Are you gay? Or just happy to be here?


New member
I'm 36% gay, that's 64% straight for those of you who are bad at math.
The doctor or nurse question pushed me toward the gay side. Apparently, it was butch of me to pretend to be a doctor instead of a nurse. How sexist. And what is with the pool question. The only options are 'no' and 'yes, often'. Just because I beat a guy once or twice at pool, doesn't mean I beat them on a regular basis.
That one was tricky. I never lose at pool. Period. And I can change my own oil but choose not to. I guess that makes me a flaming **************. :rolleyes:



New member
That one was tricky. I never lose at pool. Period. And I can change my own oil but choose not to. I guess that makes me a flaming **************. :rolleyes:
I can put oil in, but I've never had the desire to climb up under the car to learn how to change it. Not for me.

It's such a biased test.



New member
Only 36% gay for me. Too many metrosexual based questions, I think they forgot the obvious ones like "How many members of the same *** have you made out with?" :rolleyes:


New member
That one was tricky. I never lose at pool. Period. And I can change my own oil but choose not to. I guess that makes me a flaming **************. :rolleyes:
Ahh so is that why they think I'm gay? Because I can ******* change oil? :rolleyes:

Ang, I wonder if the poll mistakes independence for being Lesbian in Women.
That's my guess.



New member
Same as it mistakes being a snappy dresser as being a trait in gay men. Not exactly a scientific poll. Seems to utilize common stereotypes to determine sexual orientation. Fortunately for me I'm neither a snappy dresser or a consummate decorator.

I've met some really slobbish **** in my life. Including Jeff Georges brother (the ex NFL quarterback). As a teenager I worked at a gas station in Indy. Everyday Jeff Georges ****** brother would swing by to get some smokes. He was a rural route paper boy (at the age of 30 something). He would often be accompanied by a teenage boy. Often you would see pieces of marijuana buds sprinkled on his sweater. Dude looked just like a fat sweaty Jeff George with glasses. Anyway, he was one greasy slobbish queer, and there are many many more.



New member
Doubt it! Honestly, I don't remember losing even once... ever. It's all about focus and cordination. :D
Chronic gamblers never remember losing.

I've beaten the international singles rep for Australian 8 Ball. I'd give you a three ball start, and still clean you up.

Cleavage and tight buns don't phase me, Phantom. :cool:



New member
Chronic gamblers never remember losing.
The only thing I have ever wagered at pool is sexual favors and household chores. :p I kid, of course. Don't believe in placing bets. It would be terribly unfair to my opponent.

I'd give you a three ball start....
Wouldn't need it. :cool:

Cleavage and tight buns don't phase me, Phantom. :cool:
And that is why homosexuals are my strongest adversary when it comes to playing pool. My feminine powers usually don't faze them. ;)



New member
And that is why homosexuals are my strongest adversary when it comes to playing pool. My feminine powers usually don't phase them. ;)

Oooooh, sweety honey child, are you casting aspersions on my manhood?

You really are wicked. I like that. ;)



New member
Oooooh, sweety honey child, are you casting aspersions on my manhood?
You really are wicked. I like that. ;)
I didn't pull my barbs out of a hat. After all, you are 30% ****. :D However, after reading your Vortex post, I suspect you are more than one third.



New member
I didn't pull my barbs out of a hat. After all, you are 30% ****. :D However, after reading your Vortex post, I suspect you are more than one third.
Aaaah, but you clearly didn't read the whole thread, young lady.

We were under attack from sucks.bbs, and there were several similar threads, but I decided to show the young fellas how to truly flame up a thread.

I take it you got all wet over it? LOL. :D



New member
Guess my "gaydom" went down over the years...

apparently im only 46% gay...

...funny....i thought sucking **** and going on an "estrogen free" diet made you gay....

guess id better tell my gay pro-football fans they have it all wrong and are not gay.... :)

No wonder the republican party has so much pull in this country.. :)



New member
Posted by Vortex:

apparently im only 46% gay...
Only 46%....tisk tisk. Your a mans man if I ever did see one. I think I'm going to retake that test until I get a 100% gayness factor. Just to see if it's possible.

Does that make me a loser? Prolly.

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