A talk about Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church

Hamza123 said:
Bullshit. You hate Muslims,
You are unqualified to know if hate anyone or not. Secondly, you are a dumbass for thinking you are qualified.

Hamza123 said:
and you hate there Beliefs.
True. What's your point. I said it a thousand times already, are you stupid? ... oh yeah, you already established that.

Hamza123 said:
If a Muslim when up to you and said Christianity is ****ed up and all the same **** you say about Islam but towards Christianity, THEY'RE NOT GOING TO THINK YOU DON'T HATE THEM IDIOT.
This doesn't make any sense, looser... Did you mean to say that If a muslim said all the same things about Christianity that I do about islam, I will believe that they hate me personally? The answer, You and AIG both say **** Christianity all the time. Do you hate me? I think you do, but not because of that, I think you hate me because islam teaches you to hate. So you hate me and everyone else in the world. Muslims seem to have a hard time differentiating between people and their beliefs. There is a difference whether you see it or not.

Hamza123 said:
You want Muslims eradictaed from the earth. I remember you praising some mayor of a city that suggest Mecca should be nuked.
Yes. I want islam errdicated from earth. If it can be done without killing anyone,that would be better... I doubt it's possible, though.

Hamza123 said:
You want people to be nuked.
No, I want mecca destroyed. I want Medina destroyed. I want them destroyed to the point that absolutely nothing is left of them. I don't nessesarily want all the people killed.

Hamza123 said:
You're an idiot that doesn't understand anything about Islam except for what you see on FOX or CNN.
I understand that you are brainwashed by an obviously offensive ideology.

Hamza123 said:
I understand you do a lot of reading on anti-Islamic websites... Try a book. They tend to be more informative. I found one that suits your minds current condition. It will help. ;)
I understand you do a lot of reading on anti-israeli websites, try a book... Logic and hypocricy for dummies would be good start.
Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
You are unqualified to know if hate anyone or not. Secondly, you are a dumbass for thinking you are qualified.

Than you're un-qualfied to call me evil just because I am Muslim... Take your own advice slut :D.

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
True. What's your point. I said it a thousand times already, are you stupid? ... oh yeah, you already established that.

Well, sorry, I just wanted to re-establish the fact that you want to kill all Muslims. Don't be scared that Islam is begining to compete with Christianity in numbers... We believe in the Gospel too. ;)

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
This doesn't make any sense, looser...

"Looser" doesn't make sense loser. Perhaps if you had some sense, it would make sense.

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
Did you mean to say that If a muslim said all the same things about Christianity that I do about islam, I will believe that they hate me personally?

The Qur'an calls Jewish, Christian, and Muslim people equal People of the Book, that if they are truly that, they will not grieve.

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
The answer, You and AIG both say **** Christianity all the time. Do you hate me? I think you do, but not because of that,

I am not taught to hate you or anyone. The fact is, I am taught to engage into peaceful debate with you, and reveal the true words of Allah. Not what you make up.

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
So you hate me and everyone else in the world. Muslims seem to have a hard time differentiating between people and their beliefs. There is a difference whether you see it or not.

If I hated everyone in the world, everyone in the world would hate me. Too bad only you do...

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
Yes. I want islam errdicated from earth.

You said before that Islam can be peaceful all it wants but it is Muslims who represent Islam. Therefore, if Islam is eradicated, and the human representation of Islam are Muslims, than you want Muslims eradicated... It's simple!!

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
No, I want mecca destroyed. I want Medina destroyed. I want them destroyed to the point that absolutely nothing is left of them. I don't nessesarily want all the people killed.

Too bad it won't happen... AWW, HOW NICE OF YOU! You don't nessesarily want all the people killed. You're a nice guy... not. :rolleyes:

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
I understand that you are brainwashed by an obviously offensive ideology.

It's funny, we are the ones who are defending our beliefs. You are being brainwashed everyday of your life. I am not a perfect Muslim, but I try. ;) Bush would call you his perfect specimen, well, not a complete specimen, but close enough.

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
I understand you do a lot of reading on anti-israeli websites, try a book... Logic and hypocricy for dummies would be good start.

Hmm... Perhaps you could run a short synopsis by me... You of all people had to read it.. didn't you?

Maybe I should check one of my anti-Israeli websites to show me who to vote for the next election... Oops! They don't do that. They're there freelancing and being tortured by the Israeli Army to bring you these videos and photos.

It's quite sad really. The photos, the evidence of torture of innocent children by Israel is right infront of you. But you decide to look over like those people are worth nothing to your cold concience.

I should start using diagrams to explain **** to you...

---^---^---^---^---^---^---^---^ <- Rock Bottom

-|- < MRIH
Hamza123 said:
The Qur'an calls Jewish, Christian, and Muslim people equal People of the Book, that if they are truly that, they will not grieve.

I'm not saying that this isn't in the Qur'an, but why is that Muslims seem to refer to Jews and Christians as "infidels" if they are in fact supposedly equal.

Literal meaning of "infidel" is "one without faith".:confused:
Moralman said:
Dear Friends
kind regards
who are we? an ann landers column?
Moralman said:
I think that homosexuals actually should be seduced by one of their many female admirers, that may just change them.
Do you not listen? How is doing an act that you find repuslive going to change someone? (and when i say repulsive act im talking about female/male sex..)...Been there..done that...and it felt very awkward and wrong to me....Unnatural if you will...
Moralman said:
Hetrosexuality is normal and homosexuality is abnormal.
forgetting your news flash you sent me earlier? ..let me refresh your memory..
Moralman said:
There is still a question mark as to whether homosexuals are born like that or get that way due to their upbringing,
soo there is a question mark on that one huh? They how can you justify what is normal and what is abnormal?

what i find abnormal is your obsession with gay people and wanting to talk about them. THAT is abnormal....so is phelps..but thats another...wait, no i guess that is on topic
Moralman said:
You can change yourself to become a hetrosexual if you really wanted to but you won't because you are use to living that way much like a person hooked on drugs.
Drugs....homosexuality........Interesting view...laughable...but interesting. The ONLY reason i would ever want to "become" heterosexual is to maybe have a child, and perhaps make life a little easier on myself. Unfortunately my brain isnt wired that way....nor do i want to damage my psyche and be completely ****ed in the head....Much like brainwashing cults do...but you wouldnt know that because your mind is apparently already washed..and therefore very nieve...

Moralman said:
Whether or not you change is not my business, however the homosexual/feminist agenda has doomed America and hence the most noble thing that homosexuals can do is to keep their sexuality away from society.
yours thankfully

hold up...

FEMINIST???!!!! Wow...now we are branching in a totaly different area...(looking around for Tori to get in on this conversation now)..

Doomed America??!!?!?! The only thing dooming america is inept politics and bad foreign relations....Not homosexuals...and ahem..feminists....

People like you make me want to strap on a purple thong, get out some big elton john sunglasses, adorn a pink feather boa and start using the word "girlfriend' every other word just to piss you the **** off and make you want to go running back to your pathetic excuse for church and the word of god

Kindly go **** yourself good friend!
Vortex said:
People like you make me want to strap on a purple thong, get out some big elton john sunglasses, adorn a pink feather boa and start using the word "girlfriend' every other word just to piss you the **** off and make you want to go running back to your pathetic excuse for church and the word of god
Vortex, This kinda talk is just going to get MoralMan to step out of the closet himself, not go running back to church... I believe he is really gay, because of his obsession with certain acts performed in private.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Vortex, This kinda talk is just going to get MoralMan to step out of the closet himself, not go running back to church... I believe he is really gay, because of his obsession with certain acts performed in private.

Its not a common fact...but its common that those who scream the loudest about being anti-gay that they have their own conflict within themselves..

those who are secure could give a rats ass....Myself I have become so secure in who I am in the last year and a half that Im a totaly different person than when i first came to GF...

it might not be apparent..but its true...

Honestly tho...this moral man is either a mods boredom....or some closet case that had a horrible overzealous christian upbringing...

but...honestly...i dont care...i read about world politics here and there...but generally dont get all fiesty about most of it....This topic is obviously my sensitive point ...but for good reason :)
I am also gay. However, if there are any good Christian women who wish to seduce me, in order ro save my soul, please PM me.
hugo said:
I am also gay. However, if there are any good Christian women who wish to seduce me, in order ro save my soul, please PM me.

I know of some women who are in your plight...but you need to have at least an AOL 15 inches...

(translated...9+)...then i can put in a good word for you with my women folk

I just so happen to think Fred Phelps is a blathering sack of ****, and can take his Bigoted, self righteous nazi ****ing bullshit and shove it up his ass. Oh and **** you and your imaginary god.
Yeah, I know who this guy is...He used to have a web site called "God Hates Fags." I don't know if he still does, but he's been around awhile.

Yet another con artist using hatred as a way to con sorry saps looking for someone to help them justify their hatred. I'm not even a christian, and even I have fight the urge to regurgitate at the way this guy twists bible passages to make the truly absurd seem reasonable.

Still, that being said, I defend his right to spew whatever rediculous crap he wants. Just as I defend his supporters right to believe it, no matter how stupid it is. I even defend their right to give this guy money, which is all he's really after anyway. As the saying goes, "A fool and their money are soon departed." shrug
Lethalfind said:
Your ****in right about one thing, I am completely out of touch with the religious community and damn proud of it...
While I have heard of some of the things he has done, I was not aware of his name or that he gave sermons...nor do I give a ****...
As for being uneducated...I think your talking about yourself. Pick the right board to talk religious smack on...

That man is NOT a Christian and he is giving us a bad rep.
Actually Fred Phelps helps out everybody in the long run. It reminds you that there are all kinds out there and you can
I think the majority of people see him as a lunatic and then become skeptical of other hate preaching mongrels. He's obviously going for the shock value of it and I think it's back firing on him.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I don't think Fred Phelps is helping Christianity by making false statements like "God hates Fags"...

It's my understanding that most christians see christianity as "the truth." That being said, since when does the truth need help? For that matter, what can possibly hurt it?

Guys like phelps attract the lowest denominator of society. He doesn't get loving people to hate, but rather helps hateful people justify their hatred. So, I wouldn't worry too much about it.

I'm not a christian, but it's not because guys like phelps interpret the bible in a way to make his views appear divine. I doubt many christians look at the views of phelps, and say, "Well, that's not right, I'm no longer going to be a christian now!" I also doubt that many non believers reject christianty because of guys like phelps either. They may use phelps to rag on christians, but anyone who says "I'm not a christian because Fred Phelps says that God hates fags," has some serious issues anyway. ;-)
somersetcace1 said:
It's my understanding that most christians see christianity as "the truth." That being said, since when does the truth need help? For that matter, what can possibly hurt it?

Guys like phelps attract the lowest denominator of society. He doesn't get loving people to hate, but rather helps hateful people justify their hatred. So, I wouldn't worry too much about it.

I'm not a christian, but it's not because guys like phelps interpret the bible in a way to make his views appear divine. I doubt many christians look at the views of phelps, and say, "Well, that's not right, I'm no longer going to be a christian now!" I also doubt that many non believers reject christianty because of guys like phelps either. They may use phelps to rag on christians, but anyone who says "I'm not a christian because Fred Phelps says that God hates fags," has some serious issues anyway. ;-)
Logical. Flawlessly logical. Phelps and his kind are of the apostate church, which is to say he and his "church", read, cult, are of Satan, although, Phelps would deny it. That's just my two cents on that peta'Q.
Holy ****!

I've been laughing my ass off at this ****tarded thread.


75% of this "Pastors" congregation are comprised of family members, BTW.

We see here the same molesting of base religion as we have seen wit Islam. ANY Christian person I've heard speak towards the irreverent pastor Phelps, has done well to display distance.

I can't believe so many people are outraged at this man. Outrage is what they want. When I first saw this jackass and his sheep, I thought I was outraged, but then realized I was entertained. The world needs Fred Phelps. Why the hell does the media even give this butt lick a minute of air?

Guys like Phelps attract the lowest denominator of society. He doesn't get loving people to hate, but rather helps hateful people justify their hatred. So, I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Not really. As I said, most of the congregation is family. This ignorance and hate has been Mr Phelps legacy to his kin.

If you take the bible literally, Pastor Phelps gives a more genuine recital of gods awful hand then any sweet little church in your neighborhood. The bible is filled from front to back with bloody horrible events caused by the hand of god. The bible is a tome of record recalling the mass-murder of thousands of innocent children as a means of god himself, teaching a Pharaoh a lesson for the oppression of Jews.

Whether you like it or not, God is painted as a terrifying and vengeful Deity in the bible. Whether you like it or not, god said himself that any man whom lies with another man, shall be put to death. Dear Christians. Your god wants all fags dead. Pastor Phelps is rogue in his statements, and an asshole. But he is more of a true Christian then any of you.