A quote

I can assure you that hugo and I have never had the same IP address, as I have two pretty much static ip's. Although, this has been a nice shift from the orginal topic though, hasn't it?

Or maybe that was LethalFind's whole idea from the start...

Me the same person as hugo, huh? well, I've been compared to worse. :p
ImWithStupid said:
Like I said, I don't have mod powers so I was going to believe RO until I heard differently. I sure wasn't going to just take Hugo's word for it. He showed that he was deceptive with the whole pic thing.

If you are going to vouch for him though, I am willing to believe it.

Appearantly I was wrong. Thank you for your input Papabryant.

No prob... I can also vouch that the pic thing was a prank. That is the kind of thing Hugo would do as a joke with a friend. Don't take it too seriously.;)
hugo said:
Let me explain something...stupid people in this world tend to get abused. That is why Tizz and Lethal Find take this issue so personal. Have a brain. Someone hits you...leave them. Case closed.

I only take this issue personally because I know for fact that you have no ****ing experience to preach from. Go ahead and call me stupid, it is not as if I didn't spend the first two years after my abuse saying the same thing. As long as I know better and I have been able to come to terms with it and deal with it in a healthy way, WTF does your opinion based on arrogance and ignorance have to do with it.

Face it hugo, you came up against someone who knows, someone who is not even bitter, but someone who can speak the actual truth on the subject. If you have ANY interest in domestic violence or abuse I would think you would want to listen, but obviously the only thing you want is to go on pretending you have a brain.

Sorry scarecrow, but the wizard was just a fake:rolleyes:
hugo said:
What a ****in' moron you are. Could a mod please confirm that me and Eddo do not share the same IP address? Who are the idiots here? Me and eddo don't live within a thousand miles of each other. Y'all still ain't convinced me women are too stupid to date selectively. Just because the women on this board are retards does not mean most women are. Most women don't get abused by their boyfriens''or they are smart enough to leave the first time it happens. Just because retarded women and a bunch of skirt sniffers and morons whom actually believe that me and Eddo have the same IP put me in the idiot box proves nothing.

You think you are in the box over your IP?

eddo said:
I can assure you that hugo and I have never had the same IP address, as I have two pretty much static ip's. Although, this has been a nice shift from the orginal topic though, hasn't it?

Or maybe that was LethalFind's whole idea from the start...

Me the same person as hugo, huh? well, I've been compared to worse. :p

You will have to take that up with Royal Orleans Moderator, he gave that information and it makes sense to me. People who need someone to take the heat off them because their comments are such **** do create more then one user name.
Personally, I trust the information coming from RO the Moderator more then I do you.
tizz said:
You think you are in the box over your IP?


How did you get that over what I wrote? Learn the English language before you post.

On this site suggesting genocide of Muslims is OK. Suggesting women actually have some responsibility is not.
hugo said:
Let me explain something...stupid people in this world tend to get abused. That is why Tizz and Lethal Find take this issue so personal. Have a brain. Someone hits you...leave them. Case closed.

I have never had a boyfriend or husband hit me...The only person who ever struck me was my Father when I was a child and I had no control over who I would live with, I found I didn't like being hit so I made sure it didn't happen to me as an adult.

I did have one boyfriend act like he was going to and I let him know that I would give as good as I got and kicked him out the door right afterward...

I take this issue personally because I am a woman and you are speaking out against women.
That does not make me stupid...
Your comments on the other hand speak volumes about your intellect AND any woman who would waste 10 seconds on you.

You are the kind of man that we women get together and talk about. The kind of man that a woman is thankful to be rid of.
I am the head admin at www.2thejungle.com and a very good friend to Eddo. I can assure you that Hugo and Eddo are two different people. I have access to all their personal information and their IP's.

They have never had the same IP. I don't know where RO got his info.

Both Hugo and Eddo like to play pranks and they do, at times, have a similar sense of humor but they are not the same person.
babiebec3 said:
Oh and all of us at that site have known Hugo is an ass for years. What took you all so long?

LOLOL, I guess it took awhile for the right thread to come up that got our attention...
I also have to admit that it takes alot for me to pay that much attention to peoples user names if I don't have a personal relationship with them...he has been simply unremarkable.
Lethalfind said:
I have never had a boyfriend or husband hit me...The only person who ever struck me was my Father when I was a child and I had no control over who I would live with, I found I didn't like being hit so I made sure it didn't happen to me as an adult.

I did have one boyfriend act like he was going to and I let him know that I would give as good as I got and kicked him out the door right afterward...

I take this issue personally because I am a woman and you are speaking out against women.
That does not make me stupid...
Your comments on the other hand speak volumes about your intellect AND any woman who would waste 10 seconds on you.

You are the kind of man that we women get together and talk about. The kind of man that a woman is thankful to be rid of.

All I have stated is women are smart enough to date selectively. Would you prefer the arranged marriage route? Something tells me you would not.
hugo said:
All I have stated is women are smart enough to date selectively. Would you prefer the arranged marriage route? Something tells me you would not.

Let me tell you something honestly Hugo,
I was married, he turned out to be an ass hole, I was fooled and didn't see it, I made a decision to marry him at a time when I was not prepared, I was traumtized from the death of my Father, he had died of a heart attack, the same summer my Mother had a heart attack. Definetly not the time to make a life changing decision. Since I realized what was going on and kicked him out, I haven't really been involved at all with anyone. I have gone out with one man casually a handful of times but to be honest my priority in life is not looking for a mate, my priority is my daughter, Diane. I owe her that. So I don't have the problem of ending up with ass holes in my life, I have no one in my life through my own choice. I don't have the time to be honest. I have too much else going on that requires my time. I have my daughter, I own a home and I am solely responsible for its upkeep, I work and I am in school. Where would I fit a man into all that? There is no place, unless something else suffered and I can't at this time let something else suffer.
As far as the arranged marriage, I wouldn't trust my parents to choose a mate for me for no amount of money...I would rather live out my life in solitary confinement then end up in the kind of abusive, disfunctional marriage that was my parent's marriage. As a child I used to wish they would get a divorce, I would imagine what it would be like to live with just my Mother. I felt that if my Dad wasn't around to be yelling and controling and manipulating that my Mother would have a better chance to stay on a more even kiel. I never got my wish, my Father and Mother remained married and ultimately had 54 years together before he died. Luckily I was able to get away from the swirling vortex as I have come to call the family compound.
hugo said:
How did you get that over what I wrote? Learn the English language before you post.

On this site suggesting genocide of Muslims is OK. Suggesting women actually have some responsibility is not.

Oh I accept full responsibility. I let it happen. BUT you refuse to admit that you are obviously ignorant to the complexity that is domestic abuse. I sincerely hope the women of your life kick the **** out of you someday so perhaps you will understand what you fail to see now.

Where have you seen me place entire blame on the man that abused me? I DO place full blame on the guy who tried to rape me with his friends, BUT that certainly was not the case for LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. I blamed the fact that my contraception failed for the abused I suffered from my daughter's father and because I figured it was MY fault I let it continue and just kept trying to find what would please him enough to leave me be.

You are missing the forest for the tree here. You have your pretty little list of what to look for. Believe me we have all seen it. Dear Abby reprints it three times a year atthe least. What you FAIL to see is that given particular circumstances of life etc... ANYONE can end up abused. NO MATTER what a woman does short of being an abuser herself, there is never justification for abuse. AND unless you actually get the back ground story of each and every woman ever abused, your blanket statements are pure ignorance. Now face it, you are just a dumb ass when it comes to this topic
tizz said:
Oh I accept full responsibility. I let it happen. BUT you refuse to admit that you are obviously ignorant to the complexity that is domestic abuse. I sincerely hope the women of your life kick the **** out of you someday so perhaps you will understand what you fail to see now.

Where have you seen me place entire blame on the man that abused me? I DO place full blame on the guy who tried to rape me with his friends, BUT that certainly was not the case for LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. I blamed the fact that my contraception failed for the abused I suffered from my daughter's father and because I figured it was MY fault I let it continue and just kept trying to find what would please him enough to leave me be.

You are missing the forest for the tree here. You have your pretty little list of what to look for. Believe me we have all seen it. Dear Abby reprints it three times a year atthe least. What you FAIL to see is that given particular circumstances of life etc... ANYONE can end up abused. NO MATTER what a woman does short of being an abuser herself, there is never justification for abuse. AND unless you actually get the back ground story of each and every woman ever abused, your blanket statements are pure ignorance. Now face it, you are just a dumb ass when it comes to this topic

Frankly his comments show a disregard for human feeling, thats the beginning of the slippery slope that allows someone to become the abuser whether it be physical, sexual or verbal.
tizz said:
Oh I accept full responsibility. I let it happen. BUT you refuse to admit that you are obviously ignorant to the complexity that is domestic abuse. I sincerely hope the women of your life kick the **** out of you someday so perhaps you will understand what you fail to see now.

Where have you seen me place entire blame on the man that abused me? I DO place full blame on the guy who tried to rape me with his friends, BUT that certainly was not the case for LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. I blamed the fact that my contraception failed for the abused I suffered from my daughter's father and because I figured it was MY fault I let it continue and just kept trying to find what would please him enough to leave me be.

You are missing the forest for the tree here. You have your pretty little list of what to look for. Believe me we have all seen it. Dear Abby reprints it three times a year atthe least. What you FAIL to see is that given particular circumstances of life etc... ANYONE can end up abused. NO MATTER what a woman does short of being an abuser herself, there is never justification for abuse. AND unless you actually get the back ground story of each and every woman ever abused, your blanket statements are pure ignorance. Now face it, you are just a dumb ass when it comes to this topic

Don't take any blame for someone hitting you! If the man was a man he would walk away. Even if you were a bitch(not saying you were).
There is no reason on God's green earth for someone to hit another unless it's self defense! You pissed me off taking the blame!!:eek:
I think Hugo is just saying if you know the guy is abusive, get the **** out!
It's easer said than done though.
snafu said:
Don't take any blame for someone hitting you! If the man was a man he would walk away. Even if you were a bitch(not saying you were).
There is no reason on God's green earth for someone to hit another unless it's self defense! You pissed me off taking the blame!!:eek:
I think Hugo is just saying if you know the guy is abusive, get the **** out!
It's easer said than done though.

That is the WHOLE point of this conflict.

Women are made to feel its their fault, therefore they must stay and make it right. Which works right into the hands of the abuser because he wants ultimate control, you can't have that until you have beaten your victim down to the ground completely, then you can control and manipulate away because they no longer have what it takes to defy their abuser.

People like Hugo just further that idea whether they are actually hitting anyone or not.
Yes guilt can be a way to keep the person around. Also you might be financially bound together as well as children. These factors can keep a person with an abusive person. Sometimes long enough to be killed. So its easy to say it was her fault and she should