Breakdown Conspiracy's Journal

Hmm my OS hard drive had something really odd wrong with it so I formatted it and reinstalled windows last night. Now I just need a few programs back. FYI: Im almost over the cold. ^^
Long time no journal everyone.
Not much has been happening, just study, work, and occasionally talking to Frib on msn. :p
Somethings I have done though are: made my 1st Machinima movie (its just small and made to get to grips with making movies). And Im planning my next already.

I am also in the mix at the momment with Azem, working out a new song.
Also I have developed a small, but close, relationship with a friend of mine called Somi. (The girl who I went to see at the choir, if yall remember.) I will be seeing her in October, but it will be the last time for a good year or two 0_o because we live in different parts of NZ and we will be going to different Universities. But hey it could be a long term investment. :D


^ Somi Yes again..I have asian friends, But she still sounds like your basic spoiled Aucklander. So basically shes English..and not asian...well you get the drift..

Sea crest Out...

Well sort of...

haha yeah it kinda is
I actually have no idea why I concurred with him, but I guess that way the quote sounds better lol

btw Jona you're a ****ing asshole too :D
OMFG Update! Hey, got a surprise last night... Somi rang me ^_^ It would usually be a toll call, but she has some callgin card thing... Anyway, **** it was cool. She's rung me on my cell once before but we like talked for 5 mins. This tim we talked for like a whole 20mins. This may sound kinda dumb to ya'll, but things like that mean alot, mainly cause Ive never really had a girl who openly says im hot, or cool, r anything. So its just nice to know that she somewhat cares.

I love how you desribed her as a "long term investment" hahahah xD

And you sig quote is slightly worrying! o_0

LOL nar dont worry bout my qoute. And yea I dont really want a relationship right now. Cause next year ill be starting tertiary education , which is when ill really need to focus.

haha yeah it kinda is
I actually have no idea why I concurred with him, but I guess that way the quote sounds better lol

btw Jona you're a ****ing asshole too :D

HAHA thanks frib.
Well Ladies and Gentlemen. I finally passed something in awhile, this time it was Series and Mathematical Models. It was worth 4 credits at level 3 (the highest high school level).
w00tness. :thumbsup:

EDIT: Oh and I just bought this tshirt.