Bloody Christianity!!!


New Member
Nov 20, 2006
Not all that long ago I started a thread on the muslims in Britain. I was very pleased with what people wrote in response.

But now I'm gonna dig at something much closer to home, Christianity.

My father is Catholic and he has tried his whole life to make me believe what he believes in, but sadly he failed. I am an atheist and no amount of bullshit could convert me in a million years.

Anyway, I am sick of how Christianity tries to take over the life of every single person in Britain, they see any atheist as being a threat to their way of life.

I'm also sick of street preachers. I have no real problem with them as I believe in total freedom of speech so they can preach all they like, but recently I attempted to preach atheism and I was arrested!!!! How much **** is that, they can say what they like, but I can't.

I also hate Catholic schools, kids should go to school and learn important things in life and leave their religion at home and at church. A lot of these kids seem to barely have a choice in their beliefs in the first place as their parents force it down their throats. But to mix their education with it is just plain wrong.

Everyday of my life I come under fire because of my beliefs and Britain isn't that religious a country, I wouldn't survive in America for 2 seconds.

All I'm saying is, believe what you like, I don't care, but please don't shove it in anyones faces. And also let your kids decide for themselves what they want to believe in, instead of forcing them to believe in a God that quite clearly doesn't exist.

Thank you.
mrsexyass said:
Everyday of my life I come under fire because of my beliefs and Britain isn't that religious a country, I wouldn't survive in America for 2 seconds.

Thank you.

Really? I don't think you would be arrested in America for spouting atheist beliefs.
mrsexyass said:
My father is Catholic and he has tried his whole life to make me believe what he believes in... Anyway, I am sick of how Christianity tries to take over the life of every single person in Britain...

This is where I disagree with the vast majority of other Christians. In my opinion, the Catholic church has done everything Jesus taught us NOT to do. Religious rites, seeking other intercessors (confessions to priests and praying to Mary), and attempting to atone for our own sins (reciting a thousand Hail Mary's while fondling the Rosary). The list goes on. I know your post is about Christianity in general but I just wanted to point that out.

...I attempted to preach atheism and I was arrested!!!!

On the surface that sounds horrible but could you describe the circumstances a little bit more? What was their reason for arresting you? Disturbing the peace?

All I'm saying is, believe what you like, I don't care, but please don't shove it in anyones faces. And also let your kids decide for themselves what they want to believe in, instead of forcing them to believe in a God that quite clearly doesn't exist.

You had my sympathies until that very last statement. I will respect your beliefs and not debate God's existence here but it is that kind of in-your-face attitude that I see from atheists all the time. To say I shouldn't raise my child to believe in a "fake God" is insulting- even more insulting when I believe what I believe because I have come to the conclusion (based on scientific and prophetic evidence) that He does. Not all Christians are blind sheep who believe what we do because "Mommy and Daddy told us to." Some of us actually took the time to do some research before making a decision.
Yep, atheists want the state to instill it's values in your child. I think not.
I for one do not believe that he was arrested for preaching Atheism, it was probably for something else unrelated.
phreakwars said:
I for one do not believe that he was arrested for preaching Atheism, it was probably for something else unrelated.

I was thinking the same thing which is why I asked. It seems too unbelievable.
It is quite possible. No 1st Amendment in England. A little info>

British Christians Battle Hate Speech Laws

Lee Duigon
mrsexyass said:
All I'm saying is, believe what you like, I don't care, but please don't shove it in anyones faces. And also let your kids decide for themselves what they want to believe in, instead of forcing them to believe in a God that quite clearly doesn't exist.

i think that this was not so much a 'i don't care about anything to do with this' as it was 'i don't care what you beleave in, just don't try and force me to as well'
phreakwars said:
I for one do not believe that he was arrested for preaching Atheism, it was probably for something else unrelated.

You are probably correct, since there is no atheist doctrine to preach.

One can speak out against this or that religious view... but that isn't preaching athe"ism". That is simply taking a religion to task. Pastors do it every Sunday in churches all around the world.
Mariama said:
yessssss someone was nice to me..Well well, all is right with the world..

FFS you are one hate-filled individual, aren't you?

hugo said:
Yep, atheists want the state to instill it's values in your child. I think not.

The state's values?

And what would those be?

A state doesn't have separate values from the people living in the state. We are a democracy and the vast majority of this nation is Christian and so Christian values will be the guiding force behind decisions that are reached by ballot. So long as the make up of this people of this nation is the same... that is the way it should be.

Anything not decided by ballot of some kind will be handled by the courts via the constitution, ... sans religious consideration... as our founding fathers intended.

I am always amazed at the great numbers of people who think they know what atheists want. If atheists wanted to live in a nation where the minority rules... we would move to Africa.
Atheism... is hilarious.
Christians (from whichever Christian religion) will spend time trying to convince you that they are correct and that God is there. Especially Jehova's Witnesses.
Atheists will spend their time trying to convince you that, no, it is they who are correct and that no, God is not there.
So no matter which type of person you're dealing with, they will attempt to cram their beliefs down your throat. They dislike eachother for doing so, but will turn right around and do it themselves.
So, really, the Atheists are just as bad as their religious counterparts. I say hang them all.
Hail Satan!
ParasiteGod said:
Atheism... is hilarious.
Christians (from whichever Christian religion) will spend time trying to convince you that they are correct and that God is there. Especially Jehova's Witnesses.

They have to... their religion dictates that they should be "fishers of men". They have to try to recruit.

Atheists will spend their time trying to convince you that, no, it is they who are correct and that no, God is not there.

Most atheists I know (self included) don't give a rats ass whether or not you believe in anything at all. So long as you understand the rest of us have the right to walk down the street without having your propaganda shoved in our faces.

So no matter which type of person you're dealing with, they will attempt to cram their beliefs down your throat. They dislike eachother for doing so, but will turn right around and do it themselves.

Yet another misconception brought to you by the I know Atheists!" idiot squad. First of all... Atheists arent any certain "type of person"... We are ALL types of people from all walks of life. We have differing political views, morals, values, and cultural backgrounds. We disagree with other atheists on the same things on which we disagree with theists and we will argue with one another just as harshly as we argue with anyone else. We feel no loyalty to others simply because they agree with us on the ONE thing that makes us atheist. Some of my closest friends are Christian Evangelicals.

So, really, the Atheists are just as bad as their religious counterparts. I say hang them all.
Hail Satan!

You began this post by saying you find athiests hilarious... You end it by saying Atheists are bad and should be hanged.

Are you schizophrenic... or just a ****ing sociopath?
ClassyMissFancy said:
They have to... their religion dictates that they should be "fishers of men". They have to try to recruit.

Ok, gotta start with my biggest peave about this ****: KNOW THE ****ING BIBLE. Now, not a whole lot of people come on here and know what they're talking about. I'm not saying they're stupid, just blatantly ignorant. Ok, now that that is settled, do you know what the **** the "fishers of men" thing came from? It was Jesus saying "Follow me, and I shall make you fishers of men." Now, that doesn't seem like him saying "convert convert convert", does it? I think not. There goes your conversion argument. There might be a reason you're in the idiot box, hmm? BTW, by your logic, all men should be gay.

ClassyMissFancy said:
Most atheists I know (self included) don't give a rats ass whether or not you believe in anything at all. So long as you understand the rest of us have the right to walk down the street without having your propaganda shoved in our faces.

I find this line funny. Wanna know why? Well, it's simple. You are saying that people shove propaganda in the faces of atheists. Now, I have never met a propaganda-shoving christian. In fact, I would bet they don't exist. No, I wouldn't. That'd be just plain silly. The real reason I find it funny is because you say that atheists don't try to convert people. Let me explain something to you:

Conversion is not to save people. That's a lie. You don't convert somebody to save their souls. Because, in reality, you don't care. You do, however, convert people to make your church larger (or lack thereof). Which, in turn, gives you more percieved power. Which is why they convert people. If you need me to spell this out for you any further, pm me.

ClassyMissFancy said:
Yet another misconception brought to you by the I know Atheists!" idiot squad. First of all... Atheists arent any certain "type of person"... We are ALL types of people from all walks of life.

I'm willing to bet that, just like with Christianity, certain people are more likely to accept the beliefs(or, again, lack thereof) of Atheism. You can argue against that, but you'd look stupid. Unless, of course you had evidence. But I have suspicions that you have the inablity to use "Google".

ClassyMissFancy said:
We have differing political views, morals, values, and cultural backgrounds. We disagree with other atheists on the same things on which we disagree with theists and we will argue with one another just as harshly as we argue with anyone else.

Is there seriously any point to this? You just explained absolutely nothing that we don't already know.

ClassyMissFancy said:
We feel no loyalty to others simply because they agree with us on the ONE thing that makes us atheist. Some of my closest friends are Christian Evangelicals.

You have no friends. I have a feeling even Christian Evangelicals shy away from your existance.

ClassyMissFancy said:
You began this post by saying you find athiests hilarious... You end it by saying Atheists are bad and should be hanged.

You are all going to realize that, right? ;)

ClassyMissFancy said:
Are you schizophrenic... or just a ****ing sociopath?

He is above your ability to comprehend, so you automatically label him? GJ, douchebag.
Two visions of the world remain locked in dispute. The first believes all men are created equal by a loving God who has blessed us with freedom. Abraham Lincoln spoke for us: "No man," he said, "is good enough to govern another without the other's consent."

The second vision believes that religion is opium for the masses. It believes that eternal principles like truth, liberty, and democracy have no meaning beyond the whim of the state. And Lenin spoke for them: "It is true, that liberty is precious," he said, "so precious that it must be rationed."
Well, I'll take Lincoln's version over Lenin's - and so will citizens of the world if they're given free choice.
-- Ronald Reagan