All you ****s who try to change me

Communism: A disintegration of state into a people's society where everyone is equal

Socialism: A system where all industries are nationalized, but pay different wages. A nessicary transistion step for conversion from Capitalism to Communism
So socialism cannot exist without becoming comunism?

And you DO realize that in true comuism there is no education there s no internet there is no deviation from the plan. ALL are equal all work for teh same cause. No religion no seperate identity. Mothing that might separate one fro teh other or cause reason for jealousy or desire to be better because better might mean you are to god to do teh work.

I implore you to read "cambodian oddessy" Russia and china are not TRUE comunist states and I am just damn convinced you are not entirely aware of what true comunism is.
Outlaw2747 said:
I also find it FUNNY that someone makes millions for playing a sport and having fun, tell jokes, and act like a goofball on national television but someone who gets fired at by stupid sucidal bomber ****tards and helps preserve the freedom of their own country gets paid less than most people on minimum wage. It could be the whole "make a sacrifice without asking for anything in return" but I could be wrong.

I swear this guy is one of maybe a few people here who AREN'T dipshits.

But a better term than "funny" would be "completely sad state of affairs" to describe a system that has that much disrespect for people who keep the world safe but make them come home broke and limbless - or even in a bodybag while some dipshit is treated like a god because they play childrens games or make an idiot of themselves. When capitalism becomes a system where the heroes of society - doctors, firefighters, (non-corrupt) police officers, and ESPECIALLY soldiers and veterans get better status than some performing monkey, I will gladly embrace it.
Too bad in comunism you will not havve ANYONE elevated to a status higher than worker bee. No heroes, just drones.

Socailism on teh other hand simply aims to create a working class society while elliminating all other classes in the system and working toward teh bennefit of the whole rather than beneffiting a select few.
tizz said:
So socialism cannot exist without becoming comunism?

And you DO realize that in true comuism there is no education there s no internet there is no deviation from the plan. ALL are equal all work for teh same cause. No religion no seperate identity. Mothing that might separate one fro teh other or cause reason for jealousy or desire to be better because better might mean you are to god to do teh work.

I implore you to read "cambodian oddessy" Russia and china are not TRUE comunist states and I am just damn convinced you are not entirely aware of what true comunism is.

It can exist without becoming communism. Communism just can't exist without starting out as socialism.

Deviation from the plan? Why would I want to deviate from a plan that I believe in?

No religion. I can live with that. VERY easily

No seperate identy. Maybe that will put an end to the racial tensions and pointless- but yet often violent conflicts with subcultures.

You also speak of the need to be better. As in successful. I've come to believe that when a capitalist/conservative/nazi says "successful" they mean being the greediest money grabbing materialist pack rat on the face of the earth. Maybe getting rid of this will give people some, oh I don't know....HUMANITY.
Hey I am not arguing the pitfalls of capitolism, I am more socialist than anything, but you do realize that because in comunism there is an effort to take aways most if not all things that seperate the people (giving temtation to classing them) there is also a desire to make one race. I can give you a great list of books detailing the lives of those who have survived the extremes of comunism. I am not busting you so much as I am still convinced you are unaware of teh realities of living under comunist rule. Even comunal socailism (look into Christiania ) that might be a bit hippy dippy for ya but it IS social comunism and it does work as long as it is kept on a small scale. You just have given me nothing here that would lead me to believe you REALLY know what it is you are believing in.
I don't want you to change Komrade! We need a commie here to make the debates interresting..

I agree... even though I HATE (with a capital TE) Communism/Socialism... and even though I think that he's WAY too young to understand why Communism doesn't work and why capitalism does, We do need an outspoken Communist here to 'round out' the sign in sheet...
maybe you should stop trying to shove your opinion down peoples throat and tell people to cut it the **** out.

sorta the contradiction.

but i agree, i hate those closed minded bastards that doesn't get the hint.

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