Breakdown Conspiracy's Journal

Ohhh Jona you're from New Zealand yes.... Have you seen a film called Black Sheep? I saw a trailer for it on youtube and apparently it's coming out over here soon... it looks soooo funny! Killer sheep! :D
Ohhh Jona you're from New Zealand yes.... Have you seen a film called Black Sheep? I saw a trailer for it on youtube and apparently it's coming out over here soon... it looks soooo funny! Killer sheep! :D
Yup such a random movie lol. :D Ahh it came out here in April. 0_o

wow...I'd love to have 240 gigs

Hmm but from memory u have a better CPU. So you win :p
Hmm that new hard drive hasn't fully fixed my problem. Must be my RAM or Motherboard. :eek:
Anyways I got 2 more credits in Level3 Math :D
And see my album review in the review section..
Hey, lol I just read your 'advice request' thread and my guy sounds exactly like you haha.
he doesn't want to rush things, so we're still in the middle :/
yea I'm kinda waiting cause now I can't talk about him as a boyfriend but neither as just a friend.. that's annoying... but I'm willing to wait.

what's your reason?
ah yea.. no I don't think that's his worst worry.
he's 5,5 years older than me and takes these things a bit more seriously I guess.
we've kissed though.
Hey all.
Went out with some friends for once last night. Was great. We drove around in the cars (there were two), in the middle of Nelson City, with the bass blaring etc =D Went to see "The Invasion", wasent as bad as I thought it was going to be. I was txting Somi in the movie for abit, and some jock, called tom got a hold of her cellphone and was asking me like, who am, are me n somi going out etc etc
Cause apparently she was playing strip poker, which was true. Not like naked though, I doubt Somi would sink that low...:confused: I've also decided that next year if things go well at Polytech, I'm going to ask her out. I know its long distance etc...But for some reason I just want her 0_o
Anyways after the movies we went to "Hellz Pizza" (great place). And then we just drove around chatting until 12am, until I had to go home. But on the way home we stoped at a gas station and this other car full of 5 teenagers pulled up next to us, and there was a girl sitting on a guys lap bouncing up and down lol. Me and my friends speculated if they were ****ing, but they must pretty lame to do it in a car, in public, and infront of like 5 people.
Anyways. Comments?
Haha, sounds well fun! I wish my friends could drive =(
Zomg ask her out!!!1 Long distance is gay sometimes but if you really try you can make it work :]
And lol + ew at the girl & guy in the car.. though I wouldn't put it past a couple of chavs!