Abortion [Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life]

wonderland said:
I'm 100% pro-CHOICE. You don't want one, fine. Don't impose that on me. I'm a Libertarian. So I say, if you want it done or need to have it done, then do. It's you're right&/or privilege (however you want to look at it). As long as it doesn't interfere with my civil liberties & don't expect me to pay for you. The government needs to give us more choices not fewer. That's also why there's violence. Kids are violent b/c they're bored. And if the Republicans get what they want & get rid of Roe vs. Wade, there still will be abortions. Back alley abortions, which is far more dangerous. It's a breeding ground for bacteria. They don't have reason to steralized. You can't ban everything. For example, smoking is banned in bars b/c it's bad for your heath. Well, so is drinking. Is that the next step? to ban alcohol? Didn't work before. People will find a way to do it. Same with abortion. Women will find a way. Abortion is a woman's choice & it's very important it stay that way. Men must stay out of it b/c they don't have that 9 months of carrying that child & the bond is or isn't. And if you can't have or don't want that child, Mommy, then don't have it. I've seen too many orphans brought up instituationalized, anti-social. They can not involve themselves with other human beings. They've grown up without love. Don't ever do that to a human being. Don't bring a human into this world without love. That's far more tragic. If Bush & his religious adgenda push this through, there are going to be many unwanted children. There goes your crime rate. Sky rocket out the window. Compationate converatism my ass. It's infringing on our rights. Our decisions.

Maybe if Libertarians and Liberals spent less time attacking the 'religious agenda' and more time actually working in thier communities to help the standard of living, and pushing through bills and acts in the government to get these people the help they deserve, we wouldn't have such a problem with 'unwanted children' as you put it.
Actions speak louder then words. Don't criticize, do something about it. Show people you practice what you preach.

**sorry to double-post, btw**
Clogz said:
I would tell her to live with it because, if college was really so important to her, she would have been studying her pre-law - not having sex with some guy.
If she really cared about graduating from school, she wouldn't have taken the chance. :rolleyes:

And about 98% percent bullshit the 2 percent is becuase there are some dumbasses who don't know how to put it on right...thats why theres a 2% percent chance.
Clogz said:
Maybe if Libertarians and Liberals spent less time attacking the 'religious agenda' and more time actually working in thier communities to help the standard of living, and pushing through bills and acts in the government to get these people the help they deserve, we wouldn't have such a problem with 'unwanted children' as you put it.
Actions speak louder then words. Don't criticize, do something about it. Show people you practice what you preach.

**sorry to double-post, btw**

I actually am very active in the Libertarian party. I'm a registered voter. I'm a member of the ACLU. I constantly write my Senators & other political officers to voice my options on bills. I volunteer my time & donate my money whenever I can. So not only am I well informed on issues, but I do something about them. I don't think I attacked anyone. People in this world have different options and I have no problem stating mine. You don't have to agree with me & you don't have to like what I say. But, it's my right to say my option, just as it is yours. And I couldn't help but notice that you not only attacked Libertarians & Liberals while not saying what you do about what's happening in goevernment today. Somewhat hypoctical don't you think? Do you even know what the platform is for not only the Libertarian party but also the ACLU? Libertarians “borrow” from both sides (Republican & Democrat) & come up with a logical and consistent whole -- but without the exceptions and broken promises of Republican and Democratic politicians. Learn about the people you're talking about you start telling them about what they should think & do.
wonderland said:
I actually am very active in the Libertarian party. I'm a registered voter. I'm a member of the ACLU. I constantly write my Senators & other political officers to voice my options on bills. I volunteer my time & donate my money whenever I can. So not only am I well informed on issues, but I do something about them. I don't think I attacked anyone. People in this world have different options and I have no problem stating mine. You don't have to agree with me & you don't have to like what I say. But, it's my right to say my option, just as it is yours. And I couldn't help but notice that you not only attacked Libertarians & Liberals while not saying what you do about what's happening in goevernment today. Somewhat hypoctical don't you think? Do you even know what the platform is for not only the Libertarian party but also the ACLU? Libertarians “borrow” from both sides (Republican & Democrat) & come up with a logical and consistent whole -- but without the exceptions and broken promises of Republican and Democratic politicians. Learn about the people you're talking about you start telling them about what they should think & do.

First off do you mean opinion?


Libertarians “borrow” from both sides (Republican & Democrat) & come up with a logical and consistent whole

That's just like communism on paper. Sounds perfect but it really isn't. Seriously ACLU fights for the rights of free speech but the minute we speak against abortion we get a sock in our mouth telling us to shut up. I have no problem with equal rights to an extent but the ACLU is just as crooked/twisted at the Republican/Democratic parties put together.
They suppourt the rights of people like this, Totaly Sick.

They fight so hard religious rights for every other religion but Christiananity. It's just disgusting. I'm sorry wonderland, but in my opinion ACLU is just a bunch of communist driven liberals.
Sygy said:
i was in china last month and my mum was stationed in North Korea for a while lol
then you would have noticed the lack of money, torture, and pain the chineese so eleguently(SP I KNOW) put up with. how that in communism idealistically everything is fair but its really not.

Sygy do you have any hopes in life? Well even if you dont in communism you never are even allowed to in begging. Your basically selling your sould to the devil. Why do you think Cuba is struggling, and North Korea is in a secret poverty ect.

People arent happy and they cant just get up and leave.
My opion has changed a bunch from when I started this topic (mainly from personal experiences with a memeber in my family) so I have 3 things to say:

1) Anyone who supports abortion is sick in the head (unless rape has occured). I find it funny many people who are pro-choice are also complaining about people dieing in war. Hmmm so you would rather kill babies who have done nothing wrong than soldier who signed up for military and people who have done wrong (Although I am not saying the deserved to die atleast they lived a little) especially when the world has been brought up to be against the killing of females and children? Immoral? Yeah I think so.

2) ACLU can kiss my ass (Yes that was a direct hit at you)

3) Communism is not a form of governemnt its a form of economics (oppoiste of free enterprise basically.) North Korea and China have totalitarian governments. No hate on Azk. Don't worry many people confuse this :)

This is just my opion :)
FireHawk said:
My opion has changed a bunch from when I started this topic (mainly from personal experiences with a memeber in my family) so I have 3 things to say:

1) Anyone who supports abortion is sick in the head (unless rape has occured). I find it funny many people who are pro-choice are also complaining about people dieing in war. Hmmm so you would rather kill babies who have done nothing wrong than soldier who signed up for military and people who have done wrong (Although I am not saying the deserved to die atleast they lived a little) especially when the world has been brought up to be against the killing of females and children? Immoral? Yeah I think so.

2) ACLU can kiss my ass (Yes that was a direct hit at you)

3) Communism is not a form of governemnt its a form of economics (oppoiste of free enterprise basically.) North Korea and China have totalitarian governments. No hate on Azk. Don't worry many people confuse this :)

This is just my opion :)

AMEN!!!!!! lol....I totally agree....and even if it is rape....you could still give it up for adoption. But yeah.... you like totally hit it on the head there...lol :thumbsup:
personally, my motto on this whole abortion topic is this: let the pregnant one choose. who are you to tell someone what they can and can't do? it almost sounds like going back to when women had no free rights.

FireHawk: you say that anyone who supports abortion is sick in the head. to me, telling a 14-year-old who's been raped, and is not mentally stable enough to be a mother, telling her that she has to have her baby seems sick to an incredulous level.

another thing: what if the woman is in a state where she would likely die in the birthing process? think about that.

this is just my opinion. honestly guys, think about it.

and ladies, put yourself in the position of a pregnant woman who feels so uncapable of having a child that she decides to have an abortion. just think about it.
waiting4thesun said:
FireHawk: you say that anyone who supports abortion is sick in the head. to me, telling a 14-year-old who's been raped, and is not mentally stable enough to be a mother, telling her that she has to have her baby seems sick to an incredulous level.

i would like to point i said rape was an exception
true, you did. but take into consideration everything else in that sentence: 14 years old, not mentally stable enough to have a child. would you still put her through having a child?
yes the child should be put up for adoption after the birth and the mother should get help for her mental problems in my opion (as in I think your refering to someone who needs help please point out if I understood that wrong)
FireHawk said:
yes the child should be put up for adoption after the birth and the mother should get help for her mental problems in my opion (as in I think your refering to someone who needs help please point out if I understood that wrong)

Exactly....A 14 year old shouldnt be silly enough to get pregnant that young anyways that is WAY to young in my opinion...but if they have sex they should still have to pay the consequnces....even if that means having a baby.....and if they decide to give it up then go ahead....but its not right to kill a child just because you dont want it... A baby has a genetic code different from the mothers from the time it is conceived....so its murder....and it messes up a person worse than having the baby...