Bush is known to be a member of the Skull and Bones club. This fact is not in dispute. Bush's choices for the Supreme Court and for the Secretary of the Treasury have all been far rightest-neocon ********. Non-neocon Republicans DO NOT nominate these individuals.
You are free to go on believing George "Adloph Hitler" Bush and his lies if you wish; however, it is my sincere hope that you will open your eyes and see right through George W Neocon's bullshit.
The far right is a group of shitbag scum-suckers who need to be banned from holding office at all costs. These idiots believe they need to "RULE" American...not govern it. This makes them a threat to freedom and the American way of life.
This link:
http://zfacts.com/p/253.html accurately describes the neocons and thier unrealistic agenda. Not suprisingly GEORGE BUSH IS ON THE COVER PAGE.
Check this out:
Cause of Iraq War: Bush or Cheney?
When elected, Bush was opposed to "nation building.," but **** Cheney brought in eight fellow neocons who advocated "regime change" and re-building Iraq. This was before 9/11 and had nothing to do with Bush's war on terrorism.
Cheney's group all belonged to PNAC. or IASPS.. IASPS advocated regime change to increase Israeli security, while PNAC focused on our Middle East allies but named only Israel. Using 9/11, Cheney and the neocons convinced Bush to go against the long-standing conservative principles he held when elected. The 9 Iraq-War Planners Surrounding Bush
and their PNAC / IASPS backgrounds
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Now.... If there are no more questions, we can go on and find ways to keep neocon ******** out of public office.