Azem's journal

What reminds you of me

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WHY DONT THEY GIVE THE DAMNED RABBIT HIS TRIX? Why must they chant that haunting phrase..."silly rabit trix are for kids!" DAMN U KIDS Y WONT U ALLOW ME TO HAVE THEM WHYYYY

in other news...
The Otherside...will be posted also concepting a new story called'll be like silverwing...with more lpf memeber...and yea
i havent voted for ur poll thingy yet...hmmm...dont really know u so gonna just leave it^_^
*waves* hi just dropping by cuz am u i see and wanted to see how people are doing u doing?
Well, I am more than grumpy right now. Im just in a kinda pissy and tired mood. I dunno. Maybe later I'll cheer up. Thanks for the concern Keza on how my life unit is operating. I haven't ran in like a mont or two.....:(. I need to get back in it. Um, Im so bored. I went over Jessica's house on the previous Saturday. As usual she was trying hard to get me to like her. Megan was there. I didn't mind cuz Megan's cool like that. But she promoted the relationship between Jess and me. She got Jess to sit next to me and crap. Just when I thought I could trust Megan! So I guess the only girl who I can trust not to screw me over with Jess and give me good info is Courtney. She tells me whatever she knows about a situation. And she helps me out! So she is trust worthy when I need her help. What I'm trying to say is that Courtney will help me out in spite of her other friends. Which is good. I don't think she does it cuase she likes me. I just thinks she's cool like that. Though I wouldn't mind if she likes me! LOL. Anyways, I'm only on CHapter 4 in my Ninja Gaiden Game. It'll Kick you ass! It's so damn hard to beat it pisses me off lol. Oh i got this demo for this game called DarkWatch. Its a definate must buy in my opion. It's like a vampire cowboy story type thing. Its a FPS. It's good game I think. The SE and every thing. Must buy definate.
Hey Azem! I don't believe I've ever graced your journalness so hi! I hope you're doing alright. Sounds like you're a right ladies man with all the girls around you =P Good luck for that lol. I'm not really a gamer type of person (Except Dead or Alive 3 on X-box =O That's my game heh!) but enjoy playing =P Take care byeee!
Holy crap I got cool people visiting my journal now. Ok, welcome to my little abode. Yea DoA3 is preety damn fun. Im more in to FPS. But yea. I guess im kinda a ladies man. When im around the just a typical one...but if girls are around...i got that pimpness rolling. Well welcome to my journal visit any time you want! Just take off ur shoes if u havew any!..Im fine to!

Ps. I have above 5000 post..awsum!
LOL FPS stands for First-Person Shooter. Eg: Halo. It's like how you only see the dudes hands and the gun..u dont see his body. Thats a FPS.
Socks are alright. Well ur preety cool on these forums. Your like the cream of the crop.
another dude well girl actually comin buy to say on a role!
well hi back to u?
welcome to my journal

i have the timsplitters demo and did play it its cool...didnt play to much of it but it wasnt to shaby..just wasnt a wowzer
Heyy azem, eh I havnt talked to you on AIM/MSN forrrrrevvver! Hope you are not grumpy anymore *hugs* and you better get that new story up soon!!

Woooooooooooosh <33333333(the mother)
Miss_Justyna its up

Shadowed Heart-Um well a few ppl do...but i def am not dating her...

Xrockin-Yeah tis been to long..must speaketh to u lol

ss1-goodtimes...goodtimes..._ur in my story.....

every one whos name i posted..ur in it

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