Believe Me released

I got ISS today at school O_______O

Noone prolly cares why but I took a small speaker with me and plugged it into my iPod and was blasting Believe Me during lunch O_O
Hahninator said:
I got ISS today at school O_______O

Noone prolly cares why but I took a small speaker with me and plugged it into my iPod and was blasting Believe Me during lunch O_O

aww... sucks for you... but...

Hahninator said:
Noone prolly cares why but I took a small speaker with me and plugged it into my iPod and was blasting Believe Me during lunch O_O
Yay im not the only one... lol.

Belive me sounds kinda rap/pop-ish to me. Ermm the chorus sounds pop-ish, and according to the pop/techno loving brother of mine its "catchy", which in turn means its not good to me.
LOL!! What the hell is up the chorus,Lmao. I can't stop laughing!

Everything else is really good. The chorus is on again..lmao!!
*cries* I cant stop laughing.
oh em gee!! double you tee eff, mate??!!! i don't like it. what's that...conga drums?? nooo no! BAD first single...BAD BAD!!! but then again...first time i heard RTN, i hated it and then i fell inlove with it, so i guess i'll have to give this a chance.

i gotta admit one thing though...if it IS Mike singing...the guy's singing voice isn't half bad. Much better than what he does in LP (when he sings crawling and numb sometimes...blech). *sigh* I would really, really prefer Petrified to be the first single, but meh..**** happens, birds fall (gotta quote Vash on that one :p)
it just sounds so corny "you don't have to believe me" lordy. the rest is the song is awesome... but the chorus just... bleh

i like the congo drums... their []D [] []V[] []D :D
Hahninator said:
I got ISS today at school O_______O

Noone prolly cares why but I took a small speaker with me and plugged it into my iPod and was blasting Believe Me during lunch O_O

o_0 if I even took out my MP3 player at lunch, I'd probably get suspended or something.

and if I played it on a speaker? O__O
ForgottenKid said:
The guy who sing the chourus, is....scareing me. LOL no i still think it sounds a little popish...whats up with that?
Then I guess mike scares you, thats his voice synthesised.
This is what I think about this shitty song....

Sabastian says:
Oh sweet
Sabastian says:
I am now finally listening to Believe Me
Sabastian says:
Dude the intro beats are tight
Sabastian says:
*Dances around*
Sabastian says:
Sabastian says:
What the **** is this????
Kambei -On the right track but, I was on the wrong train Love Keli says:
Sabastian says:
Sabastian says:
What in the hell????
Kambei -On the right track but, I was on the wrong train Love Keli says:
That's Believe Me
Sabastian says:
This is like BSB
Sabastian says:
WHat the hell
Kambei -On the right track but, I was on the wrong train Love Keli says:
Sabastian says:
This is so gay
Sabastian says:
Sabastian says:
Sabastian says:
Sabastian says:
Kambei -On the right track but, I was on the wrong train Love Keli says:
Dude, if you're like me & Mark, you'll soon love it
Sabastian says:
This song blows asshole
Sabastian says:
Jesus Christ
Sabastian says:
THis sucks ass
Sabastian says:
Mike is really desperate
Kambei -On the right track but, I was on the wrong train Love Keli says:
For shame
Sabastian says:
The chorus sucks anus
Sabastian says:
Sabastian says:
*Plugs ears*
Sabastian says:
This sucks
Sabastian says:
Sabastian says:
Rip off
Sabastian says:
I want 2 minutes of my life back..Which I can never have
Sabastian says:
Screw Fort Minor!!!! *ANGRY*
Kambei -On the right track but, I was on the wrong train Love Keli says:
You dissapoint me
Kambei -On the right track but, I was on the wrong train Love Keli says:
OK, If I hear one more person complain about the fact that Believe Me's chorus sounds like BSB/N'Sync, I'm gunna go ****in' apeshit.


If you don't like it, then say you don't like it. I'm sick of seeing these people bitch about the track because it doesn't sound the way they wanted it to. Just stop, OK? If you insist on basing it, go create a "Believe Me Bashing Central" thread. And make sure you do it in LPF Games so it doesn't boost your post count.