A question for non-Muslims

Vortex said:
I have never seen a man, muslim or not, go to the sink whip it out and clean it with water in any bathroom in my 31 years of life. Nor do i understand this concept because a drop isnt exactly going to smell and stink up an entire bus. But im all about hygiene so if this is happening good for them......still trying to figure out the whole water thing and where you may get it in a public toilet (is that what the scarves are for? hiding the vial of water? kidding implied)...

Im a smellophobe and i have never smelt pee on someone ever, maybe i just dont notice it, but BO makes me gag...even a little of it...and some races smell far worse than others.

So i just learned my new fact of the day!

No,silly.You don't need to go to a sink and whip it out.God!you're stupid.Ever heard of a container filled with water.Take it into the toilet and use it while sitting.And God didn't tell us how to wipe our ass,He told us to use water.And piss is vey unpure and inorder to be clean you gotta wash it off.
phreakwars said:
Why do you go around sniffing trousers AIG ? Is this a fetish ?

No you idiot.If you people don't wipe off the piss and just wear you trousers,it makes it stink!!!And what I mean about the buses,is that they come into the bus,sit next to you and it ****in' stinks.No need to go near and sniff,to get the wiff of piss.
You shouldn't be smelling it that much unless they pissed their pants...one drop or two of piss doesn't really have the power to smell that bad.
jokersarewild said:
You shouldn't be smelling it that much unless they pissed their pants...one drop or two of piss doesn't really have the power to smell that bad.
Joker, you are one nasty person!
For the rest of you idiots... oh forget it... just use common sense and proper hygiene!
Master_Jaffer said:
... they do wipe their butts...
The only thing they don't do is clean any urine from their penis.

why? I don't know anyone who pisses on thier dick..
I once found myself in need of visiting the public toilet and Allah dammit I did not have my handy dandy ass, ***** and dick cleaning bottle. Well I had to improvise. Lucky for me, I found a very nice muslim lady who was more than happy to help me out. I simply took her into the stall with me and after the impurities were expelled from my body she was kind enough to suck any residual urine from my penis and then for only a few cents more she licked my asshole so clean that I squeaked while I walked for the rest of the day. Thank you kind lady, wherever you are. :rolleyes:
Hey, hey, hey!!

I've been using the same corncob for sixteen years now! It's been to Iraq and back with me. It was with me the day I nailed that muslim **** with my sidearm.
RoyalOrleans said:
Hey, hey, hey!!

I've been using the same corncob for sixteen years now! It's been to Iraq and back with me. It was with me the day I nailed that muslim **** with my sidearm.
never had the balls to try the corn cob thing before, but I do remember seeing such items on display in my grampa's outhouse next to the sears catalogue. :eek:
OmegaManiac said:
never had the balls to try the corn cob thing before, but I do remember seeing such items on display in my grampa's outhouse next to the sears catalogue. :eek:

Believe it or not, the old Sears-Roebuck Catalogue made great TP.
RoyalOrleans said:
Believe it or not, the old Sears-Roebuck Catalogue made great TP.
Yeah, I remember hearing the old folks talking about it. Apparently they were very upset when the catalogue started getting printed on glossy paper instead of the softer version they had all gotten so used to.
SickOfTheLies4277 said:
If Islam promotes hygiene...why does the guy down the street working at the 7-11 smell like **** and has flies all around him ??

He ain't the only muslim in the world,so honey,majority matters.Or maybe he sticks coz he lives down the street of ****.Anyway,I don't believe you,coz well you people seem to always have the,''I know a muslim,who's so and so..''story.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Maybe muslims have such clean asses because their head is stuck in the way

You people are gettin' too defensive,no one is saying you're dirty coz you don't use water after using the toilet(well sort of is).I'm just sayin' it's far more hygienic to use water.And BTW,when we say you don't wash your penis,we don't mean you piss on it.The trinkle in the end smuges on it,therefore it needs a clean.
Plus,people know that washing with water is hygienic.My sister got back from Finland and she said to her suprise,that in every toilet,there is a little mini shower connected near the toilet bowl.And Finland is not populated by many muslims.
You guys should try using water,it would be a huge difference.
jokersarewild said:
Hey, OmegaManiac, maybe they need to make some new Sears-Roebuck-Koran TP with improved softness!
There ya go. :D Maybe there will be some order forms for some "mini-showers" in the new releases. :rolleyes:
Just to point out a fact. Nobody used toliet paper or any paper as far as i know until the late 1800s. What people did before that i dont know.

And also i believe japan invented a toilet that squirts water at your but for you.