Anyone still play Pokemon here?


New member
I have Diamond and Pearl and I am looking for people to trade + battle with. Anyone else play? It'd be cool to get a rivalry going lol.


New member
I have Diamond and Pearl and I am looking for people to trade + battle with. Anyone else play? It'd be cool to get a rivalry going lol.
No I don´t play it anymore, used to play it alooot

Maybe i should download it sometime..should be fun



New member
I still play Pokemon sometimes! Granted, I still use my GameBoy Colour, and I only have the Red version and the Yellow version. I don't play video games as much as I did when I was younger. I also don't have the money to spend on a new and improved gameboy lol but the old games are still fun.


New member
I actually have Diamond >.>

All my teams and Pokemon got erased, after I decided to restart the **** thing all over =P

Currently, I have 7 badges, though =o

I'm Slooooooooowly getting there haha



New member
I actually have Diamond >.>All my teams and Pokemon got erased, after I decided to restart the **** thing all over =P

Currently, I have 7 badges, though =o

I'm Slooooooooowly getting there haha
you got wifi? lol



New member
lol we should trade sometime. Whats your Friend Code?

all my data can be found within this image:



New member

I'll jot my info down as soon as I get my DS from my lil' sis. She took it with her to her grandma's house =.= trade? I wanna battle =P



New member
lolglalies.I'll jot my info down as soon as I get my DS from my lil' sis. She took it with her to her grandma's house =.= trade? I wanna battle =P
should we battle for a gamble? like the winner can choose 1 of the losers pokemon for keeps? or even an item? or something like that. That way the stakes are higher! lol



New member
is there any reason for ur character to be carrying an mp5 pistol?!? slave driver much? =p

when i buy a DS ill defo get pokemon, i have allll the other games, i was poonage back in the day, ill try and catch you guys and we cna battle someday



New member
Tonz;566248']is there any reason for ur character to be carrying an mp5 pistol?!? slave driver much? =p
when i buy a DS ill defo get pokemon, i have allll the other games, i was poonage back in the day, ill try and catch you guys and we cna battle someday
the mp5 is a scare tactic :p

and yay! get pokemon! the more of us that play the better!



New member
WTF lmao MP5 be like "***** get in the pokeball!"
get in or i start shootin ***********!

I have all versions on emulator on computer i play in class too haha theyre really fun
emulators are really cool. I hope thye make a cool PS2 one soon so i can get GANTZ lol

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