>>>> If it was done in self-defense neither would be.
>>> If it was done because the woman did not want to be pregnant, neither
>>> would be.

>> Unless it was a Partial Birth abortion, which IS illegal.

> Oh you mean the thing that nearly never happens? Okay.

Yep, that thing. Banned = banned.
"thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:47531ce7$0$2290$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> news:475116cc$0$2103$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
>>> news:475060d2$0$9605$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>>> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:47502ee1$0$2086$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>>> snip
>>>>>>> And you are not going to get the voters to agree with charging women
>>>>>>> with homicide for having an abortion.
>>>>>> Its not likely to be up to them.
>>>>> No, it will be up to legislators who want to be reelected.
>>>> Re-elected by whom? Re-elected by the voters.
>>>> Therefore its up to the voters.
>>> Above you wrote "Its not likely to be up to them" (the voters). That is
>>> what I responded to. You seem to agree with me now.

>> In the US we elect the people who confirm the Supreme Court Judges
>> recommended by the person we elect as the President.
>>> snip
>>>>>> My typo: Laws don't prevent crime. Law exist soley to standardize
>>>>>> what is/isn't a crime and how to punish for crimes.
>>>>> Actually laws can prevent crime, if the law is enforced and if the
>>>>> population supports it.
>>>> No, laws can't be enforced until AFTER a crime has been committed,
>>>> therefore the crime was NOT prevented.
>>> That particular crime is not prevented. The number of examples of
>>> certain behavior can be reduced by making it illegal assuming, as I
>>> indicated above, that the law is enforced and the majority of the people
>>> support its enforcement. Is that precise enough?

>> Not really. You seem to be saying that over time, as laws are broken and
>> the ensuing punishments are imposed, that society decides NOT to break
>> those laws.

> I find it difficult to believe you got that meaning out of what I wrote.

So you think there's some way to enforce a law before a crime has been
committed? Feel free to explain how that works.

>> It still comes down to a personal decision, and not the existence of a
>> law, to commit or not commit a particular act.

> Whatever.

See above.

>>>>>>>>> They ignore the additional horror of illegal abortion.
>>>>>>>> Wrong. No more so than we ignore the horror of homocide.
>>>>>>>>> We know what will happen. Abortion used to be illegal. Rent the
>>>>>>>>> movie
>>>>>>>>> The Butterbox Babies, a true story about an illegal abortion
>>>>>>>>> "brothel". Abortions are done by amateurs with coat hangers.
>>>>>>>> Murders are committed by teenagers with illegal handguns.
>>>>>>>>> Mothers die or become sterile.
>>>>>>>> Then they shouldn't have an abortion.
>>>>>>> Fortunately you do not get to make the law.
>>>>>> I get to vote. Same as the rest of us in America.
>>>>> And the majority of voters will not support such a law.
>>>> We have a ban on Partial Birth Abortion.
>>>> That's the first step.
>>> By banning something that nearly never happens?

>> By setting these definitions:
>> "A moral, medical, and ethical consensus exists that the practice of
>> performing a partial-birth abortion -- an abortion in which a physician
>> delivers an unborn CHILD'S body until only the head remains inside the
>> womb, punctures the back of the CHILD'S skull with a Sharp instrument,
>> and sucks the CHILD'S brains out before completing delivery of the dead
>> INFANT -- is a gruesome and INHUMANE procedure that is never medically
>> necessary and should be prohibited." [Emphasis mine.]
>> We've now defined that a fetus in the womb is a HUMAN BEING, a CHILD,
>> prior to birth.

> We do?


>> The next step is to define when that BEGINS.
>>>>> Even many of the people who say they are against abortion are not
>>>>> going to accept seeing women (in many cases close relatives or women
>>>>> they know personally) being charged with murder for having an
>>>>> abortion.
>>>> Probably so. But the Partial Birth Abortion Ban includes a fine and
>>>> imprisonment.
>>> And has, practically speaking, nothing to do with the issue.

>> See above.
>> In addition to important definitions it identifies the Criminal and the
>> Punishment.

> And says absolutely nothing about 99.9% of the medical abortions performed
> throughout the world, which are still very legal and still no where close
> to being declared murder.

The US legal system isn't concerned with abortions performed around the
world, just in America.

And by establshing legal definitions and a precedent it does say quite a bit
about abortions performed in America.
"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in

> So you think there's some way to enforce a law before a crime has been
> committed?

Ever been thru an airport metal detector?
"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:47542a20$0$2099$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
>> news:47531ce7$0$2290$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>> news:475116cc$0$2103$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>>>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
>>>> news:475060d2$0$9605$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>>>> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>>>> news:47502ee1$0$2086$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>>>> snip


>>>>> We have a ban on Partial Birth Abortion.
>>>>> That's the first step.
>>>> By banning something that nearly never happens?
>>> By setting these definitions:
>>> "A moral, medical, and ethical consensus exists that the practice of
>>> performing a partial-birth abortion -- an abortion in which a physician
>>> delivers an unborn CHILD'S body until only the head remains inside the
>>> womb, punctures the back of the CHILD'S skull with a Sharp instrument,
>>> and sucks the CHILD'S brains out before completing delivery of the dead
>>> INFANT -- is a gruesome and INHUMANE procedure that is never medically
>>> necessary and should be prohibited." [Emphasis mine.]
>>> We've now defined that a fetus in the womb is a HUMAN BEING, a CHILD,
>>> prior to birth.

>> We do?

> Yes.

If that was the case abortion would be murder, but it isn't.

>>> The next step is to define when that BEGINS.
>>>>>> Even many of the people who say they are against abortion are not
>>>>>> going to accept seeing women (in many cases close relatives or women
>>>>>> they know personally) being charged with murder for having an
>>>>>> abortion.
>>>>> Probably so. But the Partial Birth Abortion Ban includes a fine and
>>>>> imprisonment.
>>>> And has, practically speaking, nothing to do with the issue.
>>> See above.
>>> In addition to important definitions it identifies the Criminal and the
>>> Punishment.

>> And says absolutely nothing about 99.9% of the medical abortions
>> performed throughout the world, which are still very legal and still no
>> where close to being declared murder.


> The US legal system isn't concerned with abortions performed around the
> world, just in America.
> And by establshing legal definitions and a precedent it does say quite a
> bit about abortions performed in America.

One of the things it doesn't say is that abortion is illegal, i.e. it is not
murder in the US.
"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:475427e0$0$2085$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
>> news:47531906$0$2382$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> Even when abortion was illegal, it was not treated as homicide.
>>>>>>>> One odd case in California is not going to change that; even in
>>>>>>>> California completely legal abortions are still being performed.
>>>>>>> Another one happenned yesterday, WI I think it was.
>>>>>> Let me know when a pregnant woman and her doctor are charged with
>>>>>> murder.
>>>>> If it was done in self-defense neither would be.
>>>> If it was done because the woman did not want to be pregnant, neither
>>>> would be.
>>> Unless it was a Partial Birth abortion, which IS illegal.

>> Oh you mean the thing that nearly never happens? Okay.

> Yep, that thing. Banned = banned.

Okay, and abortion continues to be legal. That's settled.
Patriot Games <Patriot@America.com> wrote:

>> By banning something that nearly never happens?

>By setting these definitions:
>"A moral, medical, and ethical consensus exists that the practice of
>performing a partial-birth abortion -- an abortion in which a physician

Apeal to authority fallacy, and a particularly bad one since you don't
even try to claim your authority is an authority. You just quote some
crap definition and pretend it's God's Truth.

>We've now defined that a fetus in the womb is a HUMAN BEING, a CHILD, prior

No, pro-liar, "we" have done nothing of the sort.

Ray Fischer
"Mitchell Holman" <Noemailplease@comcast.com> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in
> news:47555b21$0$8655$4c368faf@roadrunner.com:
>> So you think there's some way to enforce a law before a crime has been
>> committed?

> Ever been thru an airport metal detector?

Of course.

Which happens first:

1) I'm detained BEFORE I enter the metal detector,
2) I'm detained AFTER the metal detector detects something.

Repeating myself for the Dunce Class: So you think there's some way to
enforce a law before a crime has been committed?
"thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:47555b21$0$8655$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> news:47542a20$0$2099$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
>>> news:47531ce7$0$2290$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>>> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:475116cc$0$2103$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>>>>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
>>>>> news:475060d2$0$9605$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>>>>> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:47502ee1$0$2086$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>>>>>> We have a ban on Partial Birth Abortion.
>>>>>> That's the first step.
>>>>> By banning something that nearly never happens?
>>>> By setting these definitions:
>>>> "A moral, medical, and ethical consensus exists that the practice of
>>>> performing a partial-birth abortion -- an abortion in which a physician
>>>> delivers an unborn CHILD'S body until only the head remains inside the
>>>> womb, punctures the back of the CHILD'S skull with a Sharp instrument,
>>>> and sucks the CHILD'S brains out before completing delivery of the dead
>>>> INFANT -- is a gruesome and INHUMANE procedure that is never medically
>>>> necessary and should be prohibited." [Emphasis mine.]
>>>> We've now defined that a fetus in the womb is a HUMAN BEING, a CHILD,
>>>> prior to birth.
>>> We do?

>> Yes.

> If that was the case abortion would be murder, but it isn't.


>>>> The next step is to define when that BEGINS.
>>>>>>> Even many of the people who say they are against abortion are not
>>>>>>> going to accept seeing women (in many cases close relatives or women
>>>>>>> they know personally) being charged with murder for having an
>>>>>>> abortion.
>>>>>> Probably so. But the Partial Birth Abortion Ban includes a fine and
>>>>>> imprisonment.
>>>>> And has, practically speaking, nothing to do with the issue.
>>>> See above.
>>>> In addition to important definitions it identifies the Criminal and the
>>>> Punishment.
>>> And says absolutely nothing about 99.9% of the medical abortions
>>> performed throughout the world, which are still very legal and still no
>>> where close to being declared murder.

>> The US legal system isn't concerned with abortions performed around the
>> world, just in America.
>> And by establshing legal definitions and a precedent it does say quite a
>> bit about abortions performed in America.

> One of the things it doesn't say is that abortion is illegal,

Yes, it specifically says Partial Birth Abortion is illegal.

> i.e. it is not murder in the US.

"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in news:4756a81b$0$16524

> "Mitchell Holman" <Noemailplease@comcast.com> wrote in message
> news:Xns99FC52543BB78ta2eene2@
>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in
>> news:47555b21$0$8655$4c368faf@roadrunner.com:
>>> So you think there's some way to enforce a law before a crime has been
>>> committed?

>> Ever been thru an airport metal detector?

> Of course.
> Which happens first:
> 1) I'm detained BEFORE I enter the metal detector,
> 2) I'm detained AFTER the metal detector detects something.
> Repeating myself for the Dunce Class: So you think there's some way to
> enforce a law before a crime has been committed?

The law against carrying guns on planes is enforced
BEFORE you get on the plane.

Happy to be of help..............
"Mitchell Holman" <Noemailplease@comcast.com> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in news:4756a81b$0$16524
> $4c368faf@roadrunner.com:
>> "Mitchell Holman" <Noemailplease@comcast.com> wrote in message
>> news:Xns99FC52543BB78ta2eene2@
>>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in
>>> news:47555b21$0$8655$4c368faf@roadrunner.com:
>>>> So you think there's some way to enforce a law before a crime has been
>>>> committed?
>>> Ever been thru an airport metal detector?

>> Of course.
>> Which happens first:
>> 1) I'm detained BEFORE I enter the metal detector,
>> 2) I'm detained AFTER the metal detector detects something.
>> Repeating myself for the Dunce Class: So you think there's some way to
>> enforce a law before a crime has been committed?

> The law against carrying guns on planes is enforced
> BEFORE you get on the plane.

Completely irrelevant.
"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> "Mitchell Holman" <Noemailplease@comcast.com> wrote in message
> news:Xns99FD4E74C6009ta2eene2@
>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in news:4756a81b$0$16524
>> $4c368faf@roadrunner.com:
>>> "Mitchell Holman" <Noemailplease@comcast.com> wrote in message
>>> news:Xns99FC52543BB78ta2eene2@
>>>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in
>>>> news:47555b21$0$8655$4c368faf@roadrunner.com:
>>>>> So you think there's some way to enforce a law before a crime has been
>>>>> committed?
>>>> Ever been thru an airport metal detector?
>>> Of course.
>>> Which happens first:
>>> 1) I'm detained BEFORE I enter the metal detector,
>>> 2) I'm detained AFTER the metal detector detects something.
>>> Repeating myself for the Dunce Class: So you think there's some way to
>>> enforce a law before a crime has been committed?

>> The law against carrying guns on planes is enforced
>> BEFORE you get on the plane.

> Completely irrelevant.

Is that your way of admitting you were wrong?
"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:47558b19$0$2083$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
>> news:47555b21$0$8655$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>> news:47542a20$0$2099$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>>>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
>>>> news:47531ce7$0$2290$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>>>> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>>>> news:475116cc$0$2103$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>>>>>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
>>>>>> news:475060d2$0$9605$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>>>>>> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:47502ee1$0$2086$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>>>>>>> We have a ban on Partial Birth Abortion.
>>>>>>> That's the first step.
>>>>>> By banning something that nearly never happens?
>>>>> By setting these definitions:
>>>>> "A moral, medical, and ethical consensus exists that the practice of
>>>>> performing a partial-birth abortion -- an abortion in which a
>>>>> physician delivers an unborn CHILD'S body until only the head remains
>>>>> inside the womb, punctures the back of the CHILD'S skull with a Sharp
>>>>> instrument, and sucks the CHILD'S brains out before completing
>>>>> delivery of the dead INFANT -- is a gruesome and INHUMANE procedure
>>>>> that is never medically necessary and should be prohibited." [Emphasis
>>>>> mine.]
>>>>> We've now defined that a fetus in the womb is a HUMAN BEING, a CHILD,
>>>>> prior to birth.
>>>> We do?
>>> Yes.

>> If that was the case abortion would be murder, but it isn't.

> Patience....
>>>>> The next step is to define when that BEGINS.
>>>>>>>> Even many of the people who say they are against abortion are not
>>>>>>>> going to accept seeing women (in many cases close relatives or
>>>>>>>> women they know personally) being charged with murder for having an
>>>>>>>> abortion.
>>>>>>> Probably so. But the Partial Birth Abortion Ban includes a fine and
>>>>>>> imprisonment.
>>>>>> And has, practically speaking, nothing to do with the issue.
>>>>> See above.
>>>>> In addition to important definitions it identifies the Criminal and
>>>>> the Punishment.
>>>> And says absolutely nothing about 99.9% of the medical abortions
>>>> performed throughout the world, which are still very legal and still no
>>>> where close to being declared murder.
>>> The US legal system isn't concerned with abortions performed around the
>>> world, just in America.
>>> And by establshing legal definitions and a precedent it does say quite a
>>> bit about abortions performed in America.

>> One of the things it doesn't say is that abortion is illegal,

> Yes, it specifically says Partial Birth Abortion is illegal.

Good, we agree. Abortion is legal.

>> i.e. it is not murder in the US.

> Patience....

Anything might happen in the future. At this point in time abortion is
legal and there is no sign of that changing let alone any sign that it will
be made murder.
"thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:4756ca5d$0$16501$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>> "Mitchell Holman" <Noemailplease@comcast.com> wrote in message
>> news:Xns99FD4E74C6009ta2eene2@
>>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in news:4756a81b$0$16524
>>> $4c368faf@roadrunner.com:
>>>> "Mitchell Holman" <Noemailplease@comcast.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:Xns99FC52543BB78ta2eene2@
>>>>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in
>>>>> news:47555b21$0$8655$4c368faf@roadrunner.com:
>>>>>> So you think there's some way to enforce a law before a crime has
>>>>>> been
>>>>>> committed?
>>>>> Ever been thru an airport metal detector?
>>>> Of course.
>>>> Which happens first:
>>>> 1) I'm detained BEFORE I enter the metal detector,
>>>> 2) I'm detained AFTER the metal detector detects something.
>>>> Repeating myself for the Dunce Class: So you think there's some way to
>>>> enforce a law before a crime has been committed?
>>> The law against carrying guns on planes is enforced
>>> BEFORE you get on the plane.

>> Completely irrelevant.

> Is that your way of admitting you were wrong?

No, that was my way of reminding Michelle that she's a smacked-ass fool.
"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:4756d02a$0$2101$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
>> news:4756ca5d$0$16501$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>> "Mitchell Holman" <Noemailplease@comcast.com> wrote in message
>>> news:Xns99FD4E74C6009ta2eene2@
>>>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in news:4756a81b$0$16524
>>>> $4c368faf@roadrunner.com:
>>>>> "Mitchell Holman" <Noemailplease@comcast.com> wrote in message
>>>>> news:Xns99FC52543BB78ta2eene2@
>>>>>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in
>>>>>> news:47555b21$0$8655$4c368faf@roadrunner.com:
>>>>>>> So you think there's some way to enforce a law before a crime has
>>>>>>> been
>>>>>>> committed?
>>>>>> Ever been thru an airport metal detector?
>>>>> Of course.
>>>>> Which happens first:
>>>>> 1) I'm detained BEFORE I enter the metal detector,
>>>>> 2) I'm detained AFTER the metal detector detects something.
>>>>> Repeating myself for the Dunce Class: So you think there's some way to
>>>>> enforce a law before a crime has been committed?
>>>> The law against carrying guns on planes is enforced
>>>> BEFORE you get on the plane.
>>> Completely irrelevant.

>> Is that your way of admitting you were wrong?

> No, that was my way of reminding Michelle that she's a smacked-ass fool.

Oh, I see; you were wrong.
"thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:47572826$0$15355$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>> "thomas p." <gudloos@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> news:4756d02a$0$2101$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> skrev i en meddelelse
>>> news:4756ca5d$0$16501$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>>>> "Mitchell Holman" <Noemailplease@comcast.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:Xns99FD4E74C6009ta2eene2@
>>>>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in news:4756a81b$0$16524
>>>>> $4c368faf@roadrunner.com:
>>>>>> "Mitchell Holman" <Noemailplease@comcast.com> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:Xns99FC52543BB78ta2eene2@
>>>>>>> "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in
>>>>>>> news:47555b21$0$8655$4c368faf@roadrunner.com:
>>>>>>>> So you think there's some way to enforce a law before a crime has
>>>>>>>> been
>>>>>>>> committed?
>>>>>>> Ever been thru an airport metal detector?
>>>>>> Of course.
>>>>>> Which happens first:
>>>>>> 1) I'm detained BEFORE I enter the metal detector,
>>>>>> 2) I'm detained AFTER the metal detector detects something.
>>>>>> Repeating myself for the Dunce Class: So you think there's some way
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> enforce a law before a crime has been committed?
>>>>> The law against carrying guns on planes is enforced
>>>>> BEFORE you get on the plane.
>>>> Completely irrelevant.
>>> Is that your way of admitting you were wrong?

>> No, that was my way of reminding Michelle that she's a smacked-ass fool.

> Oh, I see; you were wrong.

I was wrong by NOT pointing out that Michelle proved my point?

I was just trying to be polite.......

Michelle says: "The law against carrying guns on planes is enforced BEFORE
you get on the plane."

Apparently Michelle has concluded that VOLUNTARY OBEDIENCE is how laws are
"enforced" prior to crimes being committed.