Are people basically good or evil?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2005
Is mankind more prone to evil or kindness?

Do you feel people begin life with a clean slate but are influenced by their environment concerning character development?

Do you feel people are inherently selfish at birth and must be taught good values?

If you have any religious beliefs, does this sway your opinion?
I'm good. And then I'm evil.

How many questions could you cram into a paragraph anyways, Phanton?
builder said:
I'm good. And then I'm evil.

Most schizos are.

How many questions could you cram into a paragraph anyways, Phanton?

Tons! But I limit the amount to prevent the discussions from becoming too tedious. Need to get you people out of the shout box somehow.
Phantom said:
Is mankind more prone to evil or kindness?

Do you feel people begin life with a clean slate but are influenced by their environment concerning character development?

Do you feel people are inherently selfish at birth and must be taught good values?

If you have any religious beliefs, does this sway your opinion?

I think most people are good. Yes, most of us tend to be selfish a lot here and there, but most of us also have good intentions and try to be good, decent human beings as well.

And yes, some people just seem to be predisponed evil for some reason. Like they were brought up in a good home, with good parents and family yet they still have to be evil. And then there are those who started out being normal/ average/good then became evil because of circumstances in their environment- abuse, lack of parental guidance and care, love, etc. And THEN, there are those who had horrible, crappy lives and STILL remain being good, decent people.

So basically, it can go many different ways. One of those nature/nurture struggles. I would say nurture most often wins when it comes to being evil or good, but then there are also many cases when nature is so powerful it prevails, but that as often.
Depends how you look at it. Lets say a person with money, to get there they most likely squashed some little people to get there...evil? To your average or poor person yep but to another rich person nope just part of business.

But if that same person gave money away to good charities, those same poor and average people might think he's good, where other rich people might think he's for evil making them look bad.
Chi said:
I think most people are good. Yes, most of us tend to be selfish a lot here and there, but most of us also have good intentions and try to be good, decent human beings as well.

I believe most people are born **** heads. This is why small children constantly yell, "MINE!" and "NO!" It's after their little bottoms are spanked that they are trained to be productive members of society.

And yes, some people just seem to be predisponed evil for some reason. Like they were brought up in a good home, with good parents and family yet they still have to be evil. And then there are those who started out being normal/ average/good then became evil because of circumstances in their environment- abuse, lack of parental guidance and care, love, etc. And THEN, there are those who had horrible, crappy lives and STILL remain being good, decent people.

Very true. Everyone is tempted but character is decided by one's actions.
Phantom said:
Is mankind more prone to evil or kindness?

Do you feel people begin life with a clean slate but are influenced by their environment concerning character development?

Do you feel people are inherently selfish at birth and must be taught good values?

If you have any religious beliefs, does this sway your opinion?

well, my curiousity makes me evil. like that time i destroyed a game system to find out what it was made out of, hey, i was 6

but people also make me evil, mainly when they piss me off.
kokorosenshi said:
well, my curiousity makes me evil. like that time i destroyed a game system to find out what it was made out of, hey, i was 6

That isn't being evil- that is being inquisitive.

but people also make me evil, mainly when they piss me off.

Don't let the actions of others dictate your character.
Why must you teach them that? Because YOU want a better society?

All people are self serving.
Ctrl said:
I guess you really need to define good/evil.

I think people are self serving.

Hm... Well, let's see (and anyone can add in their own definitions).

Good: Giving, tender-hearted, moralistic, kind, harmless (unless provoked)

Evil: Selfish, wicked, having the ability to harm others for their own benefit, criminal, etc.

Hugo said:
Babies are very selfish creatures. They must be taught not to be anti-social.

Does antisocial = selfish? Most babies love to play with other kids and love the companionship. Regardless, being reclusive or preferring your own company doesn't necessarily mean selfish by default, does it?
Phantom said:
Hm... Well, let's see (and anyone can add in their own definitions).

Good: Giving, tender-hearted, moralistic, kind, harmless (unless provoked)

Evil: Selfish, wicked, having the ability to harm others for their own benefit, criminal, etc.

Does antisocial = selfish? Most babies love to play with other kids and love the companionship. Regardless, being reclusive or preferring your own company doesn't necessarily mean selfish by default, does it?

Place a bottle between 'em and see what happens.
hugo said:
Place a bottle between 'em and see what happens.

No, no. I understand that. You confused me with the merging of selfish/anti-social. But I agreed with your statement in an earlier comment:
I believe most people are born **** heads. This is why small children constantly yell, "MINE!" and "NO!" It's after their little bottoms are spanked that they are trained to be productive members of society.
Being a pack animal I'm betting there is a biological impetus toward sociability as a child ages.
kokorosenshi said:
well, my curiousity makes me evil. like that time i destroyed a game system to find out what it was made out of, hey, i was 6

but people also make me evil, mainly when they piss me off.

Your game system was made out of hay? What kind of shitheel parents do you have, Koko? They couldn't afford a ****ing Sega so they stole an empty box and filled it with hay?

Unbelievable! Inconceivable!

Look! I know a guy that runs Toys for Tots... we can reclaim your childhood with a real Sega, if you like.
RoyalOrleans said:
Your game system was made out of hay? What kind of shitheel parents do you have, Koko? They couldn't afford a ****ing Sega so they stole an empty box and filled it with hay?

Unbelievable! Inconceivable!

Look! I know a guy that runs Toys for Tots... we can reclaim your childhood with a real Sega, if you like.

And I thought my parents stunk.
RoyalOrleans said:
Your game system was made out of hay? What kind of shitheel parents do you have, Koko? They couldn't afford a ****ing Sega so they stole an empty box and filled it with hay?

Unbelievable! Inconceivable!

Look! I know a guy that runs Toys for Tots... we can reclaim your childhood with a real Sega, if you like.

OMFG! Not that it matters, but REP!
society trys to force us to be selfless heros who love to give and not recive

humans are animals, and there no shame in that, just try to be as good as you think you should be, if you uphold your own morals your a good person