Border jumpers taking over

Lethalfind said:
I don't know about where you come from but where I grew up in Texas one of the reasons to hire an illegal is because you don't have to pay them minimum wage, who are they going to complain to?
I don't get your reasoning...
American employers take advantage of the cheap labor, the immigrants work hard, take less money then American employees. The immigrants still get more money then they would be making in Mexico but are still being taken advantage of by our standards.
I agree that the US should do more to the American employers then they are doing now. I also think that the illegals should be loaded up on a bus and taken back home.
a big resounding WRONG!!!! Employers who violate federally mandated labor statutes face HEAVY fines and penalties. If they do pay less than the federal minimum wage, then they must pay them "under the table" and of course they won't get to deduct their salaries as an expense and if one of them get's hurt, you better just shoot him in the head, because there WILL be an investigation of why an employee was hurt and you don't pay w2 on him.

The risk is too great for most employers to take, and a most employers are pretty honest and afraid to break laws.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
The risk is too great for most employers to take, and a most employers are pretty honest and afraid to break laws.
MRIH ,you are pretty decent with a debate for time to time ,but this is way off man. Your statement above is correct to a small % and that is it. Most of these employers have as much concern for the laws as I do for MM! hehe :D
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
a big resounding WRONG!!!! Employers who violate federally mandated labor statutes face HEAVY fines and penalties. If they do pay less than the federal minimum wage, then they must pay them "under the table" and of course they won't get to deduct their salaries as an expense and if one of them get's hurt, you better just shoot him in the head, because there WILL be an investigation of why an employee was hurt and you don't pay w2 on him.

The risk is too great for most employers to take, and a most employers are pretty honest and afraid to break laws.

Listen, your not thinking, unless an illegal alien has false ID they have to be paid under the table because as an illegal alien can't be reported as an employee. Employers are supposed to report employees quarterly to the IRS, what are they going to put down for their illegal aliens? AND if an illegal alien is being paid less then minimum wage, who are they going to complain to?
Working illegally is less risky if you can get someone to pay you under the table then if you steal someones ID, then you have compounded your lawbreaking.
Lethalfind said:
Listen, your not thinking,
it is YOU who is not thinking. You just underscored MY point in the following sentence!

Lethalfind said:
... unless an illegal alien has false ID they have to be paid under the table...
They ALL have fake SSN's and DL#'s, hell california has been mulling over giving illegals DL#'s (or don't you pay attention to the news)... The labor laws require that an employer verify a SSN and DL# number. fake SSN's sell for abpout 200$ - 300$, once they get that, they get a DL from the state. WHAM! That's all there is to it... 99.9% of all the illegals have these two documents and the other .1% are in the process of getting them.

Lethalfind said:
because as an illegal alien can't be reported as an employee. Employers are supposed to report employees quarterly to the IRS, what are they going to put down for their illegal aliens?
is that both of them? or all three? ... Every illegal alien I have ever encountered had a fake SSN and a valid DL. (and I have encountered many hundreds if not thousands)

Lethalfind said:
AND if an illegal alien is being paid less then minimum wage, who are they going to complain to?
If he has an SSN and a DL he can complain to the authorities, although he won't because no one is dumb enough to risk their business to knowingly hire an illegal alien. Maybe YOU would, but not anyone with any sense.

Lethalfind said:
Working illegally is less risky if you can get someone to pay you under the table then if you steal someones ID, then you have compounded your lawbreaking.
You obviously have no idea what you are talkng about. How many illegals do you know that do not possess a fake SSN or a DL? The chances are nill that you do.
sixes said:
MRIH ,you are pretty decent with a debate for time to time ,but this is way off man. Your statement above is correct to a small % and that is it. Most of these employers have as much concern for the laws as I do for MM! hehe :D
Not every business is Enron, sixes... The vast majority of businesses are deathly afraid of any form of litigation be it civil or criminal.
RoyalOrleans said:
On that note, you think that shooting people bearing children and the elderly is the answer to the immigration problem? We would make legitimate enemies this way.

That is a screwed up situation, there is no doubt about that. I highly doubt that the point would be to kill a lot of them. The point would be that within a week, the word would get around and people would stop trying.

RoyalOrleans said:
Well coming over here illegally is a lot easier than it is to come here legally. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

Yeah, like robbing a bank is easier than having to work monday thru friday, every week of the year. Or like selling cocaine is easier than working a day job.
g_man500a said:
Yeah, like robbing a bank is easier than having to work monday thru friday, every week of the year. Or like selling cocaine is easier than working a day job.

Than you obviously have never seen the movie Scarface ??
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
You obviously have no idea what you are talkng about. How many illegals do you know that do not possess a fake SSN or a DL? The chances are nill that you do.

It's very hard to get one thats fake. But aren't even some of the illegals selling them illegally. :D
g_man500a said:
That is a screwed up situation, there is no doubt about that. I highly doubt that the point would be to kill a lot of them. The point would be that within a week, the word would get around and people would stop trying.

Who the **** are you?

g_man500a said:
Yeah, like robbing a bank is easier than having to work monday thru friday, every week of the year. Or like selling cocaine is easier than working a day job.

Who the **** are you?
Hamza123 said:
Than you obviously have never seen the movie Scarface ??

First, that's just a movie and second I wasn't talking about becoming some kind of kingpin. My point was that if it was okay to just choose the easy route, then why not just sell crack or shoot up banks.
Hamza123 said:
I wouldn't piss Royal off...

Thats for tuesdays. guys are hilarious... What is he gonna do, reach out from the computer screen? put him in the "idiot box"? ban him? You guys are funny, you fear personas on a screen, for all you know he could be some scrawny nobody acting big and bad on 'the net'.
Chi said: guys are hilarious... What is he gonna do, reach out from the computer screen? put him in the "idiot box"? ban him? You guys are funny, you fear personas on a screen, for all you know he could be some scrawny nobody acting big and bad on 'the net'.

I agree. A lot of people that act big online aren't much in real life.
Chi said: guys are hilarious... What is he gonna do, reach out from the computer screen? put him in the "idiot box"? ban him? You guys are funny, you fear personas on a screen, for all you know he could be some scrawny nobody acting big and bad on 'the net'.

I ain't that tough and I don't act like no rebel, but I'm 6'2" and I'm down with the Devil.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
it is YOU who is not thinking. You just underscored MY point in the following sentence!

They ALL have fake SSN's and DL#'s, hell california has been mulling over giving illegals DL#'s (or don't you pay attention to the news)... The labor laws require that an employer verify a SSN and DL# number. fake SSN's sell for abpout 200$ - 300$, once they get that, they get a DL from the state. WHAM! That's all there is to it... 99.9% of all the illegals have these two documents and the other .1% are in the process of getting them.

is that both of them? or all three? ... Every illegal alien I have ever encountered had a fake SSN and a valid DL. (and I have encountered many hundreds if not thousands)

If he has an SSN and a DL he can complain to the authorities, although he won't because no one is dumb enough to risk their business to knowingly hire an illegal alien. Maybe YOU would, but not anyone with any sense.

You obviously have no idea what you are talkng about. How many illegals do you know that do not possess a fake SSN or a DL? The chances are nill that you do.

There is a whole posse of them that work for my family...back home in Texas...My Mom us elderly, this issue came up that they could not have the woman who cleans her house drive her places because she has no drivers license and therefore could not be covered by insurance to drive my Mothers car.
Spare me your pretense at didn't convince me or probably anyone else reading this thread...