Pastor Frank <> wrote:

> The "Christian world-view" is about the quality of [blah, blah, blah...]
> It has therefore nothing in common with science and the scientific method.

Which is to say, "It has therefore nothing in common with the world in
which we live."

> Atheists look for science and the scientific method for answers in the
> material world. Christians are to look for answers in the quality of their
> actions and relationships, meaning in the spiritual / attitudinal realm.

Then why do you need all the superstition and mythology? Why do you feel
compelled to invent imaginary father figures? Or imaginary places like
heaven and hell?

And if he's not part of the material world, how does your imaginary
father figure interact with the material world, whether dictating rules,
healing people, or impregnating a virgin?

> For all we know for certain, we and the entire cosmos might well be as
> substantial as a dream in the mind of God.

Or we might all be just, oh, I don't know... Dust in the Wind?
marcinmd <> wrote:

> Crhistianity is far more popular than your idea's are..Always have
> been...Always will be.. Go figure..huh?

I'll bet there were many who felt the same way about Thor, Zeus, and
Poseidon.. Go figure..huh?
Pastor Frank <> wrote:

> > In fact most people are Atheists to some degree. Christians will deny the
> > the Mayan, Hindu, Ancient Roman, Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian, Ancient
> > Sumerian, Ancient Baylonian, etc. Gods and Goddesses.
> >

> We don't "deny" any such gods. In fact we believe in the existence of all
> those gods you list,

So, Christianity is a polytheistic religion? Your god has some god

> Then why not have another look at our glorious God incarnate, Jesus Christ?

But what about the other gods? Won't they be jealous or something? Don't
they deserve some followers, too?

I mean, what good is being a god if another god hogs all the sheep?
"Robibnikoff" <> wrote in message
> "marcinmd" <> wrote in message
>> >
>> >Of course there is..Every philosphy and religion has a point of view
>> >about how they look at the world......

>> And there's also reality, moron.
>> What makes you think atheism is a philosopy or religion, in-your-face?


Because, "moron", the below definition puts "reality and "logic" first,
as only atheists would. Yet we all know, that religion deals with ideals and
qualities which are not the result of, nor dependent upon any "logic", but
of preference, likes and loves, needing no reason nor "logic".
Don't you have any loves, likes and care-fors in your life independent
of any logical deliberations? Apparently you have lots of hates, dislikes
and don't care fors already, enought to call those who don't agree with you
> Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
> philosophy
> Main Entry: phi
"Robibnikoff" <> wrote in message
> "marcinmd" <> wrote in message
>>> ===>Gods can exist by accident, but universes must be created. ;-) -- L.

>> The better way to say that is "God Exists"..

> Why? There's no evidence a god exists.
> Robyn
> Resident Witchypoo
> #1557

Not any of YOUR definition, Poo. We all agree on that!
"marcinmd" <> wrote in message
>Pastor Frank wrote:
>> Atheists look for science and the scientific method for answers in
>> the
>> material world. Christians are to look for answers in the quality of
>> their
>> actions and relationships, meaning in the spiritual / attitudinal realm.

> Yes but it is also important to remember what kind of Christian you are
> speaking about. In the East, the physical world is not looked at like
> something to be discarded or a fake covering for the reality of
> spiritual existence. The created world also reveals God so what we
> learn about it matters to a certain extent.

You cite no evidence for your assertion, and I disagree. Eastern
philosophy is based on maya, meaning illusion. Religion deals with
qualities, such as attitudes, opinion, judgment regarding good and evil
actions etc. not with creation itself.
>> For all we know for certain, we and the entire cosmos might well be
>> as
>> substantial as a dream in the mind of God. See below

> This is why personal interpretation is not a good idea.

Whose non-personal interpretation do you prefer?
> You can simply
> conclude that anything is possible and stop caring.

What does Christ say about that? Let me quote: Jesus in Mk:10:27: And
Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God:
for with God all things are possible.
Why would "all things are possible" produce apathy?

> That is why we
> should look to the 2000 year Tradition of the Church itself which has
> already chewed over all these questions and possibilities.

You are RC, are you not? To us sola scriptura fundamentalist protestants
only God's Holy and inerrant Word, as per scripture is decisive and is the
ONLY permissible reference for our beliefs, all else is speculation, often
inspired by God perhaps, but still subservient to scripture.
"marcinmd" <> wrote in message
>> So? Atheism is the lack of belief in god(s). That's it. It's not a
>> philosophy and it's not a world view.

> I think you are confusing Nilism with Atheism...

Wrong. Atheism is the lack of belief in god(s). Deal with it.
Resident Witchypoo
"marcinmd" <> wrote in message
>> >

>> Science deals with observing, naming and listing of what is. It's
>> what
>> Adam did with God's creation. The "Christian world-view" is about the
>> quality of actions on the scale of good and evil, and implementing ideals
>> of
>> qualities which culminate in the Kingdom of Heaven. It has therefore
>> nothing
>> in common with science and the scientific method.

> \
> I think that is well said. But it is also true that Science continues,
> in it's own way, to make discoveries that confirm the Judeo-Christian
> view point. They are not contradictory in other words.
> For example, the claim that some things are "invisible" was scoffed at
> until science acquired the technology to see things not visible to the
> human eye..Then later, science figured that the Universe is
> multidimensional...... Albert Einstein came to the conclusion that the
> created universe had a beginning ( and will have an end) which is a key
> point of Christian cosmology....
> Let there be light... Turns out to be pretty accurate.

Resident Witchypoo
"Christopher A. Lee" <> wrote in message
> On 19 Oct 2006 15:18:14 -0700, "marcinmd" <> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >Just like you are doing..An easy accusation to make.
>>> I'm doing no such thing, and you either know it and are lying, or you
>>> are unbelievably stupid.

>>Of course you are.. You are backfilling based on your personal

> No, liar, I am doing no such thing - and you know that.
>>You rationalize away any argument that doesn't help you...

> Keep telling yoursellf that and ebventually you'll believe it.
>>> >If the Christian message and World View is True, then science will
>>> >naturally dove tail it when they hit on things that are true..True =
>>> >True
>>> So satisfy the "if".<<

>>Yes..Whenever I run into an open minded person who is really interested
>>there are lots of things that can be done and read that is
>>educational.. But bitter people with an agenda cant be helped so
>>easily because they......have an agenda and there is no way to speak
>>to them until they have a change of attitude..

> More standard theist dishonesty.

No. Yours Christopher is just standard atheist dogma.
"Father Haskell" <> wrote in message
> marcinmd wrote:
>> >
>> > Stroll about with a "kick me" sign on your back, you're
>> > gonna get kicked.

>> Sir, I have been "kicked" by no one, I assure you... The only damage ad
>> hominem attacks do are to the people who employ the tactic.

> Flamed on usenet, kicked in the ass by half the school, including
> the janitor, big difference.

Who "kicks" whom and who's left standing is a big thing in atheist
On Fri, 20 Oct 2006 09:02:41 -0400, "Robibnikoff"
<> wrote:

>"marcinmd" <> wrote in message
>>> So? Atheism is the lack of belief in god(s). That's it. It's not a
>>> philosophy and it's not a world view.

>> I think you are confusing Nilism with Atheism...

>Wrong. Atheism is the lack of belief in god(s). Deal with it.

I have never understood why these assholes feel qualified to lecture
us on what our own POV "really" is, tell us we're confused etc. When
it's obvious they don't have the most basic idea. It's arrogantly rude
to the point of nastiness.
"Father Haskell" <> wrote in message
> Pastor Frank wrote:
>> "Christopher A. Lee" <> wrote in message
>> > On 18 Oct 2006 12:00:24 -0700, "marcinmd" <> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> ===>Gods can exist by accident, but universes must be created. ;-) --
>> >>> L.
>> >>
>> >>The better way to say that is "God Exists"..There is no origin or
>> >>causality ( accident)..."Always existing and ever the same"
>> >
>> > Feel free to demonstrate that it does.
>> >
>> >>The Material Universe is different. It had a beginning and will
>> >>eventually have an end.
>> >
>> > And your evidence for this, is?
>> >

>> All the things which do have a beginning and an end, and the paucity
>> of
>> things which do not. Why be secretive Christopher? Tell us already of all
>> the things you know which don't have a beginning nor an end.

> Circles
> Moebius strips

2 our of an infinite number of things? Like I said, "paucity" is the key
word here.
"marcinmd" <> wrote in message
> Well... You are obviously disturbed about something that probably has
> little to do with me or my posts... I'll just leave you to it and pray
> that one day you regain your composure...

Christopher Lee is just practicing what he wants to do for all eternity.
See below

Pastor Frank

Jesus in Mt:8:12: But the children of Satan's kingdom shall be cast into
outer darkness: There shall be wailing (of interminable complaints and
accusations) and the gnashing of teeth (in frustration and impotent rage).
"Libertarius" <Libertarius@Nothing_But_The.Truth> wrote in message
> wrote:
> > Actually, this does nothing to explain the question. It just shows
> > that God has been doing this for millennia - something we already knew.
> >
> > WHY did God allow Satan to torment Job? Why, in fact, did God create
> > Satan, and why (if Satan just "went bad", as some claim) doesn't God
> > get rid of Satan?
> >
> > Did you ever see the movie, "Old Yeller"? It's about a great dog. But
> > the dog gets rabies, and they have to shoot it at the end. That's what
> > you do with rabid dogs - you shoot them, because they're in misery, and
> > they can be extremely dangerous.
> >
> > The Bible doesn't really explain much of this. It just tells us that
> > God does things like this - letting Satan wreak havoc on people, even
> > good people.

> or any other fairy tales that contain magic. -- L.

The universe is not governed by magic or chance. Certainly,
Paul Davies, did not believe that the universe is governed
by chance or random happazardous mechanics. In "The
Cosmic Blueprint", He wrote, "beneath the baffling
kaleidoscope of phenomena, that confronts our inspection
lies a hidden mathematical order in nature. Science proceeds
on the basis that the underlying order in nature can be at
least in part, be grasp by human intellect.

In "A Brief History of Time", Stephen Hawking
ask,"What were the 'boundary conditions' at the
beginning of time?" he explains,

"One possible answer is to say that God chose the
initinal configuration of the universe for reasons that we
cannot hope to understand, This certainly would have
been within the power of omnipotent being, but if he
had started it off in such an incomprehehnsinible way,
why did he choose to let it evolve according to laws
we could understand? Stephen Hawking wrote,
The whole history of science has been the gradual
realization that events do not happen in a arbitrary
manner, but they reflect a certain underlying order,
which may or may not be divinely inspired."
I think Einstein said it best, "God doesn't play dice
with the universe".
Allah Exists???

A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed. As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various subjects. When they eventually touched on the subject of Allah, the barber said:
"I don't believe that God exists."
"Why do you say that?" asked the customer.

"Well, you just have to go out on the street to realize that Allah doesn't exist. Tell me, if Allah exists, would there be so many sick people?
Would there be abandoned children?
If Allah existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine a loving Allah who would allow all of these things."
The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to start an argument. The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man on the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and unkempt.
The customer turned back and entered the barber shop again and he said to the barber: "You know what? Barbers do not exist."
"How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber. "I am here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!"
"No!" the customer exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside."
"Ah, but barbers DO exist! " answered the barber. " What happens, is people do not come to me. "
"Exactly!"- affirmed the customer. "That's the point! Allah, too, DOES exist! What happens, is, people don't go to Him and do not look for Him. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."
Pastor Frank <> wrote:

> >>> Hardly - There is no such thing as an "Athiest World View".
> >>
> >>Of course there is..Every philosphy and religion has a point of view
> >>about how they look at the world......

> >
> > And there's also reality, moron.
> > What makes you think atheism is a philosopy or religion, in-your-face
> > moron? Is not-believing-in-Santa-Claus a philosophy or religion on your
> > planet?
> >

> No. But calling everyone you disagree with "moron" is an important tenet
> of atheist doctrine.

No, that term should be reserved for people who... I don't know... think
the earth is only 6,000 years old, believe evolution doesn't happen, or
claim the moon landing was faked.
Pastor Frank <> wrote:

>> Hardly - There is no such thing as an "Athiest World View".

> There is! It's a world without God. Isn't that true?

Yes it is. Now, if we can only convince all the deluded religionists of
this simple fact, we might be able to avoid global religious warfare.
"Scott Richter" <> wrote in message
> Pastor Frank <> wrote:
>> > In fact most people are Atheists to some degree. Christians will deny
>> > the
>> > the Mayan, Hindu, Ancient Roman, Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian,
>> > Ancient
>> > Sumerian, Ancient Baylonian, etc. Gods and Goddesses.
>> >

>> We don't "deny" any such gods. In fact we believe in the existence of
>> all
>> those gods you list,

> So, Christianity is a polytheistic religion? Your god has some god
> buddies?

Dishonest boob, aren't you, deleting part of my post to make nonsense
out of it. I said: That though we Christians have no problems with the
existence of a mutlitude of gods and devils, we have made our choice in
favour of Christ, our God incarnate, and give no credence to any other gods
or devils.
>> Then why not have another look at our glorious God incarnate, Jesus
>> Christ?

> But what about the other gods? Won't they be jealous or something? Don't
> they deserve some followers, too?
> I mean, what good is being a god if another god hogs all the sheep?

You obviously haven't made your choice yet, but seem confused, by having
so many gods and/or devils to choose from. That is why we post, to advance
our God and the reason for our choice, so as to get people like you off the
"Scott Richter" <> wrote in message
> Pastor Frank <> wrote:
> > >>> Hardly - There is no such thing as an "Athiest World View".
> > >>
> > >>Of course there is..Every philosphy and religion has a point of view
> > >>about how they look at the world......
> > >
> > > And there's also reality, moron.
> > > What makes you think atheism is a philosopy or religion, in-your-face
> > > moron? Is not-believing-in-Santa-Claus a philosophy or religion on

> > > planet?
> > >

> > No. But calling everyone you disagree with "moron" is an important

> > of atheist doctrine.

> No, that term should be reserved for people who... I don't know... think
> the earth is only 6,000 years old, believe evolution doesn't happen, or
> claim the moon landing was faked.

There's only a few who believe the universe was created in seven
24 hour days, or that the earth is only 6,000 years old (neiither
scriptural) and even fewer think the moon landing was faked.

Dan Wood
On Fri, 20 Oct 2006 09:07:52 -0700, (Scott
Richter) wrote:

>Pastor Frank <> wrote:
>>> Hardly - There is no such thing as an "Athiest World View".

>> There is! It's a world without God. Isn't that true?

>Yes it is. Now, if we can only convince all the deluded religionists of
>this simple fact, we might be able to avoid global religious warfare.

I wouldn't call it "a world without God". It would have to be in our
world view differently than it actually is - a belief that is part of
somebody else's religion.