Beer is the best

Quite frankly, I hate alcohol with an undying passion but would take pleasure in bashing some aggressive, moronic, jackass drunk in the head with a Jim Bean bottle.
Hamza123 said:
The alcohal levels in our Beer is actually higher.

I just prefer not to. You can go to Saudi Arabia and you wouldn't find much if any alcohal but than you go right next door to Dubai and you'll find as much alcohal as you would in Canada or the USA... My choice isn't based on my religious beliefs. I just will never drink alcohal.

Virgin Pino-Colladas for me. :D

My point was that non-alcoholic beer still has some alcohol in it. In the US anyway.
ImWithStupid said:
My point was that non-alcoholic beer still has some alcohol in it. In the US anyway.

Selling alcohol to Muslims doesn't sound like a smart proposition. Never mind beer granules. Yet Gerhard Kamil, 45, is taking aim at the 53 million-gallon Middle Eastern malt-beverage market with a new product: malt granules that become a foaming, nonalcoholic beer by adding water. The Bavarian brewer is wooing soft-drink bottlers from Iraq to Indonesia with his "PlatoTec" process, which makes tiny, layered granules of malt at about $2 per lb. Tapping the nonalcoholic halal-beer and flavored-malt-drink market positions GranMalt against Heineken's Fayrouz in Egypt and Carlsberg's Moussy in Saudi Arabia. But as consumption grows an estimated 6% annually over the next five years, exporting GranMalt gives Arab brewers an alternative to importing bottled beer or building a brewery, which is often met with political and cultural obstacles. Being nonalcoholic, it is not subject to the heavy tariffs of Muslim countries that allow imported alcohol, says Kamil. --By Coco Masters

GranMalt is the company... I drink the one they sell at a Middle Eastern Fast Food place with 0.0% Alcohal. It's cheaper than pop, has ever beer ingredient except for anything with Alcohal in it, and I find it tastes nice.

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builder said:
Do you drink the nectar of the gods? Beer, I mean.

Despite medical evidence that points to the regular consumption of beer having many beneficial effects on the human body, certain individuals seem to think drinking beer is like having a drug habit, or something. (****ing wowsers)

Do you think that having a six-pack a day is a bad thing?


yes I think a six pack a day is to much.
I used to be a connoisseur of beer. Only the best. Unless I was broke, then anything would do. :D I used to drink like a fish. I finally quit.
I quit for 18 years and just recently started drinking again. But I keep it to a dull roar now. Maybe a beer or a hard mikes every couple of days or so. Anybody that says they just drink a six pack a day is probably bullshiting. He/she probably doses that part of the week and then benges the rest of the week.
Is that you builder?:rolleyes:
I wish I could drink beer but I'm allergic to hopps. I need to start drinking some wine every night for all the same reasons that have been mentioned about beer. However I know nothing about Wine and haven't taken the time to find out.

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