Are You a Freak?

i have it but i dont go on it too often
it bugs me abit
i always seem to attract scareh satanistic people
That's what that site is for dear, all the little 'no one understands me' goths. And trying to rationalize things like the shooting by saying they claim no responsiblity, is like trying to say Myspace has nothing to do with the jump in underage rape & kidnappings.
It doesn't work. Of course they'll claim no responsibilty for a shooting, do you think they want to be hit with a lawsuit? **** no. Same with Myspace.
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Oh God, you are on 'dear' ramage with me.
What? Myspace and rape and kidnappings? Wow, that's the first I've heard of crimes being related to myspace.
It's the case with the Columbia High School Shootings. The kid listened to Marilyn Manson, and Manson got blamed for it. It's not his fault that kid took his music literally and decided to (I quote) "There's a time to discriminate hate every mother****er that's in your way". So what I am saying that don't blame other things like VF of what that kid does. If VF had such that much of an influence on people's lives wouldn't that a thousand and something members would have already done the same thing?