
Some think the grass looks greener on the other side, but what one doesn't remember is that grass needs mowed too!!
gotony! said:
Some think the grass looks greener on the other side, but what one doesn't remember is that grass needs mowed too!!

Just so I understand. What you're trying to tell us is that, you are more of a, trim, not wax kinda gal.
Peace said:
Personally, I'm all up for open marriages as long as both individuals know about the situation and there are reassurances made to prevent the spread of STDs (testing and safe sex).

That's ****ing bullshit, man. Would you want to see your wife getting nailed by some hairy backed shitheel?

Peace said:
In america today, majority, and yes majority, of marriages have one of the individuals cheat on the other individual.

You should rename yourself "Captain Obvious". Goddamn show some ****ing respect for yourself.

Peace said:
What to do about it? Why make it cheating? Allow both individuals to sexually explore their world, with honesty, and be able to bring back their discoveries to the bedroom. Further, it allows both people to appreciate the person that they are married to better.

Despite the inherent problems with the law and religion, you are still making a pact to remain faithful to that one person.

Stay single and avoid all the horseshit.

Peace said:
Maybe this was a little to "liberating" for most people who read this...

If "liberating" means "stupid", then yes it was way too liberating.
Peace said:
I never during my previous post did I ever mention that I wanted an open marriage. I just said that it's something that people should start to consider.

This ain't the Goddamn ****ing Salem Witch Trials, but in your last post you said ...
Personally, I'm all up for open marriages as long as both individuals know about the situation and there are reassurances made to prevent the spread of STDs (testing and safe sex).

Say what you mean, mean what you say.

Peace said:
I agree that relationships aren't about sex. The perfect relationship is one that is based off of mutual understanding, respect, and unconditional love. But sexual drive is something that needs to be understood and respected.

(drum roll) And the award for the most obvious redundant bullshit ever goes to.... PEACE!

Like thrive, man. Peace. ****ing hippy ****.

Peace said:
To sexually desire someone other than the one you're married to is not unnatural . Considering that most animals have multiple mates, we do have animal instincts that cause us to desire more than one mate. It makes sense in the genetic sense. We're trying to spread out genes as far and wide as we possibly can. From an evolutionary standpoint, it's part of our genes to desire to have as much sex with a variety of individuals.

If you find me ****ing your daughter in the backseat of your flowery VW Bus, don't be alarmed. It's written in my genes.

Peace said:
However, we are human too. There are sensations that go beyond the animal instincts. We desire commitment and love.

Those who do suck **** by choice.

Peace said:
It doesnt' change the fact that a huge percentage of the population commits adultery. And majority of them state after the fact that they still love their committed partner more than the individual they slept with. And it still tears apart many marriages that would have been otherwise healthy.

So by your reasoning, Adulterers should get a ****ing slap on the wrist. No. No... make a pact and uphold it's boundaries until said parties tire of one another.

A mutual ****ing divorce is much easier.

Peace said:
Not all people can make that sexual commitment. For those individuals, sorta like the guy who started this topics, if his partner was open to the idea, an open marriage would be very healthy.

Ohh... yeah... while braiding daisies in my hair I can bring up how badly I want to pork the babysitter.

Get back to your commune, hippy shitheel.

Peace said:
Sexual pleasure need not be emotional. It can be purely physical.

****ing brilliant. Ever hear of the ****ing canoe? You know it was invented.

Peace said:
My post isn't asking for all individuals to have an open marriage. For many people, a one-on-one continuous eternal relationship is a reality.

Your post carries about as much clout as a sissy-slap from Bobby Trendy.

Peace said:
However, for those whose eyes wander. Instead of hiding the situation, why not be honest about it and find someone who can also create an open relationship.

Instead of doing all of that, remain single and roam the city. You're bound to find something to hitch to.

In the meantime, don't listen to what this ****sucker has to say.
Oh damn we've got a bunch of hippie-haters here.

Maybe it's best to state where I am on a personal level.

I'm a strict Hindu who does Lakshminarayan Puja every morning before going to classes. This involves doing surya namaskaram at 6 am and then doing Vishnu Sahasranaam (reciting the 1008 names of vishnu)

I have never had sex, and am planning on abstaining until marriage. After marriage, I'm planning on not only restricting myself to one individual, but restricting my sexual life to only certain nights of the week that are ordained clean by my religion. I expect my partner to have the same values and same practices as I do.

I personally feel that sex is a pleasurable sensation but is primarily meant for producing offspring and second as something to literally cosummate a marriage. To finalize the marriage. And I don't plan on ever breaking that pact. If my partner ever files for divorce, I'll probably never get married afterwards. My culture states that sexual relations were meant to be had with one and only one person. Forever.

Finally at the age of 50, I plan on taking the vow of brahmachariya, which means no Sex whatsoever. This is a vow that was taken by many men in my family at that age. Since I feel that after that age, both my spouse and I can't have any more children, than we shouldn't have sex either since there's nothing useful that will arise from sexual interactions.

On a personal level, I will never think of committing abortion, divorce, or homosexuality. I also hope to find a partner who agrees with me. And I hope to instill these values in my children.

I live by values that would make any self-respecting hippie want to take a gun to my head and shoot me while screaming "FREE LOVE". LOL.

So for all those who feel that just brushing off my argument as those of some field-prancing hippy, **** you. I was not talking to you anyway.

My post was directed only to those americans including the guy who started this forum who feels it's appropriate to go ****ing sluts at the corner of some sketchy alley while she snorts coke up her nose.

For him, I feel that since he can't commit to a one-on-one relationship, I feel an open marriage would be best.

If you don't like it, then **** off and go get married and be happy with that person.

I don't feel it's right to force my values of commitment, religious values, and abstaining from sex on those who it's not meant to work for. There are plenty of americans who are going to get into marriages that are not going to work due to their lack of commitment.

There are millions of people who are going to get an STD because their partner couldn't keep their pants up or their skirt down. What's wrong with that person just being honest about the fact that they're horny as hell and just get into an open relationship with someone where they can discuss their extra-marital sexual lives and make sure that both partners are only having sex with "safe" partners. I'd rather that then watch some innocent wife or husband die because their spouse couldn't be honest about his/her extramarital relations and because society is unwilling to accept people who can't make the strong commitment that I've made.

If you don't like open marriages, then don't have one. Noone's going to take a gun to your head and say you have to let your spouse **** whoever she/he wants.

However, if both individuals in a marriage don't mind that the other partner is getting sexual pleasure from other partners, then what's so wrong with that? I personally don't have any right to go around saying someone's actions are moral or amoral since I'm neither god nor the law and hence have no right to judge someone else's actions. Since both adults are consentually doing this, noone is getting hurt. It also prevents the spread of disease and the occurence of rape and sexual molestations of minors that occur when people become highly sexually frustrated and have to turn to secretive methods of fulfilling their sexual desire. I'm all for bring down sexual crime and ending the spread of STDs.
Sex offender joe said:
I feel it's alright to hunt strange ***** while in a different town or country, no one is the wiser....but i stick to prostitutes, no strings attached.

hey, at least ur not stringing anyone along ...
peace - its so so SO refreshing to see someone committed to what they believe in but what i really respect is that you dont seem to force your beliefs on others, something thats quite unusual where i come from.

im not saying i agree with all of your views - but you seem pretty sure of what you want.

im quite curious about the reason behind not having sex after 50? i have a hindu family-friend, but i havent heard her mention it before. if you could reply on this or through a pm, that would be great - thanks :)
I have been married twice. I have not been one to withhold sex from my spouse or even my boyfriend if the relationship was too that point.

I have never endulged in an activity that could even be misconstrued as infidelity. My Father used to tell me "don't even do something that would give the appearance of inpropriaty" and I have not.

I was also raised to believe that if you fantasize about cheating, its as bad as doing it. I have entered into committed relationships because that was where I wanted to be, not because I wanted to LIE to the man I was committed to.

No man in my life has even in anger made such an accusation too me. It is posible to live that way...more people in committed relationships should try it. If you can't live that everyone a favor and stay single.
QUOTE=Lethalfind]I have been married twice. I have not been one to withhold sex from my spouse or even my boyfriend if the relationship was too that point.

Except for the boyfriend part, i would say it has been the same for me

I have never endulged in an activity that could even be misconstrued as infidelity. My Father used to tell me "don't even do something that would give the appearance of inpropriaty" and I have not.

Ok here is where my problem come in to play. My father never gave me that advice:rolleyes: and have been misconstrued many times.

I was also raised to believe that if you fantasize about cheating, its as bad as doing it. I have entered into committed relationships because that was where I wanted to be, not because I wanted to LIE to the man I was committed to.

Again no man, but jerking off to a thought of a chick on TV or in a magazine, I've broke this one also.

No man in my life has even in anger made such an accusation too me. It is posible to live that way...more people in committed relationships should try it. If you can't live that everyone a favor and stay single

Again no man, but have had accusations made against me many times. some that i did'nt even really:D
Sex offender joe said:
I feel it's alright to hunt strange ***** while in a different town or country, no one is the wiser....but i stick to prostitutes, no strings attached.

why is it ok to 'hunt strange *****' when in a different town/country, but not ok when ur in ur usual town/country?

if your partner is ok with u doing that, then its fine. if not, then well, its not.
clarity said:
why is it ok to 'hunt strange *****' when in a different town/country, but not ok when ur in ur usual town/country?

if your partner is ok with u doing that, then its fine. if not, then well, its not.
It's alright because you can use a different name in another town, and not having to worry about the bitch you just shot your muck into coming to your door in 9 months with a kid... Or if you were smart enough to give her a pearl necklace instead... to be showing up at your door looking for a ring to go with the necklace.
phreakwars said:
It's alright because you can use a different name in another town, and not having to worry about the bitch you just shot your muck into coming to your door in 9 months with a kid... Or if you were smart enough to give her a pearl necklace instead... to be showing up at your door looking for a ring to go with the necklace.

yeah i see wher eur coming from, but i dont agree that it makes it alright.
i was totally and utterly naive - i did not see the url - so different response to the idiot.

your sick.