Bible Prophecy & The Scientfic Method


New member
IWS, you heard the man!
Yeah.. do eddo a favor guys.. he wants another crack at big bad wez after I chewed up and spit out the last gang bang.. :D

****, bring TJ back for a guest appearance.. I'd quite enjoy it actually.. :rolleyes:

Here I am.. sup *******?



New member
The best types are those that only go to church on Christmas and Easter and look down on those who don't go at all.
My opinion is that the person who doesn't go at all, not even out of guilt or shame two days a year, is less fake and more honest about themself.
IWS I believe that Jesus did exist but I find it very hard to believe his whole body was resurrected. Why would this even be necessary and dose his body just float around in space?

Church scares me just about as much as death dose. I do pray though (am I weird?).

I believe Jesus was the son of *** and I do believe there is a ***. Mankind is so interracial there has to be one.



New member
If You Want Blood (you Got It)


It's criminal

There ought to be a law


There ought to be a whole lot more

You get nothing for nothing

Tell me who can you trust

We got what you want

And you got the ****

If you want blood, you got it

If you want blood, you got it

Blood on the streets

Blood on the rocks

Blood in the gutter

Every last drop

You want blood, you got it

It's animal

Livin' in a human zoo


The sh t that they toss to you

Feeling like a Christian

Locked in a cage

Thrown to the lions

On the second page

Blood on the rocks

Blood on the streets

Blood in the sky

Blood on the sheets

If you want blood - you got it

(I want you to bleed for me)

If you want blood, you got it

[ame=]YouTube - AC/DC - If You Want Blood[/ame]



New member
IWS I believe that Jesus did exist but I find it very hard to believe his whole body was resurrected. Why would this even be necessary and dose his body just float around in space? Church scares me just about as much as death dose. I do pray though (am I weird?).

I believe Jesus was the son of *** and I do believe there is a ***. Mankind is so interracial there has to be one.
No, you aren't. I truly believe that you don't have to belong to a Religion or go to church to be religious.



New member
No, you aren't. I truly believe that you don't have to belong to a Religion or go to church to be religious.
We all be cut from the same "father".. All I need to know.



New member
Oh Christ eddo.. more bad rep?

Bible Prophecy & The... 12-04-2008 11:07 AM eddo boo, poor form. That is not what a hypocrite is.

Why don't you enlighten us all rather than just claim it... You go to church.. Been asking you to define it for 4 years now.. Ya ready yet?

Show me the proper form, or else.



New member
Oh Christ eddo.. more bad rep?

Bible Prophecy & The... 12-04-2008 11:07 AM eddo boo, poor form. That is not what a hypocrite is.

Why don't you enlighten us all rather than just claim it... You go to church.. Been asking you to define it for 4 years now.. Ya ready yet?

Show me the proper form, or else.
I've given the proper, accepted definition of hypocrite a number of times. You don't want to listen, so you don't.

Here it is again- for those that do want to see the difference between what you say and what is accepted: hypocrite - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

No, you aren't. I truly believe that you don't have to belong to a Religion or go to church to be religious.
I agree with this IWS. In fact, I don't want to be religious. not at all. The pharisee's were religious, and they missed it. They were too consumed in themselves to see what was happening around them.

BUT, I do feel that it is important to learn and grow to be with like minded people. My church doesn't have a bunch of perfect people in it. It has sinners, hypocrites, and liars- but we are all on the same page as followers of Jesus trying to be better than we were yesterday. If I seclude myself- I won't grow. I can't. I cannot teach myself things that i don't know, and that is where being around others that believe the same I do can be so valuable.

Churches shouldn't be there to condemn (and I know that some do,) but instead, they should be there to embrace and encourage.

The thing is, if the bible is what people claim it is, there can only be one meaning, and one meaning only.
This depends on the passage. Different parts of the Bible have different purposes. there are historical accounts, relational lessons (some which don't necessarily apply as written in today's society- such as the passages relating to slavery,) and symbolic passages that aren't meant to be taken literally.

The symbolic passages (including prophecy that hasn't come to fruition yet) can be interpreted differently by different people depending on where those people are in their life. It doesn't change what happens in the passage, but the way we interpret each passage and how it can apply to life can vary greatly.

You have to understand who is talking, to whom they are talking, and why they are saying what they are saying into account when trying to understand the purpose and meaning behind what you are reading.




New member
I've given the proper, accepted definition of hypocrite a number of times. You don't want to listen, so you don't.
Here it is again- for those that do want to see the difference between what you say and what is accepted: hypocrite - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Accepted by who? Not me.. although being as general as it is, my definition certainly fits into it.

Here was another definition I found on Wikapedia awhile back..

Hypocrisy is the act of condemning or calling for the condemnation of another person when the critic is guilty of the act for which he demands that the accused be condemned.
Sound familiar? Unnacceptable? What word do you wanna use for that?

That would be quite an extremely sick hypocrite, wouldn't you agree?



New member
Accepted by who? Not me..
umm, that would be pretty much all of society. Webster is pretty much the standard when it comes to defining words.

although being as general as it is, my definition certainly fits into it.
Your definition, as I read it- is too specific. You throw in this judging and looking down part, and that isn't necessary for one to be defined a hypocrite.

Here was another definition I found on Wikapedia awhile back.. Sound familiar? Unnacceptable? What word do you wanna use for that?

That would be quite an extremely sick hypocrite, wouldn't you agree?
You would choose a user edited Wikipedia over Webster? That is poor form as well.

We aren't talking opinions here, and you keep wanting to toss your uninformed opinions around as fact. Opinions are fine, don't get me wrong, but they aren't fact..



New member
You would choose a user edited Wikipedia over Webster? That is poor form as well.

We aren't talking opinions here, and you keep wanting to toss your uninformed opinions around as fact. Opinions are fine, don't get me wrong, but they aren't fact..


Hypocrisy is the act of condemning or calling for the condemnation of another person when the critic is guilty of the act for which he demands that the accused be condemned.

What word does websters use for the act of condemning or calling for the condemnation of another person when the critic is guilty of the act for which he demands that the accused be condemned?

So.. what do you wanna call it when a person does that? Little worse than just pretending to be something you're not, wouldn't you agree?

For whatever strange reason, it's happened to me on a continuing basis throughout my whole life.. and continues to this day..

Never once have I been deserving of the judgment my accuser/word yet to be determined by eddo, has judged me, which is why I know they are the one guilty of it and are really judging themselves through me, and wanting to punish me for it instead of themselves. It always begins with an abrupt judgement and it's always accompanied by extreme anger.. Many times I've been accused of things that never had even crossed my mind prior.. Not just here online, I'm talking throughout my whole life. Am I unique in this? I'd like to understand why.. What is it if not hypocrisy?

Especially since I've never went around judging anybody, til they tell me what I am/they are, and I show them in no mistakable terms, which usually results in an escalation of anger and judgment. Help me out...


Anna Perenna

New member
Never once have I been deserving of the judgment my accuser/word yet to be determined by eddo, has judged me, which is why I know they are the one guilty of it and are really judging themselves through me. It always begins with an abrupt judgement and it's always accompanied by extreme anger.. Many times I've been accused of things that never had even crossed my mind prior.. Not just here online, I'm talking throughout my whole life. Am I unique in this? I'd like to understand why.. What is it if not hypocrisy?
Sounds like projection.

On a side note, this thread is incredibly boring. Please stop posting in it and play some scrabble with me before I go offline for the weekend ....



New member
Sounds like projection.
On a side note, this thread is incredibly boring. Please stop posting in it and play some scrabble with me before I go offline for the weekend ....
F cked up sh t.. wezzie no likey..

Truly I think that is what hypocrisy is as talked about in the bible .. but what do I know.. I are a ******.

Never saw where Jesus called anyone a "projector" nor were these disorders defined in the day..

In psychopathology, projection is an especially commonly used defense mechanism in people with certain personality disorders:
Paranoid personality disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder

Antisocial personality disorder

Sounds about right..

I'm in! You left.. go log on..



New member
This Burt Cummings song sums up how I feel about religon.

Burton Cummings - I'm Scared

http://Off Topic

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