Americans want Democrats in power

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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
AP - Republicans are in jeopardy of losing their grip on Congress in November. With less than four months to the midterm elections, the latest Associated Press-Ipsos poll found that Americans by an almost 3-to-1 margin hold the GOP-controlled Congress in low regard and profess a desire to see Democrats wrest control after a dozen years of Republican rule.
So are you saying that the Democrats are a "true" democracy? :confused:

Thank goodness hugo and I are Libertarian. I was worried there for a minute.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
So are you saying that the Democrats are a "true" democracy?

Thank goodness hugo and I are Libertarian. I was worried there for a minute.

i'll try to stick up for tommy gun, i doubt it that he is saying that the democrats are the "true democracy"

although i do think that the republicans would try to shove themselves as the "true democracy" down the peoples throats, and for the record, its democrats who have made the country better since the "party shift", just look at bill clinton (possibly the worse example ever), back in his time, i remember gas being about 1.00 a gallon, you saw 2.50 a gallon and you thought, pfft, there crazy

now and days, im racing to that 2.50 a gallon gas station and loading up some extra fuel tanks

costing me 40 dollars to load up my car
If you actually think that the President of the United States has ANY control over the free market price of gasoline, let alone the cost of crude oil, then I say you need to go take a few Economics courses at the local community college.

News Flash: The President has NOTHING to do with it and he is powerless to control it.
actually, im thinking of taking economic classes, it interest me in some way, but bush want iraq for its oil, the whole 9/11 stuff, it was planned, i acidently got a video today about 9/11 (dont ask), it shows bombs being blown from inside the building and flight 93 never actually exploding or crashing, also that it landed and the 200 or so people were evacuated to an empty nasa facility. and some other interesting stuff....

whats the topic again, oh yeah, republicans suck
Of course I didn't mean to imply that the American Democratic party was in favour of a so-called "true" democratic system. All I know is that in a republic, which is undoubtedly what the republicans want, you don't live in a true democracy.
kokorosenshi said:
actually, im thinking of taking economic classes, it interest me in some way, but bush want iraq for its oil, the whole 9/11 stuff, it was planned, i acidently got a video today about 9/11 (dont ask), it shows bombs being blown from inside the building and flight 93 never actually exploding or crashing, also that it landed and the 200 or so people were evacuated to an empty nasa facility. and some other interesting stuff....

whats the topic again, oh yeah, republicans suck

Yes....and the Apollo 11 mission never really landed on the moon. It was all on a sound stage. :rolleyes:

Nobody here hates Bush more than me, but he never went to Iraq for oil.

Flight 93 exploded and the people are dead.

The World Trade Center was not blown up from inside. It was destroyed by having 2 fully fueled jet liners flown into it.

Oh my...I need an aspirin.
kokorosenshi said:
actually, im thinking of taking economic classes, it interest me in some way, but bush want iraq for its oil, the whole 9/11 stuff, it was planned, i acidently got a video today about 9/11 (dont ask), it shows bombs being blown from inside the building and flight 93 never actually exploding or crashing, also that it landed and the 200 or so people were evacuated to an empty nasa facility. and some other interesting stuff....

whats the topic again, oh yeah, republicans suck

That's just a conspiracy. Anyone who believes that a county's leader, especially the one who leads what is known unofficially as the "seat of all western democracy", would go against every moral fibre in his body and everything that his country represents is dismissed as a crazy-talker. I second that notion.
yeah, your right cogito ergo, and i belive in fairy tales, look closer at the videos, there are some stuff coming out of the windows after the plane crashes before the building collapes, and only 3 out of the 4 black boxes were recovered from the plane crashes, i bet you belive that a plane crashed into the pentagon
That's just a conspiracy. Anyone who believes that a county's leader, especially the one who leads what is known unofficially as the "seat of all western democracy", would go against every moral fibre in his body and everything that his country represents is dismissed as a crazy-talker. I second that notion.

im not sure what you are trying to say, but if your calling me a crazy talker, im not, i have a video about 9/11, it explains stuff and even shows it about 9/11, id love to share it with ya'll, but i dont think i can upload it, and its also about an hour and 22 mins.
Yes, I'll bet that you do have a video. Kind of like Fahrenheit 9/11 huh? Flight 93?

Live longer...

I have seen videos about stuff like this my whole life.

Kennedy was shot by 3 shooters. Right.

Apollo 11 really didn't land on the moon. Right.

Aliens crash landed in Area 54. Right.

Telekinesis is real. Right.

Psychics are real. Right.

The Blair Witch Project was an authentic film which was mysteriously found. Right.

With deep sincerity and in order that you might be helped, might I humbly suggest:

James Randi is the smartest man on this planet. Period.

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Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Yes, I'll bet that you do have a video. Kind of like Fahrenheit 9/11 huh? Flight 93?

You've seen those too? Oh, so cool. Like, waaaaaaaaay cool.

Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Live longer...

I have seen videos about stuff like this my whole life.

You gonna tell me bout them? I'm fascinated.

Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Kennedy was shot by 3 shooters. Right.

You don't say? Should we tell someone?

Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Apollo 11 really didn't land on the moon. Right.

Ya know? I often thought I saw that sucker on the roof of the local seven eleven.

Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Aliens crash landed in Area 54. Right.

****ing mexicans. Can't even drive stolen cars.

Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Telekinesis is real. Right.

I have one of those new widescreens too. Great ****.

Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Psychics are real. Right.

I failed Science. I do alright with sceances.

Cogito Ergo Sum said:
The Blair Witch Project was an authentic film which was mysteriously found. Right.

No ****??? Man, that is so deep.

Cogito Ergo Sum said:
With deep sincerity and in order that you might be helped, might I humbly suggest:

Cogito Ergo Sum said:
James Randi is the smartest man on this planet.

View attachment 965

Thanks man. He looks like an Amish dude out of uniform. Maybe a Quaker?


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CES, you're seriously telling me that you think Bush has no control "whatsoever" over Oil prices?

You do realise that not only fueling a LARGE NATION is hard, but fueling a WAR is even ****ing harder?

Well, Iraq is the perfect spot for an "oily" war anyway... :rolleyes:

why gasoline prices soared under the Bush administration. It has to do with the nation
I don't get it...The logic, or not, of Democrats is being represented in this thread and this logic(?) is what the American people want? I am a firm believer that most Democrats will believe anything. That is why they are so easy to manipulate and control. I suppose the terrorist attacks all over the world are just a figment of everyone
ToriAllen said:
I don't get it...

Is that now my problem?

ToriAllen said:
The logic, or not, of Democrats is being represented in this thread and this logic is what the American people want?

Discounting the never-atoned vote fraud, at least 49 % of Americans do.

ToriAllen said:
I am a firm believer that most Democrats will believe anything.

I'm a firm believer that most Republicans will believe anything, as long as a flag can be waved, and a prayer for peace is said.

ToriAllen said:
That is why they are so easy to manipulate and control.

Republicans were duped into a war without end, against an invisible target.

ToriAllen said:
I suppose the terrorist attacks all over the world are just a figment of everyone