An American Hero..


New member
Upset over fee, man wields bat to get back cat

Dallas police looking for man after he refused to pay animal shelter $132

updated 10:57 a.m. CT, Wed., Nov. 19, 2008

DALLAS - Police are looking for an irate pet lover so intent on liberating his lost cat that he wielded a bat to fend off animal shelter employees.

Dallas Animal Shelter manager Kent Robertson said the man found his missing gray and blue short-haired cat at the shelter, where it had been brought by someone who thought it was a stray.

He blew his stack when told he had to pay a $132 fee for rabies shots, boarding and a microchip implant.

Police say the man returned Monday, loaded his cat into a carrier without paying the fee, and threatened the staff with the baseball bat. No one was injured.

Most people thank shelter workers.

"This was pretty extreme," Robertson said

hahahaha... yay cats



New member
Upset over fee, man wields bat to get back catDallas police looking for man after he refused to pay animal shelter $132

updated 10:57 a.m. CT, Wed., Nov. 19, 2008

DALLAS - Police are looking for an irate pet lover so intent on liberating his lost cat that he wielded a bat to fend off animal shelter employees.

Dallas Animal Shelter manager Kent Robertson said the man found his missing gray and blue short-haired cat at the shelter, where it had been brought by someone who thought it was a stray.

He blew his stack when told he had to pay a $132 fee for rabies shots, boarding and a microchip implant.

Police say the man returned Monday, loaded his cat into a carrier without paying the fee, and threatened the staff with the baseball bat. No one was injured.

Most people thank shelter workers.

"This was pretty extreme," Robertson said

hahahaha... yay cats
What a moron. Pay the money if you want your cat back. Like Vet care is free.

Here's one of my cats.

Jersey or Jersey cow


You can't see them but he's got 7 toes on each front paw. He hates it when you play with them but it's hard to resist.

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New member
What a moron. Pay the money if you want your cat back. Like Vet care is free.

Here's one of my cats.

Jersey or Jersey cow

Isn't a Jersey cow light brown and white?




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New member
I don't get how a man threatening those that took care of and protected his beloved pet is a hero.

Did I miss something? Maybe the dumbass will put a collar on his cat now...



New member
I don't get how a man threatening those that took care of and protected his beloved pet is a hero.
Did I miss something? Maybe the dumbass will put a collar on his cat now...
Your mom understands why..



New member
Okay show's how much I know about cows. I didn't name him anyway so I'm blaming the old lady.

Modern Jerseys are a wide range in color. Jerseys are typically a shade of fawn but on occasion a Jersey may be grey, reddish, spotted white or even nearly all black. Whatever the color, the underside of the Jersey often lighter. A light band appears around the typically black muzzle, but a buff-colored muzzle is possible. Most Jerseys have a broad face with prominent eyes. Their skin pigment is black. Both the bulls and females are commonly darker about the hips and about the head and shoulders than on the body.



New member
Allright dammit.. go find some hero who saved a cow and post it elsewhere.

I want cats!!!!

And emmy.. but that's another story..



New member
OK me and Bailey will just kick back and let the kitty cat thread continue.


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