Bob is a racist


New member
I'm with you. My grandfather's grandmother on my dad's side was full blooded Cherokee. And My grandfather's grandmother on my mother's side was full blooded Cherokee... So I'm pretty sure I have more claim to the land than some mexican who's ancestor who came over from spain or originated in central or south America...
Appears your only claim to fame is getting your *** kicked according to Hugo.. you should just be thankful his ancestors allowed yours to live to birth your sorry kicked ***.. now get to work.. you got bills to pay.. no welfare leeching off your employer.. I don't think he/she pays/owns you to sit around and post on BS..

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hahahaha.. this is getting ridiculous..

The problem is not where people came/come from.. the problem is with our delusions of "money".. Fact is.. the Earth has resources and capabilities that support human life.. "Money" does not increase this capacity and never will.. matter of fact, it encourages us to waste and hoard them in fun and exciting ways to create the illusion that our lives somehow have more value then someone else's.

Money, as we know it and use it, has served it's purpose.. it's now become a detriment to our species.. Hard work and labor is no longer a valued commodity.. the capacity for people to be self sufficient has been taken away on nearly every square inch of the planet.. civilized society my ***.. No one wants to "leech off the government".. cept the high society folk that make the rules of the land for everyone but themselves and run around Washington DC thinking their sh t doesn't stink.

The biggest "welfare leeches" wear $2000 suits and ride in the back of limo's.. and are typically white males. Open the eyes..

yeah yeah.. we "need" money, right? How else would we be able to judge a persons worth as a human being? It no longer matters how one obtains it.. it only matters that you have it or you don't.. what a sad, pathetic existence we've created for ourselves.
You kno Wez, that was a pretty good post and not so nasty so I will comment.

Sure, the "Utopia" idea seems good in theory where we all just get what we "need" and everyone shares equally but the problem is, life is not a math equasion where everyone divides evenly on all levels of work/reward.

Some people work harder than other people, some people put more energy into their education than other people (notice I did not say smarter, my possition is we almost all have the same potential to learn, just some choose not to) and use their education to better benefit them.

I have a question for you Wez, if all humans got whatever they wanted without working, would they work anyway? In other words, if you got free electricity, free food, free television, free internet and there was no requirement to ever lift your finger to survive, would you go out and work just as hard as if you had to earn your living? I doubt many would work even close to the same degree so there is your measiring stick and why some people get more than other people, they "earn" it Wez.

That is the biggest flaw in your point, you ignore the fact that some people are lazy, and even those who are not lazy still have some who are more energetic and outgoing than other people and will still make more money and be more successful.

This concept works on all levels, not just business Wez, consider a basketball player like Jordan, he practiced playing his game almost constantly, from a young child to a young adult almost all of his spare time was spent working on his skills in the game, and as a result, he became one of the richest men in America, not because he took his success from someone else but because he earned it with more hard work than the next guy.

I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed. ~ Michael Jordan

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. ~ Abraham Lincoln



New member
Totally left field, but totally agree. Think about it, when you really think about it you can trace most every problem to money, greed and selfishness.

You're close. If you go one or two steps back, you would find somewhere, somehow, a woman is at fault.



New member
Totally left field, but totally agree. Think about it, when you really think about it you can trace most every problem to money, greed and selfishness.

You're close. If you go one or two steps back, you would find somewhere, somehow, a woman is at fault.
In the modern era sometimes it is a gay male.



Active Members
Totally left field, but totally agree. Think about it, when you really think about it you can trace most every problem to money, greed and selfishness.

You're close. If you go one or two steps back, you would find somewhere, somehow, a woman is at fault.
In the modern era sometimes it is a gay male.
Would that be the gay male playing the male role or the gay male playing the female role?



New member
Totally left field, but totally agree. Think about it, when you really think about it you can trace most every problem to money, greed and selfishness.

You're close. If you go one or two steps back, you would find somewhere, somehow, a woman is at fault.
negative rep!!


Anna Perenna

New member
The thing that really annoys me about this (bullshit) issue is that everyone who came over on the Mayflower was an illegal alien. Everyone "legal" living in America today, except for Native Indians, is a descendant of an 'illegal immigrant'.
Wasn't America an un-discovered wilderness found completely unoccupied Anna? ;)

Then, to add to the bullshit, you have bigots in denial like TJ who live to spread negative 'facts' about illegal immigrants to justify their own selfishness and hatred, and to try to breed it in others. How very UN-CHRISTIAN of him.
Hmmm, I was thinking I was the only one feeling this way. Thank-you.
You're welcome - great to see you posting on the boards! Hope to see more from you xx



New member
Please delete IWS..
I agree. Let's delete IWS. He's done enough damage around here. Time for him to go.

Cloaked? Phreak? Let's make this happen.
Hear hear.

I mean, it's bad enough that we have Tim James haunting the boards under the pseudonym of 'TimesJoke'.

But must we also endure the online persona of Sheriff Joe Arpaio?

View attachment 2797
you had me until Joe Arpaio comment..

I'm a big fan of Sheriff Joe. :D

Sheriff Joe can moderate my board anytime! ;)




New member
A bit of history:

Operation WetbackIn 1949 the Border Patrol seized nearly 280,000 illegal immigrants. By 1953, the numbers had grown to more than 865,000, and the U.S. government felt pressured to do something about the onslaught of immigration. What resulted was Operation Wetback, devised in 1954 under the supervision of new commissioner of the Immigration and Nationalization Service, Gen. Joseph Swing.

Swing oversaw the Border patrol, and organized state and local officials along with the police. The object of his intense border enforcement were "illegal aliens," but common practice of Operation Wetback focused on Mexicans in general. The police swarmed through Mexican American barrios throughout the southeastern states. Some Mexicans, fearful of the potential violence of this militarization, fled back south across the border. In 1954, the agents discovered over 1 million illegal immigrants.

In some cases, illegal immigrants were deported along with their American-born children, who were by law U.S. citizens. The agents used a wide brush in their criteria for interrogating potential aliens. They adopted the practice of stopping "Mexican-looking" citizens on the street and asking for identification. This practice incited and angered many U.S. citizens who were of Mexican American descent. Opponents in both the United States and Mexico complained of "police-state" methods, and Operation Wetback was abandoned.


New member
While wetback is now considered an ethnic slur the disdain many Americans feel for hispanic illegals remains.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the border crossing issue is by no means new, and it's always been a two-way street, meaning if an American is fleeing the authorities, then it's a simple case of fleeing to Mehiko?

I recall movies from way back in the sixties depicting Americans heading to Mexico for a cheap paint job on the car, or a cheap head job from a *****.

The theme is recurrent in movies and sit-coms/serials; the hispanic gardener is ******** his employer's wife, or the rancher falls for his housekeeper, for example.

Has the "issue" suddenly exploded? Or has the build-up been gradual to the point where previous laissez-faire attitudes have evaporated?

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