And the Nominees Are...


New member
penguins..awesome, where:D

i'm in there 3 times, did not see that coming lol, thanks though

best of luck to all

will vote later


crazy robster

New member
Being a nominee in these two categories really means a lot. Thanks for the honour, I wish everybody good luck from the bottom of my heart :)


New member
******* @ Jeezy and Azem... Man, Penguins... they look so sweet and innocent (Happy Feet!) who'da thought they were just so... evil?? >:eek: haha

On a serious note - voted.

And of course a very big and sincere thanks for my nominations. Thanks. :eek:

Good luck to all.



New member
On a serious note - voted.
Good timing once again. I've finally done my vote as well.

I wonder if whoever wins an award, will a penguin graphic appear on their banner thing? Talking of penguins I now wanna watch Happy Feet. Oh talking of Happy Feat the head of animation here worked on Happy Feet, to be more **** and technical, he worked on the sound of Happy Feat. I have him for photography sometimes. I just sit there and perve at him like I do to Chris the art tech guy (omgz so hot death metal singer and all!) and a lot of other guys taken or not. Everytime my friends and I see Hagsy the head of animation, we start pretending to tap dance and start acting like penguins (well that's out of our lectures with him). We should have Happy Feet as the theme of those banners or failing that, come on, penguins! Don't defy the penguins!




New member
Wow guys... lol Did you know that penguins were round because they need to have least surface area possible so they won't lose heat that quickly? :O:O you learn something new every day.


New member
Ugh, some people are getting confused with the voting... Ive had 2 people so far. Heres what you should do if you havent voted yet:


If YOUR username begins with the letters A-I send ALL 6 of your votes to azemkamikaze03.

If YOUR username begins with the letters J-Q send ALL 6 of your votes to UnhingedMouse0.

If YOUR username begins with the letters R-Z or a number/symbol send ALL 6 of your votes to Jeezy.


If you made the mistake, dont worry about it, we will figure it out... dont resend your votes unless we ask you to. Mmk? Thanks.

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New member

ill vote tmoros, thought id pop in and check the nominees(and spam the morality threads x]), surprised i was even up there, i havnt exactly made any friends lately



New member
i got nominated as intelligent!!! think i seem that way because i am older then most of you, well nearly all of you, so i have more life experiance. i'm not intelligent, i'm old and wise!!!

good luck to all, in my opinion you all deserve to win!!

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