Dude, you get liberals on the brain.. get a life.
You got racism on the mind, you get a life outside of the liberal shell you see everything through, this law has nothing to do with race, never did.
You just can't handle the fact that there are some Republicans out there with AT LEAST enough decency to know you don't turn people into second class citizens all for the sake of security.
The problem I have is they are all wrong, this law never did that even before the adjustment, everyone who thought it did never read and understood the law in the first place and were just jumping to conclusions based on political correctness and yes, many, many Republicans spend too much time trying to be politically correct instead of being informed. I don't like that part.
I don't recall ever saying they didn't.
lol, nice dodge.
Bush could have fixed it too.. in fact, he tried, he was shot down by his own party... but now it's all Obama's fault.. how convenient.
I thought Obama was the President of "change"? Why keep falling on that sword and making excuses? If everything Bush did was wrong, fine, do something different and get it done instead of trying to say it is okay Obama does nothing just because Bush did nothing?
I did not like Bush in his last two years either, I was very vocal against much of what he did but you Bender, you never say Obama is wrong, you never take a possition against what liberals ever do.
They could, but you insist on lower taxes, can't have your cake and eat it too.
What the **** are you talking about? We woulf get a huge reduction in taxes spent if we got rid of the illegals, most of these States give illegals welfare, free medical, free education, even low income housing, all of that spent money goes back in the tax coffers when we no longer have to support people who are here illegally and not paying taxes.
Again, we have plenty of money to take over auto companies, we have plenty of money to take over medical care, we have plenty of money to take over banks, but we can't secure the border? Go to Colorado, grab the 4th ID and put them on the border, I doubt seriously we are in danger of Canada invading and no need to have a massive military buildup in Colarado. We pay these troops anyway as well as regular support so the difference in cost would be almost nothing to have them on the border instead of sitting outside Colorad Springs doing nothing. Then, after the border is secured, build the fence, no one step will fix this problem, but taking no steps will never fix the problem.
I'll ask you right out Bender, should the illegals be sent home?
Should we secure our borders?