allies advice.


New member
sorry for the double post

Okay so I started a bit serious talk on msn today with him..

I said I've been wondering if I'm just a project to him or he also cares atleast a little about me..

he said yes but he isn't a person who hops into a relationship quickly. and he likes how things are right now.

he also said that maybe I shouldn't wait until he is ready for one, but I said I think he's worth it and even if he isn't I'd get something out of it, we came to an agreement on that so now that I know that I don't have to be so paranoid.

going over there tomorrow. probably do what we've been doing for the last week.

and I don't really mind atm.



New member
its good that he doesn't want to jump into a relationship, but be careful hun, you don't want to get close to him and then he says that he just wants to be friends. i really hope that he does want a relationship because your a lovely girl and he would be lucky.


New member
Hey mum. I have a problem and i thought what the ****, maybe you can help

Remember how i want to get a tattoo? Well, my brother has two tattoos and is getting more, my mum dosn't really care what he does, but for some reason, she hates the thought of me having any sort of tattoo. even if it was in tribute to my family and my past. "You're just trying to be like your brother." and "Tattoos are okay on men, but not you." are somethings she has said about the subject, along with, "If you get a tattoo, you'd better be out of my house...." (lots of variations on that one). But anywho, I really need the phoenix tattoo that i want for closure on what my dad did to my when i was young (if you need to know, PM me and i'll tell you). I told her that and she dosn't understand at all. Any advice would be greatly helpful.




New member
i'm sure your mum wont throw you out because you get a tattoo, shes just saying that to put you off. you need to sit her down and tell her you want an adult conversation about it, with no shouting and screaming. tell her you want a chance to explain why you want a tattoo and what it means to you. tell her your getting it because it means something to you and is something that will help you put the past behind you. also maybe ask her if she wants to have some input in the design of it.

the thing that happend in the past, if you want to tell me about it you can, you can pm me for advice about it.

that goes for eveyone, if you have a problem that you don't want to share with everyone else pm me and i will help. all pm's will be confidential and will go no further than me.



New member
i'm sure your mum wont throw you out because you get a tattoo, shes just saying that to put you off. you need to sit her down and tell her you want an adult conversation about it, with no shouting and screaming. tell her you want a chance to explain why you want a tattoo and what it means to you. tell her your getting it because it means something to you and is something that will help you put the past behind you. also maybe ask her if she wants to have some input in the design of it.
I have tried to tell her about it and what it means to me, but all she says is, "The only way you are going to get it behind you is by confronting your father...." But thats something i can never do....



New member
parents can be stuck in their ways and they think they know the answer to everything. as i said she wont throw you out hun, its just her way of putting you off doing it.


New member
Allie i have a less serious one!

How do i deflect unwanted perverted attention from males. It seems that everything male and aged betwee 14-79 has been hitting on me in my new area and im really hating get shouted at by random men in cars and getting grabbed, yes grabbed, my random guys.

any advice?



New member
this used to happen to me alot when i was your age sygy, due to the fact that i had bib *****. the only thing you can do is ignore, they will get bored in time.


New member
i did that orginally, and thats when the grabbing started. It just seems to increase their anger at me and call me 'toff' now.
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