Bible Prophecy & The Scientfic Method


New member
The Bible says, thou shal not steal. You say follow Jesus. Jesus is a thief. er go, you are a hypocrit.
Might wanna think that through again..

For that to be true, I'd have to be a thief who judged, labeled and looked down on Jesus for being a thief..

er go, you are a dumbass.



New member
Might wanna think that through again..

For that to be true, I'd have to be a thief who judged, labeled and looked down on Jesus for being a thief..

er go, you are a dumbass.
No. You would only have to be a supporter who preached and said, "That being said.. everything Jesus ever said is true about us humans.. that I can know.. and do" so you condone slavery and theft on one hand and support it on the other, as Jesus does. This makes you a hypocrit, like the rest of humanity.



New member
No. You would only have to be a supporter who preached and said, "That being said.. everything Jesus ever said is true about us humans.. that I can know.. and do" so you condone slavery and theft on one hand and support it on the other, as Jesus does. This makes you a hypocrit, like the rest of humanity.

Kay.. night.



New member
Whoops.. left a little sumpin out of the definition of a hypocrite ..

One who judges, labels, and looks down upon and calls for the punishment/condemnation of another for being what the accuser/s in fact, is/are.

In other words.. the law of the hypocrite is..

What is ok for me/we/us to do is not ok for you/they/them to do, or else. ~ Every hypocrite on the planet.


See the dif now?

Not the whole of humanity.. far from it.. Pretty easy to spot.. if you're a little kid, remember?



New member
Wez uses the Wez Dictionary of Made up Definitions for his explanation of "hypocrite"...


New member
I think the reason he's getting so much is that he quotes the bible quite often but doesn't believe in it but I think he's just trying to find the irony in it.


New member
I think the reason he's getting so much is that he quotes the bible quite often but doesn't believe in it but I think he's just trying to find the irony in it.
I believe in the truth.. that's about it.

But what really chaps my *** is people who claim to believe in it then act the opposite. Then go to church and look down their noses at people.. icky.

Gang up.. the more the merrier. I could use some more practice.



New member
I believe in the truth.. that's about it.

But what really chaps my *** is people who claim to believe in it then act the opposite. Then go to church and look down their noses at people.. icky.

Gang up.. the more the merrier. I could use some more practice.
I don't wanna go to **** in agreeing with you but I hear ya.



New member
But what really chaps my *** is people who claim to believe in it then act the opposite. Then go to church and look down their noses at people.. icky.
The best types are those that only go to church on Christmas and Easter and look down on those who don't go at all.

My opinion is that the person who doesn't go at all, not even out of guilt or shame two days a year, is less fake and more honest about themself.



New member
The best types are those that only go to church on Christmas and Easter and look down on those who don't go at all.
My opinion is that the person who doesn't go at all, not even out of guilt or shame two days a year, is less fake and more honest about themself.

Right on..

I tend to think that atheists, in general, are more "Christian" than those who claim to be Christian. From my life experience anyways..

Must be something about a hoard of people all validating each others sh tty behavior because Jesus will forgive them because they own him that makes a person think they're better than anyone else.



New member
But as far as the bible goes.. certainly haven't read it all but what I have, I find a lot of truth and wisdom.. can't say I ever found anything yet I'd call bull . Just gotta read between the lines..

I think it'd be fun to have a post and have a passage or something and have everyone translate the meaning. The thing is, if the bible is what people claim it is, there can only be one meaning, and one meaning only.



New member
What else is funny IWS.. you mention guilt and shame.. I was gonna post some more insights on hypocrisy earlier.. actually typed it out and said f ck it.. but that is what drives them.. guilt and shame. Their refusal to accept it to the point where they wanna punish others for it. They can never be wrong and can't look within so they are constantly judging, labeling, and looking down on others just so they can fukking wake up in the morning. Bunch of angry fukkers.. Sick Sh t..

They seem to flock to churches in droves.. makes sense I guess..

They Looooooove to tell people what they are.. makes spotting them easy. Whatever they judge ya, they are just that the moment they are judging you.. it's strange.

And with that, it's not like once a hypocrite, always a hypocrite, but I have found that they really can't see it, and when pointed out to them clearly they will deny it up and down, get furiously angry and want to kill you to prove it.. woe are they.

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