breast milk attack?


Active Members
And a time before we had something called Aids, lol.

At one time we had open air markets too hugo, you want to go back to leaving your meats out in the open?

Unlike hugo, I am actually trained in basic medical care as a first responder to include one way breathing masks and splints that are in ever car I drive because there is a responsibility that goes with training as a first responder. And my biggest responsibility is not to create another victim ( like myself and my family) while I am trying to help one victim.

Why does hugo believe he should have the rignt to expose other people by force to his fluids without penalty as long as he is not carrying a disease? Let me say again, your rights end where another's rights begin hugo. When you force your fluids on another person against their will you are in my mind doing something severe.

I guess you do not believe in individual rights and protecting them.

We should be more understanding of the criminals who can't control themselves and offer them kindness and help when they offer disobediance and nasty behaviors to society........because after all, society made them do it right hugo?

I am going to post this one again because hugo is missing the point of responsibility in the discussion and maybe he will take the time to read it this time:

"Why do children want to grow up? Because they experience their lives as constrained by immaturity and perceive adulthood as a condition of greater freedom and opportunity. But what is there today, in America, that very poor and very rich adolescents want to do but cannot do? Not much: they can "do" drugs, "have" ***, "make" babies, and "get" money (from their parents, crime, or the State). For such adolescents, adulthood becomes synonymous with responsibility rather than liberty. Is it any surprise that they remain adolescents?" ~ Thomas Szasz

Society did not force this woman to do what she did hugo, that was her decision, and that decision should hold a penalty.

"We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until... we have stopped saying "It got lost," and say "I lost it." ~ Sidney J. Harris



New member
If you have ten thousand regulations, you destroy all respect for the law. – Winston Churchill

Where is the politician who has not promised to fight to the death for lower taxes- and who has not proceeded to vote for the very spending projects that make tax cuts impossible?

Barry Goldwater



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"The price of greatness is responsibility." ~ Winston Churchill

The real shame is a society of people who require ten thousand regulations because they are more interested in splitting hairs than doing what is right.

You hugo are part of that minset to try and offer excuses for bad behavior instead of just saying that forcing your body fluids on someone else is wrong.

"Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses." ~ George Washington Carver



"The willingness to accept responsibility for one's own life is the source from which self-respect springs." ~Joan Didion

"Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will - his personal responsibility. ~ Albert Einstein



New member
It comes down to this, boys and girls. You can be a brave American and risk that someone may engage you in an unprovoked food fight, or you can be a phucking ***** and demand taxpayers pay 30-40K a year, plus the court costs, to keep such dangerous individuals behind bars.

The decision is yours.



Active Members
It comes down to this, boys and girls. You can be a brave American and risk that someone may engage you in an unprovoked food fight, or you can be a phucking ***** and demand taxpayers pay 30-40K a year, plus the court costs, to keep such dangerous individuals behind bars.

The decision is yours.
Another distortion, your trying to divert the discussion away from reality hugo.

People with felony charges do not go to prison very often, around 5% will but most of them will have several prior convictions showing a pattern of problems or they will have one very big charge like attempted murder or something.

So this decision does not involve 30-40k a year as you just said, while on probation the person has to pay for their time so there is no cost of supervision to the State at all. All crimes end up with the person in a court of law so charging them with a felony instead of a misdemeanor does not change that, both charges require the state to spend that money.

So no change in the cost.

The decision is not about the money, the decision is about the mindeset of holding people accountable for what they do or not. The decision is if a person should be allowed to force exposure to their body fluids or not. The concept the liberals and hugo want you to believe is that some crime is reasonable and we should just accept them as the fault of society, not the individual. The liberals and hugo want to set aside individual responsibility and make excuses for people so they do not have to face punnishments for what these progressive minded people see as "reasonable" or minor.

Give somebody an inch and they'll take a mile.

If you condone crime in one area, they will take what you condone then a step further, so again your out there giving in again and they take more again, over and over again until the day you say, no more, I will give no more, this is the limit, going further than this is not acceptable.

Liberals and hugo are still in the mode of giving in, letting behavior slip a little at a time, over and over again to placate the unruly masses. And it is that attitude by liberals and hugo that has eroded our morals in America.



New member
The fact is, boys and girls 50 years ago the cops would be laughing about the dumb broad and asking the "victim" what the gal's **** looked like. It is the pussification of America that has brought us to the point where someone could seriously consider this a felony. We have become a nation of *******. (Ladies, pardon me for not using the non-gender term wussie, people were not real PC fifty years ago either.)

What would have been entertaining was if the cop had also been lactating and she had retaliated and a dueling **** squeeze milk fight had ensued.

People with felony charges do not go to prison very often, around 5%
Do you expect people to believe your lies? Newsflash: the internet allows such bogus stats to be quickly proved bogus.



Active Members
The fact is, boys and girls 50 years ago the cops would be laughing about the dumb broad and asking the "victim" what the gal's **** looked like. It is the pussification of America that has brought us to the point where someone could seriously consider this a felony. We have become a nation of *******. (Ladies, pardon me for not using the non-gender term wussie, people were not real PC fifty years ago either.)
50 years ago the woman would have had more self-respect than to expose their ******* or even consider using their breast milk as a weapon. Of course 50 years ago the average woman with child was married as well while today the fastest growing segment of society is the never married mother of two.

Did we get to this point in one big step or did it instead take millions of baby steps?

The answer is baby steps and these baby steps are made possible by people like hugo who make excuses for bad behavior instead of saying the bad behavior is wrong. The Liberals and hugo want us to believe this kind of thing is normal, but it is not normal, and should not be seen as normal. We should be encouraging our members of society to behave themselves, not encouraging them to misbehave by comming up with all kinds of excuses in the name of being a progressive.

Hugo is not stupid, even in his own police State of Texas, it is rare that anyone charged with a felony ever goes to Prison, hugo also knows that the State of Texas actually makes money from the probation system because the felon must pay for the cost of his supervision. So why is hugo misrepresenting the debate? Because maybe he is more liberal than he admits to being.

What would have been entertaining was if the cop had also been lactating and she had retaliated and a dueling **** squeeze milk fight had ensued.

This would have made the situation mutual permission of exposure and yes, very funny.

Do you expect people to believe your lies? Newsflash: the internet allows such bogus stats to be quickly proved bogus.
Okay, here you go again trying to misrepresent what I was trying to say so let me make it more clear.

If this was her "only" felony as was pointed out in the story, then she has a 95% chance of getting no more than probation, if during her sentencing it is discovered that she has several other felony convictions then the sentencing guidelines would possibly give her a very short time in a local jail, there is almost no way she could be given prison time on this kind of charge. She would have to be charged with a VOP (violation of probation) for this charge to send her to prison and even then it is not this charge but instead the conditions of their probation that said they were supposed to stay out of trouble that really was why they went to prison.



New member
To cut through all the BS I'd give her 400 hours of community service cleaning up biohazards. We have to recognize we live in a pussified world.


New member
The fact is, boys and girls 50 years ago the cops would be laughing about the dumb broad and asking the "victim" what the gal's **** looked like.

50 years ago the cop wouldn't have been female and the woman would have been slapped, beaten, or worse and the prevailing viewpoint would have been that she deserved a beating.



Active Members
To cut through all the BS I'd give her 400 hours of community service cleaning up biohazards. We have to recognize we live in a pussified world.
And community service would be the most likely penalty even if it was a felony, just because you charge a person with a felony that does not mean they go to prison, I have started a new thread to try and explain this to you using your own State as a basis.

And part of the pussified world is people like you want to protect people from the results of their own folly hugo.



New member
50 years ago the cop wouldn't have been female and the woman would have been slapped, beaten, or worse and the prevailing viewpoint would have been that she deserved a beating.
Yep, and the cop would have been at least 5' 10".



New member
And community service would be the most likely penalty even if it was a felony, just because you charge a person with a felony that does not mean they go to prison, I have started a new thread to try and explain this to you using your own State as a basis.

And part of the pussified world is people like you want to protect people from the results of their own folly hugo.

You ever tried to convince your HR department to allow you to hire a convicted felon? I have.



Active Members
You ever tried to convince your HR department to allow you to hire a convicted felon? I have.

Wow, the picture of liberal thinking and understanding hugo, no wonder you Libertarians are starting to support people like Obama.......

As it stands I don't see anything wrong with hiring a convicted felon within reasonable exceptions, such as a bank robber should not be working in a bank, but I truly believe in paying your debt to society and the chance to live down the past. I have hired a few myself, mostly in construction to be honest, but still I give then trust until they prove they are not worthy of it.

But "FIRST" they must pay that price to society, and that is not possible if someone is out there making excuses for what they did that prevents that person from learning from their mistake.



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TJ and Tammi.

Once we were a nation of brave pioneers.
So we back to personal flames to dodge your losing a discussion hugo?

What part of consensual exposure do you fail to understand? I do not want people to force exposure on anyone else so you think that is the exact same thing as not wanting "ANY" exposures to include fun times?

Your exactly like Obama, Reid, and Pelosi, people do not want "THEIR" version of healthcare reform so all those three do is run around and claim the conservatives do not want "ANY" reform. Amazing how much you have in common with the radical liberals hugo. right down to how you use false claims to try and derail attention away from a topic your weak on.

You lied about the woman being forced into prison if she was charged with a felony.

You lied about the cost to the State if she was convicted with a felony

You lied about the cost to bring her to court if she was charged with a felony.

You lie about me not wanting any exposure to a woman.

Yep, you fit into the liberal scheme of things nicely.

The point is that hugo is the kind of progressive who loves to come up with excuses for bad behavior in society, these behaviors would never had been tolerated by people like Thomas Jefferson hugo, do you think this is what our founding fathers had for personal freedom? Do you believe they would approve of how your trying to protect peopel from their own bad behaviors? Dignity was very important to them in those days hugo, where is the dignity is snatching out your breast and squirting peopel with it? Where is the self-control? Where is the self-discipline?

“With self-discipline most anything is possible.� ~ Theodore Roosevelt

“Everyone tries to define this thing called Character. It's not hard. Character is doing what's right when nobody's looking.� ~ unknown

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