Another rant on homosexuality.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005

I apologize in advance for any typos or ramblings; my work suffers late at night, but I need to get this out while it's fresh. And I know it's a long post, but try to stay with me, eh?

I was reading another thread and noticed a post by LovelyLady and was reminded of a historical fact, and thought to mention it.

LL mentioned the Greeks, and it's very true that there was no hatred for homosexuals back then--which means we've all devolved by the way. At any rate, I thought I'd mention the Spartans. If any of you have studied history, you'll know that the Spartans kicked some serious ass. They were the war-machine of the ancient world, and they were tough as ****ing nails. And most of them were, at least in some way, gay. They spent most of their lives away crammed into a building with a bunch of other guys. Gee, I wonder what went on there. In fact, they were encouraged to form relationships with each other because they would fight much harder to protect the man beside him if they loved him.

And nobody said boo about it--AND, like I said, they kicked major ass. You wouldn't make fun of a Spartan today because he'd probably kill you. In fact, if you met him and didn't know he was sleeping with men, you'r probably go doe-eyed for a man of such discipline and skill.

Which brings me to my personal favourite as far as historical figures are concerned--Alexander the Great. Hopefully I don't have to review his history; everyone knows Alex. If ever there was someone to admire, it was Alexander. So to make his long story short, he was one of the coolest and GREATEST (hence the name) people who ever lived. And he was gay. Gasp, surprise--the unimaginable horror! You can argue and protest all you want, but you can't change history. And don't even mention that shameful display of a movie; anyone who knows jack **** about Alexander the Great knows that you can't cast COLIN FARRELL as one of the grestest men in history. End of story. Don't get me started on THAT piece of crap. (The movie, though I've no love for Colin either.)

But history aside, there are so many reasons for me, at least, to admire gay people, so let's go.

In my experience, to put it in a few words, gay people are the nicest people. Not nice in an insulting way, but genuinely. If you can find yourself a gay friend, you're in business. And I'll probably post a whole rant dedicated to this point--don't ever think you can expect me to listen to you say that my BEST FRIENDS are going to some horrible place, or that they deserve to die or some other ****, without fighting back.

Moving on.

In what's going to be a big long blurb, their collective patience. As a people, you might say. When other groups get pissed off, they seem to take it as an excuse for senseless violence. I've never heard, and I apologize if that only shows my ignorance, of a homosexual taking part in the sort of senseless violence taking place every day in mobs "on the streets". When a group of people gets pissed at the government or society in general, they go berserk. I've yet to see it from the homosexual community.

As a side note, I refer you briefly to the whole Rodney King incident, though I don't mean to point any fingers at African-Americans either. It remains, however ugly an incident, and example of what I'm talking about. The people who took part in the riots heard something about "one of their own" that they didn't like, and they went nuts. Were they right to be pissed? Of course, but that doesn't make up for what they did.

That doesn't mean it never happens with gay people, but the fact that news of it has never once, in all these years, reached my ears means that it's a rarity. Not only are they not going on a rampage (and just because they're gay doesn't mean they don't get angry, so this is a pre-emptive 'shut up' to your 'gay people couldn't do that; they're too gay' remarks) but most seem to be watching our Catholic-values world with a sort of sad humour, waiting for us to become enlightened. At least, that's the sense I get from it. I've not seen any riots on the streets or other lashings-out. All I see is a group of people trying to get on with their lives.

And while we're on the subject, GOD FORBID two people should want to love each other and commit to each other and have a family and a ****ing life. Who the hell are you to stand in their way? What business is it of anyone's? What happened to the days when what happened in a bedroom was private?

(It was getting long so I divided it. Stop and take a break before reading on ;) )

My points are, long and rambling as they've been, that not only were some of the greatest figures in history (there are many more if you'd care to look it up) homosexual, but the general patience from homosexuals as a whole is, I'd say, inspiring. They're waiting calmly for us to give them a ****ing break. They're not hurting anyone, and they're sure as hell not doing anything wrong. All they've ever done was try to love each other, and every single person who stands in their way should not only be ashamed, but publically stoned. (You people asked for the bible days, right?)

And isn't it ironic that the people trying their damnedest to stand in the way of all this horrible LOVE are the ones who won't shut the hell up about God and Jesus. Don't you think that GOD, who loves everyone or so you try to tell me, would want its creations to GET ALONG? To not destroy each other? Don't you think that Jesus would ****ing roll over in his grave or heaven or in your taco or wherever the hell you think he is if he saw you all trying your best to stop all this 'love' he was always talking about? Come on, assholes, smarten up.

That's my rant for today, but as I can never dispel my anger at idiocy, I'm sure I'll have more tomorrow or whenever. I'm sorry if it was too long or made little sense.

To the homo-haters: get bent. (Now don't you wish you'd just skipped to the last line instead of reading all that?)

Yah, you said pretty much all of it.

I would however like to address your references to many famous or 'Great' People(s) that happened to be gay. Aside form showing the very ignorent that gays can be just as tuff as the next guff (Whcih anyone with the reasoning power of a monkey holding a handgernade could figure out) These statments do nothing for your case and makes it seem that their accompishments are your main rational as to why homosexuels deserve equal treatment as, well, the rest of humanity. (Well in our case, north america) And your "God (Pending) wants people to be in love!" Idea is really open to interptation, you can't really offer an interptation as proof of something since its validity will rock for one perosn to the next, its useless. Without use

Simply put, homosexuals have nothing to do with those of you who hate them, so you have no right to control their lives. It really isn't a moral issue at all, its just a large gaggle of fools (mostly misguided by some dum interpretation of religious doctirns of many kinds) who, for some odd reason, think that they have the right to restrict OTHER PEOPLES freedoms because they don't groove with their beliefs. If you can't see that, get a labotmy and drool your troubled thought away.

GH: Aside from the fact that my post started out as something a little different but I changed it when I realized I had more to say (so the first bit doesn't fit as well as it could), I was just pointing out that it's a bit ridiculous to say that gay people automatically fit certain stereotypes, or that they have never done anything to deserve respect, as well the fact that while ancient cultures have recognized and appreciated the differences in people, we seem incapable of doing the same. It's just an observation.

Jokers: you're quite right, sorry. I just meant that he slept with men, but it was a mistake to label him completely gay. I believe he did have a wife, though I don't think anyone can say what he actually thought of her. I'll have to do more research ;)

Kind of hard to keep a thread going when people agree with you. Funny how when someone actually makes a case and presents opinions and tries to have a real conversation instead of just hatefully flaming...all the idiots disappear. Anyway, thanks for stopping by, guys; I appreciate it. :)

Shauna: I think other idiots are attracted to idiocy.

I agree, though. Just blame the Christians and their bible, and all other religions, while you're at it. Afterall, all was gay (hahaha, bad pun) until all the gooey stuff with religious fundamentalists.

"b) there is no b..or spoon" - hahahahaha
Breaking news! Idiocy and hatred are still alive! "Pope Benedict, in his first clear pronouncement on gay marriages since his election, on Monday condemned same-sex unions as fake and expressions of "anarchic freedom" that threatened the future of the family." Will the fun ever end?


..........FAKE? Just give me FIVE minutes with this *******.
Oh boy....I might really step in a pile of my own ****, but here I go. :eek:

As a Christian it is embarrassing to me when Christians overdraw something from the Bible when they are uncomfortable with a specific topic or practice such as homosexuality.

Alot of practicing Christians "condemn" the act of homosexuality, and/or especially homosexuals themselves.

It does indeed say in the scriptures, " not lie with another man...".

However, it does not say that homosexuals will burn in hell, or to be judgemental towards them. In my faith, it is to be where we (Christians) treat and love others, as we would want others to love and treat us. Also, we are not supposed to judge others, unless we be judged ourselves. Scripturally, it says we all fall short of the glory of God.

Unfortuantely, many Christians do not practice this protocol. Infact....many go grossly overboard with their judgementlism, and especially condemnation.

It is indeed sad. It also casts a bad cloud over my practice of faith. I do not join into this fray, for it is not for me to decide.

I believe I should love and treat others the way I would want them to treat and love me....period.

Remember....don't blame the religion...blame the idiot that dosen't know **** about his or her own religion!
Actually, I read with my own eyes in my New Testament something to the effect of 'if a man lies with a man as he lies with a woman, they both shall be PUT TO DEATH.' I read it. Unfortunately I can only ask you to take my word for it because I burned my bible. Woops, guess I won't be citing anything. Anywho, you can't convince me that religion is a good thing so I won't get started on that. Thanks for dropping by c(o:
This gives humanity incredible value and dignity simply because of the nature of God's creation. Every person uniquely bears the imago Dei, the image of God, and thus must be treated with dignity and love. That applies to the unborn, the elderly, our coworkers, the homosexual and even our annoying neighbor. We are therefore called to love our neighbor as ourselves, not because of what they do or don
Spleefman said:
Remember....don't blame the religion...blame the idiot that dosen't know **** about his or her own religion!

And then you go and post something about how evil Islam is. Right.......
Romans 1:26-27:
"For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women
did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise
also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one
toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving
in themselves that recompence [sic] of their error which was meet."

"as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to
these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after
strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of
eternal fire."

Oh yah, and love thy neighbour... :rolleyes:
Or maybe we could NOT keep citing religious texts and discuss the issue like intelligent creatures thinking for themselves. You know, that's always an option.
Gentilhomme said:
Romans 1:26-27:
"For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women
did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise
also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one
toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving
in themselves that recompence [sic] of their error which was meet."

(disclaimer..these arent my words...but great ones)
Taking anything that Paul said out its context is like trying to drive a car blindfolded. You don't know where you are, where you have been, where you are going, or who you just ran over and killed!

Paul's writings have been taken out of context and twisted to punish and oppress every identifiable minority in the world: Jews, children, women, blacks, slaves, politicians, divorced people, convicts, pro choice people, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, religious reformers, the mentally ill, and the list could go on and on. Paul is often difficult and confusing to understand. A lot of Paul's writing is very difficult to translate. Since most of his letters were written in response to news from other people, reading Paul can be like listening to one side of a telephone conversation. We know, or think we know, what Paul is saying, but we have to guess what the other side has said. As 2 Peter 3:16-18 pointed out, we have to be on guard against using Paul's writings in unhealthy and destructive ways.

Western culture today is so dominated by vivid and explicit details of sexual practices and ideas that we all tend to read sex into just about everything that happens or that we read. To read sex into the Bible is to ignore what it does mean and to complicate and distort its message at many very important points. None of the 25 "works of the flesh" that Paul listed in Galatians 5:19-21 refer directly to sex, though many of the terms are translated in such a way as to imply a sexual meaning. These 25 "works of the flesh" primarily describe how people treat other people as things rather than persons and how attitudes of people cause divisive, destructive and abusive behavior toward other people. Paul viewed the religion of judgmental legalism as a "work of the flesh."

enjoy :)
Silver_dragon87 said:
Actually, I read with my own eyes in my New Testament something to the effect of 'if a man lies with a man as he lies with a woman, they both shall be PUT TO DEATH.' I read it. Unfortunately I can only ask you to take my word for it because I burned my bible. Woops, guess I won't be citing anything. Anywho, you can't convince me that religion is a good thing so I won't get started on that. Thanks for dropping by c(o:

There are verses in the bible that can be taken out of context. There are verses that I have not come upon. There is alot of stuff in the Bible that I don't do, that maybe i should do, and alot of stuff that I do or don't do out of personal convictions.

Fact is...I don't agree with abortions....I was involved in one myself, and never got over it. However, I do not push for anti-abortion legislation. I do not practice homosexuality...not because the Bible says not to.......but because I can't stand the thought of a dick in my mouth or ass! If someone wants to live that lifestyle, I could care less! I do not judge them, because I have done PLENTY of **** wrong.

I understand some having problems with various teachings within the Christian faith. Just remember...not all Christians are into gay bashing or even gay condemnation. The one's that are...ignore them. They are ignorant.
Crazywumbat said:
And then you go and post something about how evil Islam is. Right.......

Blow me Wumbat! I stand by what I said. I stated.....

"I'm getting just a bit beyond the point where I'm all bent out of shape trying to understand Islamic sensitivities. If there is something about your religion that should make me feel badly about poor Muslims getting their feelings hurt, you had better get it out there on the table now. All I see is a religion that seems to take great pleasure in passing condemnations and "death sentences" on various people around the world for all sorts of meaningless infractions of some great system of Islamic law."

Then I listed actual occurences that have happened under "Islamic Law".

I stated nothing but facts. Sympathize with them if you want Wumbutt...hope they don't blow your silly ass to hell the way they would like to!

If some are going to complain about the way some "christians" are treating homosexuals...then ****ing Islam is fair and current game!
I wasn't using that crap as an excuse, i am by no means religious and i couldn't care less about what the bible says, i was quoting it since you couldn't remember what the passages said. Those were just 2 examples that are used as an excuse for jackassey on a broad scale (Again, i DON't agree with them). Don't be so defensive, remember that i started on this thread by agreeing with you Silver...

And as for interptitaion of Pauls works, is not saying that he ISN'T making references to sexual acts also an interpritation? I personally believe that the bible is condeming on this subject, which isn't to say that all christians can't look past these works and get with the times, but I think they were written by a intolerent wiener (the passages in question) and are used by the the same to promote intolerence.

I don't know what you mean by defensive; I was only stating what I read for myself in this precious bible of everyone's, and saying that I will never believe that religion is a good thing. No defense--just statements. :D