Abortion [Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life]

well, sort of. i agree that if it's rape, abortion is ok. but you seem to be saying that the rest of the time, abortion is a major no-no. i think that the rest of the time, it should be up to the woman/girl.
Penguinscanfly_88 said:
Its like a morning after pill...my sister was raped and its what they did...She said she wouldntve had it any other way...and if she had Still gotten pregnant she woulda given it up and not kill it

And thus, you are caught up with yourself.

The morning after pill:

"Emergency contraception (EC) (also known as Emergency Birth Control (EBC), the morning-after pill, or postcoital contraception) refers to measures, that if taken after sex, may prevent a pregnancy."
"Many pro-life groups define pregnancy as beginning with fertilisation, and therefore consider EC to be an abortifacient"

Abortifacient: An abortifacient is a substance that induces abortion.

Check and mate dear. I win.
waiting4thesun said:
well, sort of. i agree that if it's rape, abortion is ok. but you seem to be saying that the rest of the time, abortion is a major no-no. i think that the rest of the time, it should be up to the woman/girl.
okay so we still disagree then lol

@Penguinscanfly_88: What your refering to is abortion.
I guess I could bend leeway to give a rape victim the right to decide only becuase of phsycological effects it could have on a person, but not if she waits until its a month or two old...but like most say no more than that. If a 14 year old girl has had sex on her own will then she should have to live with it. She broke the law and I think giving her a free ride is far from fair. I also think the father should have to take some responsibility, but thats a whole other story.
FireHawk said:
I think if you find out your preganent from rape abortion should be done as soon as possible or not at all

Exactly what I am saying...its ok like the pill thing...cuz that wont hurt the person pregnant....An abortion will...and can prevent one from having kids in the future....so like immediatly take care of it with that pill or have the baby and give it up
I agree with Vash you have changed sides because that is abortion and you said abortion is always a no but your saying now if one is pregnant from rape it is okay for abortion.
I don't want to cause an argument or something, 'cause I bet this has already come up- but wouldn't giving the baby up by worse in a way, than killing it? What if it can't get a permanent foster home, it would have had such a bad start in life anyway....
I would pick life over death and I think if babies could pick and have knowledge about life and death they would say Life. Although there are no known way to talk to babies that young let alone in a human body.
Many guys on this thread have said "No" to Pro-choice. Yet it's the mother- the woman who is allowed to decide. It's a much harder decision to make, if you're the mother than it is to just argue about with other people etc.
You just have to think of circumstances, other than rape, incest etc, emotions involved, surrounding people, support, health etc.
It's not a Yes/No issue.
djwakka said:
A : Against abortion? Then don't have one.
B : But God-
A : But don't have one.
thank you, you just summed up my thoughts. if you're against abortion, don't have one. if it's someone other than yourself, let her choose.
Vash_the_Stampede said:
I like how you completely changed your words...

If one is going to take sides in an arguement, please stay with it unchanged.

Well, not really becuase if they change sides that means the other side has influenced one with their opinion which is one of the main purposes of the whole thread. :thumbsup:
waiting4thesun said:
true, you did. but take into consideration everything else in that sentence: 14 years old, not mentally stable enough to have a child. would you still put her through having a child?

14 years old or not... if she thought she was old enough to have sex & be "grown" then she better take care of the consquences while she's being the "grown" little girl she thought she was. If it was my daughter, she'd have the baby & she'd keep it. I would take care of it, but she will be a mother to the child. That's how I feel about that right there.

If it were rape then I would give her a choice. I wouldn't like it if she got an abortion, but I would give the choice. Just as long as she can prove it was really rape. As in she goes to the cops & they get a profile of the guy that did it out on the news.

If it were incest rape, there is no question. She will get an abortion & I will end up in jail for killing the mother ****er who did it. Becuase that is disgusting & pathetic.
Originally Posted by waiting4thesun
true, you did. but take into consideration everything else in that sentence: 14 years old, not mentally stable enough to have a child. would you still put her through having a child?
mental stability myy ass there is no proof that having a child before the age of 18 cuases serious phsycological defects towards the mother. XD