because i took the rest in my pocket why dont women have "much" facial hair
U untitled New member Jun 15, 2008 #41 because i took the rest in my pocket why dont women have "much" facial hair
J Jeezy Active Members Jun 15, 2008 #42 because guys don't like hairy "lips" why is there a hole in my biscuits?
MayaTheVampire New member Jun 15, 2008 #43 because the guy from american pie came and made that hole with his *****. why are stars blue and the sun is yellow?
because the guy from american pie came and made that hole with his *****. why are stars blue and the sun is yellow?
L LPShinodaFM New member Jun 15, 2008 #44 Because stars are made of blue cheese and sun is made of yellow cheese. Why is the mouse called a mouse?
Because stars are made of blue cheese and sun is made of yellow cheese. Why is the mouse called a mouse?
J Jeezy Active Members Jun 15, 2008 #47 because your mouse needs something to eat... why are legs longer than arms?
woodyloveslinkin New member Jun 15, 2008 #48 cos men have too much of it to share it with woman what are plates?
woodyloveslinkin New member Jun 15, 2008 #50 So when we slap we slap feebly like fingers Why am I not missing you?
woodyloveslinkin New member Jun 15, 2008 #52 You don't. I'm right next to you. When did angels fall head first?
FireHawk New member Jun 15, 2008 #53 When they got ****** so hard in the *** they fell over.... How do they make watermelons seedless?
woodyloveslinkin New member Jun 15, 2008 #54 cos if you swallow the seeds a watermelon will grow in your tummy then the farmers will be ripped off. Wishmaster?
cos if you swallow the seeds a watermelon will grow in your tummy then the farmers will be ripped off. Wishmaster?
Linkin_lp_park New member Jun 16, 2008 #56 Because otherwise his pubic hair wil grow like that Why does the day turn into night and the other way around?
Because otherwise his pubic hair wil grow like that Why does the day turn into night and the other way around?
woodyloveslinkin New member Jun 16, 2008 #57 because the night doesn't shine out of your *** So if you are trippy, why aren't you cool?
FireHawk New member Jun 16, 2008 #58 Cause if you fall then everyone laughs </lame joke> What begins gay and begins with a L and ends with a h
Cause if you fall then everyone laughs </lame joke> What begins gay and begins with a L and ends with a h