Bad Habits.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2005
Do you have any bad habits or faults? Are you a chronic nail biter? Do you impulsively interrupt others during a conversation? A dirty smoker?

If you do, are you making a conscious effort to fix your bad habits or enjoying them to the fullest?

Are there any bad habits you see in others that drive you up a wall? Maybe you are allergic to the cigarette smoke of others? Perhaps seeing someone chew with their mouth opened or hearing them smack is like nails on a chalk board to your senses? Do you want to beat loud cell-phone talkers over the head with a frying pan?
I pick my nose, pick my ass, and bite my fingernails. Pretty disgusting when you think of all three together...

I smoke. I pick my fingernails-sometimes. If I paint them and file them, I won't pick at them. But when they get long and start breaking off I end up going back to picking. However, this is an improvement. I can go 2 months without picking/biting, when before, I couldn't go two hours.
Eddo: LMAO!

Kathy: It must be nice to be so perfect. ;)

Angie: I'm a smoker too. Trying to quit... again. Also grind my teeth compulsively. Do you enjoy smoking or is it a habit you would like to quit?
Binge drinking.
Smoking while drinking.
biting fingernails. I am doing better on this one. I bought some "stuff" to paint on them that tastes insanely bad. Drill instructors couldn't stop me from it.
Spending money i don't have. Hey, if the camaro needs a $400 set of headers why not??
Kathy, My ex wives have told me the same thing many times.:rolleyes:
LOL eddo.
Phantom said:
Eddo: LMAO!

Kathy: It must be nice to be so perfect. ;)

Angie: I'm a smoker too. Trying to quit... again. Also grind my teeth compulsively. Do you enjoy smoking or is it a habit you would like to quit?
AHH I grind my teeth too. I clench my jaw whenever I get stressed, and grind my teeth in my sleep. Have since I was about 10. I get nasty headaches from it once in a while.
As for smoking I enjoy it, sometimes. Mostly when I'm having a cup of coffee or drinking. I don't smoke much (3-4 packs a week compared to a pack a day pre-baby.) I shouldn't have started again after Isabel was born but hey, we all make mistakes.
angie said:
AHH I grind my teeth too. I clench my jaw whenever I get stressed, and grind my teeth in my sleep. Have since I was about 10. I get nasty headaches from it once in a while.

A lot of people who grind their teeth compulsively also have a penchant for chewing the insides of their mouth. Do you do this too, lol?

I shouldn't have started again after Isabel was born but hey, we all make mistakes.

Hear, hear! Not a single ciggie while pregnant or nursing. The day it was over, off to the convenient store I went. Never should have picked it back up.
Phantom said:
A lot of people who grind their teeth compulsively also have a penchant for chewing the insides of their mouth. Do you do this too, lol?
Yep. And I chew on my lips. For a while I started chewing on my necklace, and unconsciously playing with it. I had to not wear one for two weeks to break myself of the habit. I actually had a few scratch marks on my chest from my fingers fiddling looking for the chain that wasn't there.

Hear, hear! Not a single ciggie while pregnant or nursing. The day it was over, off to the convenient store I went. Never should have picked it back up.
I was bad and smoked while breastfeeding, but even less than I do now. And never in the house or car (still don't and never will). Why do we go back to these old bad habits??
angie said:
Why do we go back to these old bad habits??

Who knows!?! Hindsight is 20/20, as they say. I am righteously pissed at myself for doing so lol. My memory was unfortunately rekindled regarding the existence of nicotene highs after my first post-nursing ciggie.
smutt butt said:
Binge drinking.
Smoking while drinking.
biting fingernails. I am doing better on this one. I bought some "stuff" to paint on them that tastes insanely bad. Drill instructors couldn't stop me from it.
Spending money i don't have. Hey, if the camaro needs a $400 set of headers why not??
Kathy, My ex wives have told me the same thing many times.:rolleyes:
LOL eddo.

For shame! I missed my little Smutty Buddy's comment! Nail biting is a vice many people have- mostly men. Possibly because they are not so obsessed with physical appearance or grooming as their female counterparts. Kudos to you for being proactive in trying to stop.

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