Bob is a racist


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Well you have yourself to thank. If you would just drop things when you should, accept that not everyone thinks like you do, take things like a man and not a victim or a whiny baby, people wouldn't get so annoyed by you. Funny how everyone else manages to get along most of the time even though we all have our own views...
Chi, you see this is frustrating for me to a certain degree because you all have a double standard:

This will also be my last post. You all know where I stand on this issue and I know where you stand so let's leave it at that. Arguing about it is not going to make either of us change our minds, just probably make us cling to our beliefs even more.

Right there you said you would not post again, if you can't drop something after you said you were dropping it, why come down on me for what you believe is my inability to drop something?

I fully admit I love to debate until the cows come home but........I don't take anything any of you say so personal I try to e-kill you for it, that is the biggest difference between my posting and those of you who get personal and crazy in your attacks on me. Remember how you attacked my spelling then you made your own spelling mistakes?

The only reason I ever mention any of this is the double standard.



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The Obama administration is asking the Supreme Court to overturn an appeals court decision that upheld Arizona's right to punish employers for hiring illegal immigrants.

The Arizona law gives the state the right to suspend or terminate business licenses.

"If you hire a person in this country illegally knowingly, you'll lose your license. First offense, 10 days. Second offense, revocation, never to do business in the state of Arizona again," said Arizona state Sen. Russell Pearce, a Republican who helped draft the new controversial Arizona law that cracks down on illegal immigrants.

The Obama administration apparently worries letting that law stand would leave in place a precedent that states have a legitimate role in enforcing immigration laws – a notion the administration fiercely opposes.

"The argument that the Justice Department is making here, is you know, the fundamental question, which is where does state authority begin and end when it comes to federal immigration law?" said Benjamin Johnson, executive director of the American Immigration Council.

The Arizona statue relies on a law passed by the U.S. Congress in 1986, which made clear federal law preempts the states on immigration – but left one exception: "The provisions of this section preempt any state or local law imposing civil or criminal sanctions (other than through licensing and similar laws) upon those who employ unauthorized aliens."

"Congress said very clearly that licensing and similar laws can be used to impose consequences on employers who hire unauthorized aliens at the state level," said Kris Kobach, a law professor at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. "And that's exactly what Arizona did."

Oddly enough, the law in question was signed in 2007 by then-Gov. Janet Napolitano, now Obama's Homeland Security secretary.

Not only that, but the law was upheld by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.

"And bear in mind that 9th Circuit is generally regarded as one of the more liberal circuits in the United States – and so the Obama administration, evidently, believes that the 9th Circuit views on this question is too conservative for this administration," Kobach said.

And this is yet another issue in the ongoing tug of war between Washington and the states, especially Arizona.

"The idea that states can't be involved in immigration law in any way is wrong," Johnson said. "The states have always had a role to play in immigration enforcement. The tricky part is defining where that authority begins and ends."

Even Chi said going after the employers is an important step but Obama is also against that idea.

I have no problem with the Federal Government stepping up and saying "this is our job" as long as they do their job, but if the Federal Government intentionally turns their backs on the illegal problem, then 'someone' has to act.



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The Obama administration is asking the Supreme Court to overturn an appeals court decision that upheld Arizona's right to punish employers for hiring illegal immigrants.

The Arizona law gives the state the right to suspend or terminate business licenses.

"If you hire a person in this country illegally knowingly, you'll lose your license. First offense, 10 days. Second offense, revocation, never to do business in the state of Arizona again," said Arizona state Sen. Russell Pearce, a Republican who helped draft the new controversial Arizona law that cracks down on illegal immigrants.

The Obama administration apparently worries letting that law stand would leave in place a precedent that states have a legitimate role in enforcing immigration laws – a notion the administration fiercely opposes.

"The argument that the Justice Department is making here, is you know, the fundamental question, which is where does state authority begin and end when it comes to federal immigration law?" said Benjamin Johnson, executive director of the American Immigration Council.

The Arizona statue relies on a law passed by the U.S. Congress in 1986, which made clear federal law preempts the states on immigration – but left one exception: "The provisions of this section preempt any state or local law imposing civil or criminal sanctions (other than through licensing and similar laws) upon those who employ unauthorized aliens."

"Congress said very clearly that licensing and similar laws can be used to impose consequences on employers who hire unauthorized aliens at the state level," said Kris Kobach, a law professor at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. "And that's exactly what Arizona did."

Oddly enough, the law in question was signed in 2007 by then-Gov. Janet Napolitano, now Obama's Homeland Security secretary.

Not only that, but the law was upheld by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.

"And bear in mind that 9th Circuit is generally regarded as one of the more liberal circuits in the United States – and so the Obama administration, evidently, believes that the 9th Circuit views on this question is too conservative for this administration," Kobach said.

And this is yet another issue in the ongoing tug of war between Washington and the states, especially Arizona.

"The idea that states can't be involved in immigration law in any way is wrong," Johnson said. "The states have always had a role to play in immigration enforcement. The tricky part is defining where that authority begins and ends."

Even Chi said going after the employers is an important step but Obama is also against that idea.

I have no problem with the Federal Government stepping up and saying "this is our job" as long as they do their job, but if the Federal Government intentionally turns their backs on the illegal problem, then 'someone' has to act.
Now why would Obama be against this other than being a stanch liberal. This is what I'm talking about when I call him the enemy from within. Anything to f sh t up!



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Now why would Obama be against this other than being a stanch liberal. This is what I'm talking about when I call him the enemy from within. Anything to f sh t up!
Probably because he is a smart politician who knows the Republican Party has enough racists (such as TJ) that he can hook the label on the party.

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Now why would Obama be against this other than being a stanch liberal. This is what I'm talking about when I call him the enemy from within. Anything to f sh t up!
Probably because he is a smart politician who knows the Republican Party has enough racists (such as TJ) that he can hook the label on the party.
Another great example of how people like Hugo are actually helping Liberals, not fighting against them. Hugo joins in the concept that I must be a racist if I don't want the illegals to stay.

Hugo as usual is using all the liberal talking points.

Obama like all liberals don't want the border secured and they certainly do not want to lose the votes sending the illegals home would represent. But it goes deeper, Obama has demonstrated that he believes American rights and benefits should extend to everyone in the world, even terrorists captured on foreign soil should get free lawyers and all the comforts an American committing a regular crime in Ohio would receive.



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Once you have stated, as TJ has, that biracial children should never be born you will be classified as a racist. It is sad his brand of racism still exists in 2010.

It was not the liberals that destroyed federalism it was Lester Maddox and George Wallace (TJs heroes) claiming the states had the right to treat blacks as second class citizens.

I'll bet Tami's white.

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Wow, more lies, is that all you can contribute these days hugo? Liberal talking points and personal attacks?


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Wow, more lies, is that all you can contribute these days hugo? Liberal talking points and personal attacks?

Which part is a lie. Tammy isn't white, or you didn't say that mixed race kids shouldn't be born?



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Wow, more lies, is that all you can contribute these days hugo? Liberal talking points and personal attacks?

Which part is a lie. Tammy isn't white, or you didn't say that mixed race kids shouldn't be born?
No, Tami is white, I have never said that mixed children should never be born, my oldest son's best friend is mixed and is currently staying with me so obviously I don't wan't all mixed children to be killed.

I have in the past expressed concern with parents who bring mixed kids into the world without considering the problems they are setting the child up for, but that does not mean I think they should not be born at all. For this lie to be true I would have to support abortion so they could be killed off and I definately do not want any child killed in the womb.



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Wow, more lies, is that all you can contribute these days hugo? Liberal talking points and personal attacks?

Which part is a lie. Tammy isn't white, or you didn't say that mixed race kids shouldn't be born?
No, Tami is white, I have never said that mixed children should never be born, my oldest son's best friend is mixed and is currently staying with me so obviously I don't wan't all mixed children to be killed.

I have in the past expressed concern with parents who bring mixed kids into the world without considering the problems they are setting the child up for, but that does not mean I think they should not be born at all. For this lie to be true I would have to support abortion so they could be killed off and I definately do not want any child killed in the womb.
So not all of them, just some of them? And they should be outside the womb? Newsflash TJ, most people have different race blood in them.



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How do you know what they have or haven't considered, TJ?

I fail to see the difference between what you stated and the way Hugo phrased it.... because obviously, if they had considered the problems they might encounter by being born into this world, they would have not had children in the first place, right? Same difference.



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How do you know what they have or haven't considered, TJ?

I fail to see the difference between what you stated and the way Hugo phrased it.... because obviously, if they had considered the problems they might encounter by being born into this world, they would have not had children in the first place, right? Same difference.
So you can't see a difference between stopping the children already created from being born, and not making them or being more careful to plan for their life better? Under Hugo's way of saying it, he implies I want the children to be aborted, and I don't.

Again, you guys pile on trying to make what I say completely different than what I actually said. My son's best friend is mixed, you have no idea how many times he came to my house crying because so many times he was rejected by both the whites and the blacks. It seems that "some" people don't think past their own selfish desires and passions long enough to consider what the future may hold for their possible children, and that is not a situation limited to just mixed children, it is very comon with many people in general, that is why single, never wed mothers are the fastest growing segment of American and European society.

This again goes back to responsibility as almost all of my possitions are based.

More responsibility, less pain for the children, imagine that.



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No... Hugo's way implies that you wish they had never existed or been created in the first place... which you have confirmed with your last comment. It screams "Stick to your own kind!"

I guess we could go back to a segregated society where a white person would never consider interacting with, let alone pro-creating with, a person of color, unless it was in the capacity of servitude to make you happy and keeps the races from intermingling.

Some people are quite able to see past the color of one's skin and not many of us can help who we fall in love with. Many of these mixed breed children are born from committed, responsible relationships and aren't taking a fukking dime of your tax dollars.

I think that by stating your opinion, you've insulted a great many of us who happen to be in one of those committed mixed race relationships that resulted in bringing our mixed race children into your lily white world.



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No... Hugo's way implies that you wish they had never existed or been created in the first place... which you have confirmed with your last comment. It screams "Stick to your own kind!"

I guess we could go back to a segregated society where a white person would never consider interacting with, let alone pro-creating with, a person of color, unless it was in the capacity of servitude to make you happy and keeps the races from intermingling.

Some people are quite able to see past the color of one's skin and not many of us can help who we fall in love with. Many of these mixed breed children are born from committed, responsible relationships and aren't taking a fukking dime of your tax dollars.

I think that by stating your opinion, you've insulted a great many of us who happen to be in one of those committed mixed race relationships that resulted in bringing our mixed race children into your lily white world.



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You guys are just playing pile up on TJ. I didn't see anywhere that he said childeren of mixed race should be killed or anything implying such a thing. To call someone a racist is one of the worst things I can think of if your not one. The whole thread is about being called a racist becuase you don't want people breaking the law coming here illegal or killing and trampling on American rights. That goes for ALL Americans! And when it just happens to be one nationality doing it it dosen't make you a racist trying to stop it.

Good f king grief!



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No this isn't piling on... this is helping TJ to see how his words can be interpreted. He said it.... maybe not here... but he did say it. He even re-iterated his stance when he typed the words

"So you can't see a difference between stopping the children already created from being born, and not making them or being more careful to plan for their life better?"

(pay attention to the words in red.... can't get much clearer on where he stands than that.)

I didn't make his fingers type those words, but I sure as **** will point out the flaw in his reasoning, just like he will sure as **** point out the flaws he sees in anyone else's.

He acting as if he's been inside the household of every mixed race couple and listened in on their family planning sessions because he knows one mixed race kid that had a difficult time fitting in. If he's had more experience than that, he's never shared... it's this kid that keeps being tossed up as his example of why 1/2 breeds shouldn't exist.

If anyone paints TJ as a racist, it's TJ himself, with statements such as those.

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You guys are just playing pile up on TJ. I didn't see anywhere that he said childeren of mixed race should be killed or anything implying such a thing. To call someone a racist is one of the worst things I can think of if your not one. The whole thread is about being called a racist becuase you don't want people breaking the law coming here illegal or killing and trampling on American rights. That goes for ALL Americans! And when it just happens to be one nationality doing it it dosen't make you a racist trying to stop it.

Good f king grief!
Gilligan strikes again. Why don't you two just go ahead and consumate your love affair?

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You guys are just playing pile up on TJ. I didn't see anywhere that he said childeren of mixed race should be killed or anything implying such a thing. To call someone a racist is one of the worst things I can think of if your not one. The whole thread is about being called a racist becuase you don't want people breaking the law coming here illegal or killing and trampling on American rights. That goes for ALL Americans! And when it just happens to be one nationality doing it it dosen't make you a racist trying to stop it.

Good f king grief!

Well you do see mexican and black guys with the big white girls more than white guys with big white girls........I know blacks and mexicans do like their women to be thicker on average than white guys so I understand that....and maybe that is the same thing that has the big white girls looking to other races if the white guys don't really tend to like them....I guess.

The only part I don't like is the mixed kids, not because I am racist or anything but because I have seen up close how the mixed kids have a very difficult time fitting in with society. My son's best friend is mixed and he had a lot of problems growing up in a world where he was not completely white, and not completely black. He told me if anything, it was the blacks who were more cruel than the whites. He is like my own son and he even comes to see me for my birthdays and father's day. I love that kid (now a young man).

I just wish I could have saved him from that pain.

The Japanese-Americans were put in internment camps, for their own good.

The blacks had their own schools and drinking fountains, for their own good.

Native Americans were moved to the reservations, for their own good.

Nope TJ's not racist. He just doesn't want mixed races breeding, for their own good.



New member
You guys are just playing pile up on TJ. I didn't see anywhere that he said children of mixed race should be killed or anything implying such a thing. To call someone a racist is one of the worst things I can think of if your not one. The whole thread is about being called a racist because you don't want people breaking the law coming here illegal or killing and trampling on American rights. That goes for ALL Americans! And when it just happens to be one nationality doing it it doesn't make you a racist trying to stop it.

Good f king grief!

Well you do see mexican and black guys with the big white girls more than white guys with big white girls........I know blacks and mexicans do like their women to be thicker on average than white guys so I understand that....and maybe that is the same thing that has the big white girls looking to other races if the white guys don't really tend to like them....I guess.

The only part I don't like is the mixed kids, not because I am racist or anything but because I have seen up close how the mixed kids have a very difficult time fitting in with society. My son's best friend is mixed and he had a lot of problems growing up in a world where he was not completely white, and not completely black. He told me if anything, it was the blacks who were more cruel than the whites. He is like my own son and he even comes to see me for my birthdays and father's day. I love that kid (now a young man).

I just wish I could have saved him from that pain.

The Japanese-Americans were put in internment camps, for their own good.

The blacks had their own schools and drinking fountains, for their own good.

Native Americans were moved to the reservations, for their own good.

Nope TJ's not racist. He just doesn't want mixed races breeding, for their own good.
He said he feels the kids have a difficult time fitting in. You can' t possibly take the first sentence out of context if you don't read the whole statement.

I disagree with this him on this only because I don't see that in my district but you might. My neighbors are a mixed couple black and native.There son is my son's best friend and his brother is real close to my granddaughter. I treat Joey like a second son and they treat my son Chris the same way. He is considered family over there.

Those kids have no problem fitting.

I think it's Gods plan that we mix with other races and become the best of the hybrids. Maybe that's why, and in my persepcive, for the most part white women are attracted to black men.

His other comment was simply saying people should have protective ***. They should practice abstinence. They should have children thats planned and not a big mistake. He didn't say dem people.

Come on read what he's saying and quit picking on the scab, it keeps bleeding that way.

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