New member
Seriously? You're basing your knowledge of the border issue on old sitcoms and old Tom Cruise movies like "Losin' It".Correct me if I'm wrong, but the border crossing issue is by no means new, and it's always been a two-way street, meaning if an American is fleeing the authorities, then it's a simple case of fleeing to Mehiko?While wetback is now considered an ethnic slur the disdain many Americans feel for hispanic illegals remains.
I recall movies from way back in the sixties depicting Americans heading to Mexico for a cheap paint job on the car, or a cheap head job from a *****.
The theme is recurrent in movies and sit-coms/serials; the hispanic gardener is ******** his employer's wife, or the rancher falls for his housekeeper, for example.
Has the "issue" suddenly exploded? Or has the build-up been gradual to the point where previous laissez-faire attitudes have evaporated?
Yes. The border issue is an even two way street. In the past there have been 20 million college kids and criminals running from the law that illegally crossed into Mexico to live and stay.
Like I said in another thread when you tried to bash TJ on comments about Australia, now you know how stupid you sound when commenting on US domestic and foreign policy, especially when nearly every comment or picture you post is about something that happened 5 to 10 years ago and is often something that is irrelevant because it was either factually incorrect when first brought up and still is, or has been proven incorrect over time.