Abuse of Moderator Status


Being a Mod is not EASY. It's countless hours of unpaid work, rewarded with malcontents calling for your "De-Modding". But, GF is definitely worth the effort.

Shudders I can still hear the chanting in the shoutbox...


Poor Bob. Oh ****, look at me, I'm still shaking...(Damn D.T.'s - Must...get...alcohol desperately reaches for mug of Bacardi 151

P.S. Do you think TH will like Yoda? I hope so, because her crying is getting annoying.
Well I can see where overall there have been some hhmmm Interesting choices on behalf of a few of the mods over the past week, but the poll addition was nothing (just came a bad time) I defer to the coment I made in teh idiot box forum

So far you and outlaw are mild in camparison to others ;)
tizz said:
...So far you and outlaw are mild in camparison to others ;)

I'm so mild, I taste just like Chicken! Mmmm...Finger Licking Good!

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PS: Hey AIG! What's it say in Arabic on the bottom of the picture?


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builder said:
Oh, a ***** whipping is in order, methinks. What say you?

You're the only ***** I see here, builder. Your open support for terrorists and their efforts to get nuclear arms is noted. Therefore, you, like that useless 3rd world shithole you call a country, are not worthy listening to.

Please feel free to jump in front of a moving bus.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Yes, that too...



You were a good guy before you became a mod. It's a shame you're so drunk on power that you cannot see how much damage you're doing.

As such, I have no choice but to take action that I had hoped to avoid.

Remember this moment, CES, because it will be you that is remembered for what comes next.

You have no honor, CES. I bet you were dishonorably discharged for being a total comeplete coward.

You sir, are a dispicable.

Changing my Avatar is unaccaptable. I paid good money so that I could have the avatar I had. Now I will be taking legal action against you AND WYPO, CES.

I am not going to be cheated out of what I paid for.

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TH dude, do you have any idea how many times I have had to change my profile pic and avatar? Like it is a big deal to change it back. I WAS sticking up for you but I think I will have to take that back, you ARE being a baby now!

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah...Blah Blah...Blah.

As such, I have no choice but to throw myself on the floor and have a temper tantrum; an action that I had hoped to avoid.

Blah Blah Blah...Blah Blah...Blah.

Changing my Avatar is unaccaptable. I paid good money so that I could have the avatar I had.

Now I will go have my tantrum.


Avatar Setup For Babies

Step 1: Select
phreakwars said:
Your getting exactally what you paid for...

Voting is irrelevant
I am your Mod
now KNEEL before MOD
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No, I am not. I paid for the right to have the avatar I had. That was stolen from me. THis is an act of fraud and breach of contract committed against a PAYING MEMBER by a group of dishonst people. This WILL NOT go unpunushied.

I am going to take back what was stolen from me out of GF's, Bobs, and CES's pocket.

I will not be cheated.


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The only difference between GF Mods and mods on other forums, is we don't hide the fact that were BIAS, corrupted, smartasses.

I would think a bigger crime would be asshole admins like at TAP/ Public Debate/insert gay forum here, that have admins who come up with 100 thousand rules that people must obey or be kicked out..

Here, we OPENLY ADMIT we abuse you and MOD status as well !!

****ing crybaby
tizz said:
TH dude, do you have any idea how many times I have had to change my profile pic and avatar? Like it is a big deal to change it back. I WAS sticking up for you but I think I will have to take that back, you ARE being a baby now!

It would be easy to change it back ... IF I STILL HAD THE ****ING PIC I USED FOR IT. However, I do not have that pic anymore, which means, I NO LONGER GET TO HAVE THE AVATAR I HAD... and all because CES is a ****ing asshole.

You go right ahead and change your vote. I don't care. I lost my avatar because of CES and I am NOT going to let it go.

Because of CES's actions, I NO LONGER GET TO ENJOY WHAT I PAID FOR. This is an actionable situation under the law and I intend to make CES PAY OUT HIS ASS for what he has done.

I was cheated out of what I paid for and now I am going to make sure that CES suffers the consequences of his actions.
No, I am not. I paid for the right to have the avatar I had. That was stolen from me. THis is an act of fraud and breach of contract committed against a PAYING MEMBER by a group of dishonst people. This WILL NOT go unpunushied.

I am going to take back what was stolen from me out of GF's, Bobs, and CES's pocket.

I will not be cheated.

You have the right to KISS MY ASS!

View attachment 547

Your pic is still on your profile pic...try here.


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phreakwars said:
The only difference between GF Mods and mods on other forums, is we don't hide the fact that were BIAS, corrupted, smartasses.

I would think a bigger crime would be asshole admins like at TAP/ Public Debate/insert gay forum here, that have admins who come up with 100 thousand rules that people must obey or be kicked out..

Here, we OPENLY ADMIT we abuse you and MOD status as well !!

****ing crybaby

**** you, PW.

Thanks to CES, I no longer have the avatar I paid good money to have. As a result of his actions, I have been cheated out of what I paid for. Therefore, I am going to take action against CES, Bob, and GF.

That avatar was a rare find. It was edited and had special wording in it. As such, it is beyond irreplaceable. Since I no longer have it on this computer, and I seriously doubt I will ever be lucky enough to find it again, I am left at a loss because of a dishonest asshole moderator.

Above all else, that is what I most furious about. I paid for a membership so that I could use that avatar. Now it's gone. With that avatar went my faith in GF.

Thanks for ****ing me over, CES. You ****ing piece of ****.