Can they quit on their own?


New member
Great clip Snafu, I remember being in 7th grade and the school I was in had a police officer show up and do a presentation about drugs, showed us what it looked like, what it did to people's brains, and it scared me to death. It was huge in helping me to avoid peer pressure. Also seeing people I loved die, and vanish was huge too. The worse thing I ever actually saw was a teenager dead on my lawn from an overdose, I was leaving for school and saw him laying there. Freaked me out.


New member
Some kid dead on your lawn?? Your best friend a crack head?? who the **** are you?? the crazy, **** life magnet or what???.


I was thinking the same thing. What a nonchalant thing to say. Like everybody has a dead OD person on their lawn.




New member
Some kid dead on your lawn?? Your best friend a crack head?? who the **** are you?? the crazy, **** life magnet or what???.


LOL, I swear I have often wondered about that myself. I didn't know the dead guy at all, I was about 8 when that happened, and I lived in a good neighborhood. Most of my friends are either in the military or police, or work for the state. I met this girl when I was bartending and she was really sweet then, she didn't smoke cigs, hardly drank and didn't do drugs when I met her, also, she's moved around for years so I haven't had constant contact with her either. Like I said, she was nice. Now she's evil as can be. Drugs can really change a person I've seen :( She is no longer my friend either.


New member
I geuss living in an Adventist ghetto sheltered me, I didn't see much like that until I got to University in Arlington, Texas.

They showed us videos of the ills of drugs and drinking, the trotted out people who had abused drugs and were now reformed...they even brought the police with drug sniffing dogs to the school to search our lockers and smell around our cars...

In the end, it stopped me from doing anything stronger then pot...I drank a little.

I've always had a problem sleeping, people would try to offer me acid or cocaine and then tell me how cool it was to be up for 24 hours...I was like **** no, I already have that problem...



New member
Sorry - can't help. I've never even puffed on a cigarette.

But this topic's made for some interesting reading!



New member
From what i've heard about crack and crackheads... I'd say no, they cannot.
I only know one that got out totally and never turned back, but she says to this day (15 years later) she doesn't think she could walk into a room where people were smoking it and walk out, so she has to totally avoid any situation that may put her near it (bars, parties, etc.) ,or anybody who may smoke it.
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