All you ****s who try to change me

Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Nothing is quite as amusing as a 21 year old stating that they will never change! LOL. All of us over 40 know better. :p

Hell Im 22 and i have changed within the last 2 yeah i know there is always change in the future.
HERE HERE Cogito, lolol

The start to this sounded like a temper tantrum, I imagined him on the ground pounding his fists and feet...but then he would not have been able to type...
I too thought the whole point of this site was to encourage the exchange of opinions. I have never thought that by posting an opinion here that I would (or someone else) gather my own cultish followers who would beleive only as I do.
Get over yourself you little ***** !!!
your the one with a stick up your ass, no one cares that much about what you say to try and change you.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Nothing is quite as amusing as a 21 year old stating that they will never change! LOL. All of us over 40 know better. :p

Did you know I planned on suiciding before I reached that age? I'm NOT going to live THAT lifestyle.
Not so far off from those teenagers you just busted on LOL I am not sure "suiciding" is a word, and I don't think I have met more than maybe three people that DIDN'T think about it at some point between 14 and 23. Ah the joy od extended adolecence
Well Excuse Me For Not Wanting To Be Some ****ing Fat Wrinkly Bald-headed Pedophile-looking Doucheclown With A Mortgage And Body That's Ridiculously Crippling And A Life That's Even More Boring And Meaningless.
No I'm not mr. hotstuff, but that doesn't mean being some fat bald withered cripple is my goal in life. In fact I'm going to avoid it even if it means shooting my god damn brains out across the wall. Not being able to walk across the room without shitting yourself or having that hip replacement acting up? No thank you. Or maybe I can spend all day bitching about mortgages and how much my boss is an asshole. Lets see here.. HOW ABOUT NO! You can only make so much out of life before you are what life makes of you. And I'd rather die than suffer that bullshit.

Oh I've heard this song and dance before.

You need to watch the movie "Saw". It's ficton but the subject is about people like you who claim such bravado but when put to the test and it comes right down to it, they want to LIVE not DIE.

You will too. It's human nature and it's programmed into your genetic makeup. :cool:
You really are a mental case, things don't go like you want here so you start talking **** about commiting suicide...

Don't nibble on the barrel my friend.

Those that make threats of suicide do so to manipulate people around them, I for one will not play such games. The people who do commit suicide say nothing because they don't want to be stopped.
You really do need to stop having that temper tantrum on the floor, your embarassing yourself.
I'm not interested in manipulating someone on a message board

And congratulations on being the 1,000,000th person who told me that I'm embarrassing myself. Too bad I'm not feeling one bit of shame.

this is fascinating, keep typing...

Komrade, you do have a purpose in life, I know you doubted it but now you know, you can be the poster boy for psychiatric treatment and medication.

You'll love those nice jackets that tie in the back and the nice padded rooms they put you in with the drain in the middle.

You people aren't trying to change me you say? Well then why is it whenever I post anything stating my beliefs I get a ton of people trying to slam it into the ground and trying to convince me that I'm wrong by spewing off a bunch of points that I've heard a million times now? I don't care if the points you people spew off are right or wrong. I believe my beliefs. Leave me alone. If you think shoving your points down my throat is going to warp me into another one of you and will convince me that I'm wrong or my views don't work, blah blah blah, you're sadly mistaken.

And the crap about me being insane? What the hell is that? Yea I have so many mental problems because I said I would kill myself before I got to the stage in life where you're in your 40's and cant go five minutes without shitting yourself, and are plagued with arthritis so badly that getting up off your seat is a painful chore. Yep I've got mental problems coming out of my ass and I'm completely insane. I guess I can go hang out with the Zodiac Killer I'm so nuts. Not wanting to suffer old age is such a crazy thing. And not to mention that I'm the resident nutjob who DOESN'T come on here and talk non-stop about how every muslim/christain/jew/american/canadian/weak person/homosexual/negro/oriental/hispanic/arab/democrat/republican/etc should die becaue I don't like them and their deaths will make the world a better place. Yes. I'm the crazy one.

And not to mention I'm a total attention whore having a temper tantrum, because I just need the validation of a bunch of strangers on a message board or I'll absolutely die, and getting attention from people that I will never see, let alone actually know is the greatest feeling in the world and I will stop at nothing to get it.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:

You people aren't trying to change me you say? Well then why is it whenever I post anything stating my beliefs I get a ton of people trying to slam it into the ground and trying to convince me that I'm wrong by spewing off a bunch of points that I've heard a million times now? I don't care if the points you people spew off are right or wrong. I believe my beliefs. Leave me alone. If you think shoving your points down my throat is going to warp me into another one of you and will convince me that I'm wrong or my views don't work, blah blah blah, you're sadly mistaken.

And the crap about me being insane? What the hell is that? Yea I have so many mental problems because I said I would kill myself before I got to the stage in life where you're in your 40's and cant go five minutes without shitting yourself, and are plagued with arthritis so badly that getting up off your seat is a painful chore. Yep I've got mental problems coming out of my ass and I'm completely insane. I guess I can go hang out with the Zodiac Killer I'm so nuts. Not wanting to suffer old age is such a crazy thing. And not to mention that I'm the resident nutjob who DOESN'T come on here and talk non-stop about how every muslim/christain/jew/american/canadian/weak person/homosexual/negro/oriental/hispanic/arab/democrat/republican/etc should die becaue I don't like them and their deaths will make the world a better place. Yes. I'm the crazy one.

And not to mention I'm a total attention whore having a temper tantrum, because I just need the validation of a bunch of strangers on a message board or I'll absolutely die, and getting attention from people that I will never see, let alone actually know is the greatest feeling in the world and I will stop at nothing to get it.

Are you sure that you're not one of Capt. America's villians? Are you affiliated with the Red Skull?

You'll change... you'll change, my pinko friend. Find the right piece of ass and you'll be doing **** you never thought you'd be doing.
Now someone thinks I might possibly believe myself to be a ****ing comic book character. Go figure.

Find the Right piece of ass? I'm assuming you think I'm going to hook up with some Nazi or hick bitch, hence the boldface "right", and mention of me being a pinko. Sorry but I don't touch any piece of ass unless it has the same morals as me.
I certainly wouldn't pursume to speak for anyone else in this forum but my goal has been to make you go away...full stop.

I know very well that the mentally disfunctional remain that way until they decide they want help and only after extensive help from a mental health professional, posibly medication as well.

Your postings are uninteresting and childish in the extreme. Your points do not add or improve anything to this sight.

The only thing they have done for me is be glad I don't have to know you in person.
Lethalfind said:
I certainly wouldn't pursume to speak for anyone else in this forum but my goal has been to make you go away...full stop.

I know very well that the mentally disfunctional remain that way until they decide they want help and only after extensive help from a mental health professional, posibly medication as well.

Your postings are uninteresting and childish in the extreme. Your points do not add or improve anything to this sight.

The only thing they have done for me is be glad I don't have to know you in person.

Lame. Definitely LAME

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