Are you still a hardcore Linkin Park fan?

Are you still a hardcore Linkin Park fan?

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m2m is GREAT dont count me wrong, I love it and all. But i want them to go back to how they were...whatever genre that was. Honestly they are now just like any other band: u2 whatever you name it. I miss the crazy voiceovers, and the insane use of japanese/ or other cultural music blended in to make a perfect song like Nobodys listening. If i wanted a m2m i would have bought coldplay or finger eleven or u2 ....all i hear on this record are soft songs with insane guitar[which isnt a bad thing] seriously they need to put that sexy chubby azn on the turntables to use!
m2m is GREAT dont count me wrong, I love it and all. But i want them to go back to how they were...whatever genre that was. Honestly they are now just like any other band: u2 whatever you name it. I miss the crazy voiceovers, and the insane use of japanese/ or other cultural music blended in to make a perfect song like Nobodys listening. If i wanted a m2m i would have bought coldplay or finger eleven or u2 ....all i hear on this record are soft songs with insane guitar[which isnt a bad thing] seriously they need to put that sexy chubby azn on the turntables to use!
as much as i love mtm, your sooo right. idk what went wrong with lp, maby they hated doing that kind of music. but the old lp was was soo awesome. ya i know that genre was pretty much dead and stuff but ... bleh idk i guess i just miss songs like faint,SIB,Papercut and stuff.
bleed it our came close and thats why is my no1 song on MTM
ya... i still <3 the new lp alot :)
haha hey Hahn and Shinoda u wanna hook me up with back stage passes at the concert since ur part of the band:D :D :D

hahaha... XD, Yes, You're all right christal1414! If they really are whom they say, they have to demonstrate it to us, so c'mon boys, dont be shy!!We 're waiting Impatiently your presentation!:D
Usiel...I didn't mean to argue (I forgot to write that down before, lol) but I have to defend myself, right?
So, I guess it's all good now...and sorry for using acronym...just did it automatically...and I'm also not from an English speaking country...but yeah, you get to know a lot when you're hanging around here for a couple of years...;)
Usiel...I didn't mean to argue (I forgot to write that down before, lol) but I have to defend myself, right?
So, I guess it's all good now...and sorry for using acronym...just did it automatically...and I'm also not from an English speaking country...but yeah, you get to know a lot when you're hanging around here for a couple of years...;)
I wish I was an old time member... I would of been if I wasn't so scared to join in the first place haha... Meh consider yourself lucky! :thumbsup: :D
He already have that much posts liek you were here for at least a year, lol...;)
I do consider myself lucky cuz of all the people I met here...^^
lol yeah... But that's only because I have heaps of free time at the moment :p But back on topic... You will never see me post something about me getting sick of LP! NEVER! haha :lol: :thumbsup:
When I first got HT and Meteora, they were the only CD's that I listened to for weeks. Months even. With MTM however, after a week I started to get sick of it and actually started listening to HT and Meteora again.
Their new sound is good, but they don't have the same feeling anymore. And even though you can tell it's still LP, it's nowhere near as good as the old LP.

When I first got HT and Meteora, they were the only CD's that I listened to for weeks. Months even. With MTM however, after a week I started to get sick of it and actually started listening to HT and Meteora again.
Their new sound is good, but they don't have the same feeling anymore. And even though you can tell it's still LP, it's nowhere near as good as the old LP.

agreed, but i still listen to MTM at least 3 times from start to end every day
i love mtm but like he said... its just not the same :\
I would get bored of it after a few days that way for sure...that's the reason I don't listen to the same music over and over again...;)

But I used to be able to do it with LP and not get bored of it, even after a month or so! With MTM it only took a week and I started to get bored.
agreed, but i still listen to MTM at least 3 times from start to end every day
i love mtm but like he said... its just not the same :\

Oh, God!! Stop talking more about MTM, please... I couldnt wait for too much time, I know it... But I have to do it. I've promised myself: if I pass all my exams, I'll buy me by "gift" MTM!! But I' ve to wait until the end of the month!! arggg!:shoot: XDD
Oh, God!! Stop talking more about MTM, please... I couldnt wait for too much time, I know it... But I have to do it. I've promised myself: if I pass all my exams, I'll buy me by "gift" MTM!! But I' ve to wait until the end of the month!! arggg!:shoot: XDD

well, i wish u good luck to the exams... so u can finally buy MTM!!! ;)