Book Of Matt

I work for a parcel company 'ANC' in the warehouse, carrying boxes that can weigh anything from 1kg (really good) to 70KG (not so good) essentially from the weight of a feather to a fully grown man..

Its fun and we get up to alot mischief, like the other day i slid down the convierbelt on a board! FUN TIMES!
If they werent paying me i would still go in just for some of the fun! I mean a life sized scooby doo came threw the other day n i was like 'woah........... i need a drink' lol
Tonights plans: Work Work n more work
Bath (i smell n greecey but something is drying in the bathroom so i cannot use its!)
Food! (i need my nutrition, i is a growing boy ^_^)
Clubbing (Nothing like wreckless dancing, mindless groping and excessive drinking to say '**** YEA BRING ON WEDNESDAY!)
Recovering (Sure to have hang over tommorow morning)(
Right so how is here last night went:

I went to a gig to see Pursuit and DR Razo with a couple freinds, it was a great laugh but I had to leave early as I had previous plans with other freinds (this one more of a spur of the moment thing)

Now here is where the real fun happens:
We got into the club and met up with a freind I hadnt seen for over a month! And we got to know other people he was with, it was insane we were jumping around, crowd surfing in our lil area and so on. One of my freinds distracted by a girl at this point & he hopes for further news, same thing happend to me I met this awesome girl who is just as nuts and hyper as me, we got on very well and am seeing her again maybe on Friday but deffinatly Saturday. But it werent as fun when someone jumped on me leading to crashing my knees on the floor, they are now both bruised and hurt alot! The club lasted a whole hour longer then advertised which was a bonus and the music was fairly good but the shere insanity of our crowd alone kept the mood of us up, we then had a subway at like 3.15am which was awesome! Then i got home.

Today I went up town with a couple freinds, heard from Rachel again which was nice and got tickets for Fridays mad party! Lets get down for the 3 day binge! lol
Fittest food place XD lol love ur wording sometimes, it's so adorable! lol

Anyways yesterday I just went up town for a bit with a couple mates, aranged plans for tonight which includes clubbing where a double JD and coke only sets u back 1.99. So yah cheap booze up, we also went around looking at clothes n cds n ****.

So far today I met up with Rachel and a few of her freinds at Brighton beach, it feels and looks like summer btw, had chips, ice cream and a bevvy to wash it down with. It was fun but had to be cut short as she had to go back to college and I have to get ready for work. I then baught my freind a CD for his bday which tommorow (2 of best mates have bday on same day). Then on saturday im going to Rachels birthday, o how my head is spinning!
2 best freinds bdays on Friday
Another one on saturday lol

They are genuingly both born on the 9th of March and Rachels is genuingly the 10th lol