Animal Dumping.

Outlaw2747 said:
I think more people need to be dumped than the animals. We are the ones that are overpopulated and ****ing up everything.
Check yo self nigga !! It's survival of the ****ing fittest.

God damn crybabies !!

A domesticated animal, in my opinion, does serve a purpose in our lives.

They comfort us, they keep us feeling safe, they keep us company, they keep us amused..

And I agree that we should not abandon these animals, I believe they have ****ing feelings too.

You should AT LEAST give them to an animal shelter...hell, report your dog as a ****ing stray if you don't want it any more..

Some self righteous silly ******* will pay to keep it alive and find it a home.. but ****.. if the animal does nothing useful for me, kill the son of a bitch !!!

****ing thing is taking up my oxygen !!

phreakwars said:
Check yo self nigga !! It's survival of the ****ing fittest.

God damn crybabies !!

A domesticated animal, in my opinion, does serve a purpose in our lives.

They comfort us, they keep us feeling safe, they keep us company, they keep us amused..

And I agree that we should not abandon these animals, I believe they have ****ing feelings too.

You should AT LEAST give them to an animal shelter...hell, report your dog as a ****ing stray if you don't want it any more..

Some self righteous silly ******* will pay to keep it alive and find it a home.. but ****.. if the animal does nothing useful for me, kill the son of a bitch !!!

****ing thing is taking up my oxygen !!


what is 3 times worse is when they don't want to harm a dog that just attacked a child or committed some simmilar action.
RegisteredAndEducated said:
I dont like for people to abandon animals like that. Drop them off at the damn local animal shelter or something. They may put them to sleep, but damn, it would be better than them being hunted and killed by some animal in the wild, or starving to damn death. I want people to start being dumped like that... see how they like it!
Did you know that Taylor Co doesn't have an animal shelter, and Sumpter Co won't take animals from Taylor Co. My mother tried to take kittens there, but they asked for my moms address, and said they could only take animals from Sumpter Co. That is so stupid.
phreakwars said:
All feral cats must die !!


Jhony5 said:
I recognize feral cats as only targets for me to exercise my blood lust upon.


phreakwars said:
I was charged with cruelty to animals once for shooting a ****ing feral cat


ParasiteGod said:
I was taking care of about (how the crap did there get to be)35 abandoned cats

Angel. You went over and beyond the call of duty.

ParasiteGod said:
That was cool until the neighbor decided to kill all 35 of the cats. Moron.

Your neighbor = Asshole!

R&E said:
I dont like for people to abandon animals like that. Drop them off at the damn local animal shelter or something. They may put them to sleep, but damn, it would be better than them being hunted and killed by some animal in the wild, or starving to damn death. I want people to start being dumped like that... see how they like it!


Hugo said:
I dumped my pet ****roach. Harry, last week. He kept shitting in my crackers.

Asshole! Poor Harry.
Oh c'mon Phanny. Animals kill each other all the time. Why shouldn't we join in on the fun?
I don't do it to be mean, I do it to be funny.

Like if ya hit them in the middle of the spine, it causes them to violently flip backward in the air. Not sure why that is. Must have something to do with nerves and junk 'n' stuff 'n' things.
Jhony5 said:
Oh c'mon Phanny. Animals kill each other all the time. Why shouldn't we join in on the fun?
I don't do it to be mean, I do it to be funny.

Like if ya hit them in the middle of the spine, it causes them to violently flip backward in the air. Not sure why that is. Must have something to do with nerves and junk 'n' stuff 'n' things.

no no no jhonny, you put them in the crisper in the fridge for 10 muinites and spin em' around a bunch first, then they are really hard to hit with a pistol ;) adds a bit of sport to the fun.

but really, i don't shoot cats or dogs, too many people up here just leave their pets loose to return every once in a while, don't want a redneck pissed at me, but i'm always shooting little fist sized birds and squerrels, btw, anyone here ever see a small bird meet a 30/30 WIN. in the chest? it's spine shoots out it's ass :eek:

my friend did that once, and the bird (lacking any chest/abdomen or internals) looked at him and walked to the other side of the chicken coop to fly away, but i got the little creep from about 30' twice in the head with a .22 handgun, it actually spread it's wingd and was going to fly away :eek: :confused:
One of my favorite past times, as a kid, was shooting GODS creatures.

I always LOVED visiting my uncles house in the country... there was always a stray cat or something roaming around that needed to be shot.

My favorite, are the ones that jumped up on the porch.. made the target practice all too easy.
I don't shoot'em unless I'm gonna eat'em. Or if there a nuisance. One or the other.

I took out a Spiro with a bow and arrow when I was a kid. I felt like ****.
snafu said:
I don't shoot'em unless I'm gonna eat'em. Or if there a nuisance. One or the other.

I took out a Spiro with a bow and arrow when I was a kid. I felt like ****.
***** !!:rolleyes:
Animals that get dumped suck because I know what that is like...I've had to raise like 3 dogs that weren't mine because people think that our neighborhood is an animal waste sucks...but I love the animals...:rolleyes:
snafu said:
I don't shoot'em unless I'm gonna eat'em. Or if there a nuisance. One or the other.

I took out a Spiro with a bow and arrow when I was a kid. I felt like ****.

If you are not going to eat them, then leave them the hell alone. Good for you. If an animal is causing problems, they may be killed only for the protection of children and such- not because they may be a raccoon tipping over your trash can every night. Just my humble opinion.

Not sure what a Spiro is but I shot a rabbit when I was around 18 just to see if I could hit it or not. I did, and I never forgave myself. NEVER again.
Phantom said:
If you are not going to eat them, then leave them the hell alone. Good for you. If an animal is causing problems, they may be killed only for the protection of children and such- not because they may be a raccoon tipping over your trash can every night. Just my humble opinion.

Not sure what a Spiro is but I shot a rabbit when I was around 18 just to see if I could hit it or not. I did, and I never forgave myself. NEVER again.
Sparo I meant. A small bird. I've shot allot of rabbits but we ate them. Ive gone moose hunting a couple of times but never got a chance at the shot. But we ate them too. If you got vermin in your yard, ya need to get rid of them too.
snafu said:
Sparo I meant. A small bird.


Ive gone moose hunting a couple of times but never got a chance at the shot. But we ate them too.

You never got a shot but you ate them? Alive? ;)

If you got vermin in your yard, ya need to get rid of them too.

Hubby set up some gopher traps in our yard because they were messing up his lawn. The traps work by spearing the gophers once the trap is tampered with. I told him to either get rid of them or get rid of me. It was a tough choice between his lawn and me but he eventually got rid of the traps. :p

He also traps and shoots wild hogs that tear up his ranch. This is something I am also against but at least he gives the meat to his friends.
Phantom said:

You never got a shot but you ate them? Alive? ;)

Hubby set up some gopher traps in our yard because they were messing up his lawn. The traps work by spearing the gophers once the trap is tampered with. I told him to either get rid of them or get rid of me. It was a tough choice between his lawn and me but he eventually got rid of the traps. :p

He also traps and shoots wild hogs that tear up his ranch. This is something I am also against but at least he gives the meat to his friends.

I didn't get the shot. My brothers allways did. You got to be in the right place. The one that has the better sight of the moose gets it.
snafu said:
I didn't get the shot. My brothers allways did. You got to be in the right place. The one that has the better sight gets it.

Yes, I figured you meant something like that. ;)
lol, hey snaf, you ever been to Kodiak?

NO stray dogs, they all get eaten by the locals, no joke, people shop for dinner at the animal shelter, it's disgusting, but it sure as hell works.

Myself, i volunteered at the homer animal shelter many times, they had some cool dogs there, lots of young huskies. But the cats drove me insane, i turn stray dogs in to the shelter, but cats always get the .22 if i see them more than twice. I'm further up the food chain, i delegate who dies, live with it.