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Finally someone said it, thank you very much snaf, I was wondering if there was one other person on this board who would actually pin her down on this.People that have a problem with immigrants do so because they are bigoted and are afraid of their numbers and prevalance, not because anyone is taking anything away from them.
I think that statement just embedded the point TJ was getting at with this thread. That was a terrible accusation! I resent being even considered a bigot!
Everybody is invited to camp out at Chi’s house! I want sausage and eggs for my breakfast Chi or I’m eating your dog!
Chi actually proves why we can't fix this massive problem, she is more concerned with race than the laws of the land. To Chi all that seems to matter is that the invasion of America is being done by people who look like her, it is Chi who is stuck on race, she does not want the law enforced "only" because these are fellow Hispanics. I do not believe for a second that she would want higher taxes if suddenly 12 million Japanese people invaded America to squat and get on welfare.
We just have to look at the facts of Chi's arguements, she refuses to accept that they do get all forms of welfare, Chi refuses to admit they do have their many kids in our schools and she downplays the crime rates and drug trafficking the Mexicans conduct over our border. Chi also refuses to see that the "AMERICANS" on the border and living in border States do live in fear, do have thousands of illegals walking through their land and leaving trash to include dead bodies.
So far the only defense Chi has offered to allowing illegals to stay and continue crossing into America is that everyone who does not want this is a racist.....................