No I don´t play it anymore, used to play it aloootI have Diamond and Pearl and I am looking for people to trade + battle with. Anyone else play? It'd be cool to get a rivalry going lol.
you got wifi? lolI actually have Diamond >.>All my teams and Pokemon got erased, after I decided to restart the **** thing all over =P
Currently, I have 7 badges, though =o
I'm Slooooooooowly getting there haha
lol we should trade sometime. Whats your Friend Code?YESSIR =P .
should we battle for a gamble? like the winner can choose 1 of the losers pokemon for keeps? or even an item? or something like that. That way the stakes are higher! lollolglalies.I'll jot my info down as soon as I get my DS from my lil' sis. She took it with her to her grandma's house =.= trade? I wanna battle =P
the mp5 is a scare tacticTonz;566248']is there any reason for ur character to be carrying an mp5 pistol?!? slave driver much? =p
when i buy a DS ill defo get pokemon, i have allll the other games, i was poonage back in the day, ill try and catch you guys and we cna battle someday
get in or i start shootin ***********!WTF lmao MP5 be like "***** get in the pokeball!"
emulators are really cool. I hope thye make a cool PS2 one soon so i can get GANTZ lolI have all versions on emulator on computer i play in class too haha theyre really fun