A question for non-Muslims

Morfos said:
Muslims take a bath/shower after using the toilet? We use toilet paper in the west.

toilet paper is world wide,so you can stop there with'' the west have something you don't have''.
Alright, lemme get this straight: A desert people ran around everywhere they went cleaning their asses with water, a premium supply in the desert (Maybe I'm mistaken here), everytime they relieved themselves?
toilet paper is world wide,so you can stop there with'' the west have something you don't have''.

So that's why I had to grab napkins off the bar in Mexico. I think you need to do a little more research there. Paper is actually still a very rare comodity in many places on this planet.
Morfos said:
Muslims take a bath/shower after using the toilet? We use toilet paper in the west.

And in Europe they use a bidot (ok how ydo you spell "biday")
tizz said:
So that's why I had to grab napkins off the bar in Mexico. I think you need to do a little more research there. Paper is actually still a very rare comodity in many places on this planet.

Oh come on! I think you'll find one roll of tissue in every country right?
I don't know...but I have heard there are certain areas in rural Arkansas that don't have paper....just stacks of corn cobs next to the outhouse. :D
Spleefman said:
I don't know...but I have heard there are certain areas in rural Arkansas that don't have paper....just stacks of corn cobs next to the outhouse. :D

OOOHH,that's sad.Why don't the urban areas be more charitable? selfish bastards.
Because then we will have no one to make fun of! :D

by the way...I think I might have found the answer for highway travel and having to crap......

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There is no need to wipe your ass. Underwear, and a wife who washes it, takes care of any hygiene concerns.
If your people are so lacking in common sense that their religion has to promote hygeine then OH MY GOD, need we say more???
This just confirms that Muslims are savages.
Lethalfind said:
If your people are so lacking in common sense that their religion has to promote hygeine then OH MY GOD, need we say more???
This just confirms that Muslims are savages.
As long as they adhere to their racsist, immoral, elitist and facsist doctrines, which is pretty much the entire escence of islam, then "Yes" they are savages!
ArabChick, you are no one special. As far as sanitiation, you guys are damn close to the bottom so take your lame insult, your ideology, and your book and shove it. **** basket.

Who needs a religion to dictate proper hygiene? Way to have a mind of your own, you mindless drone.
LOL. I drag my ass around your living room floor once Im done taking a ****, and hover and shake once Im done peeing... My God told me to do it. :p
I wish I would've read this thread earlier, it's hillarious. :D
Lethalfind said:
If your people are so lacking in common sense that their religion has to promote hygeine then OH MY GOD, need we say more???
This just confirms that Muslims are savages.

And what's wrong with promoting hygiene? You haven't confirmed anything.all you've done is judge all muslims to be savages.
Everyone would be a savage if they weren't given knowledge.Common sense doesn't teach you everything.Just like you wouldn't know where to put you limp dick without being given knowledge.
Well now, if you know your bible you will know that it istructs it's readers not to eat meat on the third day. Shouldn't take a genius to figure that out, hell teh cave men figured that one out quick enough. There is all kinds of crap like that all over the bible (so dumbasses like yourselves would wake up dead from you affliction)
AIG your a dumb ****...having nothing to do with Allah, I have no limp dick because I'm female.

Muslims are savages for many reasons. Your forebearers thought it necessary to dictate every area of your life even down to how to wipe yourself, they must have seen the cumulative IQ of the bunch and started at the bottom, literally.