A quote

Lethalfind said:
My dad used to say you really find out alot about a mans character when you put a gun and a badge in his hands (my Dad while a law abiding citizen had HUGE issues with Police authorities), my new spin is you find out alot about a mans character when you put a positive pregnancy test in his hands...
The man I was with went all Dr Jekyl Mr Hyde on me when I got pregnant...
You're right, Lethal. I have seen men do things I never would've thought they were capable of when their signifigant others got pregnant.
That's how I REALLY knew my fiancee was a keeper. Granted I already thought he was a wonderful, loving, caring man. The day I found out I was pregnant I panicked and cried and called my best friend (Who thought it was hysterical and kept singing 'I'm gonna be an Auntie). After talking to her, I sat with knots in my stomach petrified of what he was going to say and do. He came home and I told him. He said "Okay." That was it. Totally calm. Took good care of me during the pregnancy too.
angie said:
You're right, Lethal. I have seen men do things I never would've thought they were capable of when their signifigant others got pregnant.
That's how I REALLY knew my fiancee was a keeper. Granted I already thought he was a wonderful, loving, caring man. The day I found out I was pregnant I panicked and cried and called my best friend (Who thought it was hysterical and kept singing 'I'm gonna be an Auntie). After talking to her, I sat with knots in my stomach petrified of what he was going to say and do. He came home and I told him. He said "Okay." That was it. Totally calm. Took good care of me during the pregnancy too.

Your very fortunate, he is a keeper.
John (Dianes Father) curled up in a fetal ball at one point...
I tried to get him connected to the pregnancy by putting his hand on my stomach and he jerked it away like I was on fire.
Once she was born, we were of course broken up but he came over to see her, I tried to get him involved in her care, like bathing her, dressing her, feeding her all things which he did but he never formed any kind of bond to her because he was able to walk right out the door and not look back.
Lethalfind said:
Your very fortunate, he is a keeper.
John (Dianes Father) curled up in a fetal ball at one point...
I tried to get him connected to the pregnancy by putting his hand on my stomach and he jerked it away like I was on fire.
Once she was born, we were of course broken up but he came over to see her, I tried to get him involved in her care, like bathing her, dressing her, feeding her all things which he did but he never formed any kind of bond to her because he was able to walk right out the door and not look back.
I don't understand how parents DON'T form a bond. How can you not feel a bond with your own offspring? Or even the children of someone close to you? My daughter's godmother treats her like she were one of her own. I just don't get it.
Sounds like Diane is better off not having him around at all then.
angie said:
I don't understand how parents DON'T form a bond. How can you not feel a bond with your own offspring? Or even the children of someone close to you? My daughter's godmother treats her like she were one of her own. I just don't get it.
Sounds like Diane is better off not having him around at all then.

What was strange about it is he didn't doubt she was his for a minute, and to look at them they looked just alike. They have this same strange shape of fingers that he noticed immediately. I thought maybe he was telling himself she was not his while I was pregnant but he wasn't and really, you should see pictures of them together when she was a baby with little hair, no mistaking they are father and daughter. He had his hair shaved really close (he had been a Marine) and she didn't have much yet.
I never understood. It made me think there was something mentally deficient in him and also in his parents. They also declined to ever have anything to do with her.
Lethalfind said:
What was strange about it is he didn't doubt she was his for a minute, and to look at them they looked just alike. They have this same strange shape of fingers that he noticed immediately. I thought maybe he was telling himself she was not his while I was pregnant but he wasn't and really, you should see pictures of them together when she was a baby with little hair, no mistaking they are father and daughter. He had his hair shaved really close (he had been a Marine) and she didn't have much yet.
I never understood. It made me think there was something mentally deficient in him and also in his parents. They also declined to ever have anything to do with her.
That's really sad (especially the grandparents part). They're losing out more than they know.