Bids on Silver Dragon

Silver_dragon87 said:
Awww thanks MRIH, I feel very loved.

Sorry, Hugh, this merchandise is brand spanking new ;)

And none of you will be seeing a pic of this lot, so you'll have to take it in faith.

PS: great business plan, 8ball. For once you show forethought. Hell, any thought is good enough for me.

I want you...
Gray~Gal said:
Aint that cute...INTERNET LOVE!!
HAHA no wonder Outlaw is against me
Its ok..booty is booty

LOL who said I was against you? I have no beef with ya. Plus you're married. :D
If I had to make a bargain with Satan himself, I'd take that deal and drill ol' Silver Dragon in the ass. Not because she's attractive, not because she's cute... just because it looks like she could use a snarling.

You can take it to the pity, but its more than I can stand.

Im not sure what is more tiring;

"im SD and i think or hate your because............"

"I hate SD and here is my reason........"

Give it a freaking rest everyone please!

SD........If you want to make a topic..make it....but dont title it and make your entire resounding post so damn (and frankly) american ME ME ME ! Turely you act more like a setereotypical american with the way you word them it makes me think you just want eveyrone to think you are from another country when maybe you arent ( disclaimer...i belive you are from there but you arent acting like it)

Anti-SD activists.....The more you whine and bitch that you hate her the more she is inclined to act hateful for you when she may not directly mean it. If you have such beef with her..........CALL HER ON IT...dont start new threads...This is "What Pisses You off" not "Silver Dragon Pisses You off".........

I really dont see what the entire controversy is all about. Yes i Have called SD out on a few occasions but im not making such a huge scene about it

Calm down everyone, its one person who happens to disagree with you (granted not always constructivly) but sheesh

Lets all take several steps back (SD yes, even you) and re evaluate everything.

Without opposition, WYPO is nothing.........If you cant call someone out on their own threads there is no reason to make a new thread about it.......

Its getting tiring, all the way around................

WTF???! SD is worth far more than your bidding.You guys are heartless.

Sweetheart,this is quite annoying:


I liked when you spoke of the americans. :D
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SD does talk about herself a lot

I hate people like that, but put me down for 5

ah hell we'll make it interesting maybe 10


Screw her and her bad attitude!!
I'll make it $5 American.

I'll have her soundin like a right wing nut-job in a month...
I've done it to a canuck before, I can, and will do it again.
Outlaw2747 said:
LOL who said I was against you? I have no beef with ya. Plus you're married. :D

I know..I was kidding no hard feeling w. my "beef" with S.D. ?
All fun and Games...
Komrade, you are ****ed up. I will bid 6 U.S. dollars, and three used kleenexs (what they were used for, you must guess).
tizz said:
OMG will you peole stop posting that image!!!!! It's just to dag nasty!!!!!!!

Agreed it is a tad played out, and all over the internet not just here

Ugh, my stomach churns every time i see it!